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Who was in the wrong here?
Humans belong to _____
I'm so glad that I don't browse the wow forums
why does everyone in trade chat try to sell things for more than twice of what they're worth?
>Who was in the wrong here?
the forum mod who didn't already permaban both of them.
I can pull multiple packs as Blood DK, it's still easy it just takes forever.
If you have sephuz use that because haste is gold in these shitty templates
Elves and exotic humanoids like draenei are the only things that make this game sell anymore.
aha I've found a 4th hunter spell
lets you kill things faster
has a 3 minute cooldown though
not too sure about that
>ywn get slowly crushed underneath a pit lord's foot.
Why live?
honest thoughts on pevado?
drink bleach
>new trial arms warrior in raid group
>not really expierienced pvp'ed most of the time
>we start the boss
>RL explains the tactic
>see the warriors voice chat icon blinking because he doesnt have his mic on push to talk
>tank goes in we start the encounter
>warrior charges in avatars with battle cry followed by a pummel
>he proceds to heroic leap back to charge in again
>his macros arent updated so he says on /say /cast berserker stance
>raid leader confused because we are supposed to stack and hes like 30 yards away from us
>suddenly he starts yelling the song lyrics "YOU WON'T CATCH ME FOR GRANTING MY DECISION"
>RL is like "wtf?"
I filter every picture that shares his screenshot resolutions.
>tfw leveling alts the natural way by questing and doing the occasional dungeon
Holy fuck it actually feels like I'm playing World of Warcraft again!
>which is most fun?
>which has the biggest crit potential?
>which us most aesthetic?
>youtubers who make complete class reviews for the alpha and specs that didn't have their rework yet
umm excuse me?
Jesus, he sounds like he found a way to actually have fun with this game
mad with envy desu
You could've done that before the patch.
But the questing is slower now and dungeons don't give too much xp like they used to. It feels like WoTLK
>muh fun
>muh skinnerbox potential
>muh looks
dumb redditor
ancient pasta
you could have just sucked some homeless guys dick earlier
what the fuck are you even talking about?
I know I'm never going to use them but I feel compelled to grind it heritage armours anyways. Kill me.
Oh, my bad for trying to ask about the game.
Guess I should just start waifuposting or fetishposting like everyone else.
Eat a dick.
>leveling in Pandaria
why didn't they set Cata/Mists from 70-90 or 80-100?
Pandaria is the comfiest leveling area in the game. The music is chill as fuck. Zones are all beautiful besides dread wastes.
Nothing is sadder then the Iron Horde Grunt.
pls post
Casters aren't fun, they're the role people have to play because there are too many melee in a group
You could try Shadow but it devolves into Void Bolt > Mind Blast > Mind Flay > Void Bolt > Mind Flay > repeat for 90% of the fight
the questline in Stormheim to help the Ravenkin that ends with you leading them to Nithogg only for Nithogg to kill them all, making it so whenever you walk through that area you see their smoldering corpses.
pwned noob
Destro, Destro, Destro
My online GF is making me tighten my budget since she's starting HRT. I have to chose between Netflix or WoW to let go from my monthly expenses. Which one do I let go of /wowg/?
can i open world as a disci?
Destro is the kino of casters for sure
>going to be destro 4 expansions in a row in BFA
trying too hard r*ddit
I have tried every caster except spriest and I really don't like any of them at all. Destro is okay I guess.
no way this is real
>friend sees hoq much hours I've logged in wow, wants to play
>he's a singleplayer type od guy who can't maintain a regular schedule
how can I convince him to not drop 90 on this? He's only going to drag whatever guild he hops into down
What's Destro's rotation like? Dot, then incinerate til chaos bolt?
Dwarf or Elf warlock?
Dump the cunt, bitch. If she's not even your wife and she's trying to get you to do shit you need to get a new girlfriend, preferably one that's offline faggot.
Good, fuck balance druids
how come only girls play druid?
wow you're sharp
>Moonkin form using the base of WoD Arrakoa never ever
Why live?
because they like flexible open relationships
how do i check if i did a greater invasion portal already?
>Tigole moving on to another project
>an unannounced MMO
better start saying your goodbyes soon lads BfA is the last WoW xpac
it wont show on map if you did the weekly boss
Worried about this Nu-Arms they're making for BFA.
>overpower buffs mortal strike
>execute buffs mortal strike
>colossus smash on top of that
all this says to me is that mortal strike is turning into some weakass faggot worthless ability unless your shit is stacked, literally just slam with mortal wounds
Sylvanas will suck human cocks in the Stockades before they pin her head right next to Onyxia's
>Trial of the Crusader still bugged
that's not the only thing that's flexible and open
Immolate -> Conflagregate -> Chaos bolt/Incenerate depending on your shards.
>everquest still on expansion 18
>wow is going to stop now though
ok chief
The turning into an animal thing has a lot of appeal to them. Animals in general seem to be girl bait, in fact, which is why tyranids are commonly played by girls in 40k for instance. Druid is the girl class in older games too like D&D; it's funny that the class was male only in lore for a while.
ah nice
the shard system is complete fuckin trash
more like shart
t. Americans
is WoD leveling unchanged?
That's it? This is the fun caster?
It sounds like FDK
>Remorseless Winter > dump Rime > Oblit/Frost Strike depending on runes/RP
>On February 12, 2009, Jeff announced that he was leaving WoW to work on Blizzard's other unannounced MMO project.[2]
>He is now the Lead Game Designer for Overwatch. He seems to enjoy his new job.
you, Rdord
try containing your autistic obsession with a foreign country in check
you also got a demon pet, a demon CD, and other CD's based on your talents. the most fun part is large packs of mobs you can cleave with your basic attack
>tfw boosted 6 characters to 110 in order to unlock professions world quests and making mad 20k gold every 3 days just from collecting
It sounds like literally every class, idiot.
>Me am spam builder
>Me am dump resource
>Me am use other ability depending on proc/resource
>If me am really lucky, me am refresh dot/buff
Skippable WoD when?
Not Survival, tardboy
Assassins are a possible Rogue hero class. They specialise in disposing of their victims quickly and efficiently, and are unique in that they can kill an enemy of their own level in a single blow (only once per 5 minutes, wouldn't want to make it too easy!). They can also use sniper rifles, which allow them to do heavy damage from a great distance.
assasin class when bros?
is this bait?
You also have to manage Life Tap with your health pool maintaining both mana and the buff uptime, and there's your artifact ability which you need to generate resources and maintain more buffs. What makes casters engaging is that the only time they can move without losing dps is when they cast an instant spell, which are usually uncommonly available. Unlike melee there's a shitload more focus on planned positioning, being in the right place before the right time even happens, because to damage optimally you can only move in 1.5sec intervals.
>Me am build mongoose bite charges
>Me am dump mongoose bite
>Me am use Butchery if aoe
>Me am refresh exp trap/mok/lacerate cuz overlucky
well you got about half of the class I guess if you ignore damage/crit procs for raptor strike, caltrops, cds for separate bite phases and a cd for between bite phases
but yeah
am i playing warcraft or geting fucked i nthe ass rn??
I remember my humble beginnings :)
Oh yeah caltrops. And refreshing mok automatically factors in using raptor strike about every 6 MB anyway, the 2/4set added nothing.
god i am so glad I did that last year
Im not sure how I feel about Nightborn casting animations.
did the pantheon ever apologize for almost wiping us out in ulduar?
male nelf casting is the worst in game, that's why I'll skip zandalari too
Lul at least you'll max out your archaeology before you are done.
Did you apologize to Illidan for killing him?
You don't have to get the mount, it's just a shitty reskin with no flying
he's a genocidal maniac
did they remove the /script soundfile command?
Where do all the call EUers play?
Really? I figured zandalari would ONLY good race to actually roll for BFA but everyone is crappy on it. Although I do admit beyond the assets and druid stuff for the race nothing looks good tho.
I guess allied races were a big joke in the end. At least stupid normies get to "customize" themselves more while they enjoy the more immersive leveling experience playing at most a 1/3 slower while riding on their $25 chinese doggo mount (that chinese players get for free just for subbing for 6months).
What a fucking joke. Glad I finally got off my lazy ass to finish collecting all my legendaries on my DK. Guess I'll have to time to put more alts through argus, in order to do the good goy approach of buying boosts for gold.
i do it for sport
how do people even get the required gold to buy a game time token?
Zandalari have new animations
tell us what you asshol why did you even bring it up with no source