Fighting Games General /fgg/
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I wish I was Mai, to be quite honest.
Baiken is FAT
wish brick would stop being so stupid
Play 21
tfw yet another kuso characters makes it over your main
Having too many frames in your animations makes the game feel too realistic and less videogamey.
It's a good thing for NRS games and the like but bad for more fantasy games like Blazblue and Guilty Gear.
wish people would stop being retarded and accept rollback is superior
Oh shit the stream
Fuck yeah
love Plat
BB and GG look like a slide show and is a huge strain on the eyes
Who did they confirm for Cross Tag now? Are Hibiki or Orie confirmed yet?
Also netcode is already doing what that guy suggested. Its not the netcode that introduces the delay and variations in delay it's literally just the time it takes for information to travel back and forth over distance. Games already send the absolute minimum of information back and forth it's not anything other than time for a packet to travel that is bottlenecking it. Basically what you are asking for is what delay netcode already is.
(Reposted for new thread in case you didn't see)
Goobers are mentally ill
Wow, another awful Persona character! I can't wait for the next 3 characters to be Teddie, Rise, and Naoto instead of a character who isn't terrible!
Platinum, Orie and Kanji were just announced.
They have to with the amount of exaggerated GFX on the screen.
> See Falke's theme get posted.
> Decide to give it a listen.
> Feeling deja vu from hearing it.
> See it's composed by Kobaiyashi of Ace Combat Fame.
Okay, fine I'll try the bitch when she comes out.
O hell yeah this guy is sick!
>orie without mitsuru
fuck off
Plat, Orie and Kanji
Remember that time anonyderp had an argument with Brick and got completely btfo so he stopped responding to the actual argument and made unrelated complaints about Brick in an effort to undermine his credibility despite having no argument
Oh wait that's every anonyderp argument
I don't agree at all.
SF3 has far more dynamic 2D animation than BB/GG and loses no sense of impact because of the hitpause and very striking key frames on those pauses.
NRS games are such a travesty that they shouldn't even enter into this conversation.
is this the melty tournament?
> Good Partner with Yang
Move over you Weiss fags.
Good stuff Arcsys, reusing sprites and all!
So about that DLC situation.
arcades are forgotten like tears in rain :'(
Looks like they've updated the UI. Looks flashier and a bit more in line with how the UI in BB games usually look.
>Hating Kanji.
Would people like Platinum more if she had big tits?
What DLC situation? They already said game+DLC is around $60
why don't fighting games use the Final Fight mechanic where you turn around to skip the recovery frames of your punches and attack more quickly?
I like Kanji, but it's just so blatantly obvious which P4A characters they're gonna announced that it's hard to be excited.
Alpha 3 cody can do that in aism
yeah eat that chocolate you fat pig
alpha cody
Why would you run a perfectly sniffable loli by making her a generic cow?
Just cause she got the big bap doesn't mean she's fat, pig poster.
I wasn't even the person arguing with you, I just think your stupid
What's the point when you can just easily just put the dlc in the base game and sell it for 60 then
>Being mad they're picking the Persona 4 characters from PERSONA 4 arena
So you have the option to not buy the ones you don't want and save money?
>I agree, but the keyword there is variable. If you could get a consistent delay, would that not be a preferable solution?
You already can. This is what SFV's rollback code already does. The game has a consistent built in delay across online and offline play which acts as a buffer for the rollback code to prevent frames being lost as long as the connection is decent.
Is 3S Elena easy to learn? I like everything except the blackface lips on her character portrait desu.
Remember when Brick used actual arguments instead of "it's bad" or "it's universally agreed".
I don't
Turd Strike is dash&mash regardless of the character you pick
forgot pic
Im gonna make a Tifa version of this kick
More Makoto because Makoto animations are god tier.
can anyone tell me how they are handling the sprites in this game? aren't they all different sizes coming from different games?
Thats not blackface, soylet
platinum, orie and kanji announced for blaztag blooberz
wish i was akuma bros...
Tbh, the vast majority criticism coming from Brick, regardless of game, could be summarized as "it's not Melty".
The lips look SHIIIIIIIIET tier desu
who smels
Another month, another arcsys stream without revealing Mai
better than no lips
dont even know the last two
Just add loads of filters, nobody will notice right?
Pretty sure they're all about the same resolution.
what the hell ?
Don't worry, best boy will be here soon!!!
anime IRL
woah there buddy
anyone got tips for beating her?
The day when we can do this kind of thing properly in 3D will be a good day.
Grand Finals are up
bringkng up 3rd strikes animations but what about early KOFs, Fatal Fury, and Garou.
What do you guys think about the angry joe review of dooberz?
if thats the case it seems like I should upscale my stuff beforehand
>early KOFs, Fatal Fury
They look like shit my dude
glad he's having fun
These look terrible. Maybe they'd look better if they were made for human eyes and not ants.
Some of SNK's stuff looks great too no doubt.
SNK despite what people say have done a pretty good job transferring over their animation to 3d.
*teleports behind u*
nothin personel kid
>Beta Tournament
sure is
game actually looks fun and has a really nice OST
Yeah the animations are alright, although they look a bit stiff at times because they tried to make them as similar as possible to the sprites (like SFIV's animations in that regard).
> Using pre-fight cutscenes and not showing the game in motion
Try again.
That's actually really cheap. How much is the base game?
The in game animations in Injustice 2 actually look really good and fluid unlike whatever you're posting.
last i saw the base game was about $40usd
I'm talking about the deformation of character shape Disney style to give the impression of motion.
Classical drawn animation techniques don't animate things as a rigid body, they stretch and squash body parts, clothing and so on, so that movement can be seen clearly even in still images of the object.
This is almost never done in 3D because one of the main advantages of 3D is that you don't have to recreate the model for each frame. You make one rigid model and move it around with a skeleton.
Doing this kind of animation work in 3D means deforming your model on a per frame basis, it's pretty much manual motion blur.
based pig poster