/alg/ - Azur Lane General #127

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A new OP guide at long last.

Nagara retrofit when

Nice Nagara.

Don't forget to milk your meido /alg/

Breaking renown's ashes and snorting her ashes!

I'm so sorry, user. Jintsuu is the easiest to drop for me though.

Break that shitty slut's ashes into its atomic components.

Why don't you just get better luck? Come on, it's not that hard.

>muh oil

Let it go already, you'll never get your nigger heart.

I haven't even gotten a single gold BP from 10-4 in 60+ runs, so buying luck isn't a possibility for me.

More like getting real tired of repetitive bullshit and unrewarding map to the point where it feels like some kind of unpaid shitty job.

Just take a break from the game. I didn't touch the game for two weeks and in my first day of returning I got 6 gold BTD BPs.

>More like getting real tired of repetitive bullshit and unrewarding map to the point where it feels like some kind of unpaid shitty job.
Thanks to GBF I already get used to that feeling

That would be an enormous waste of oil, I rather send the 10 hours expedition the weeks I don't feel like thrashing my head against world 10.

My wife, E-chan, a cute.

I'm glad GBF never piqued my interest, I keep hearing it's the biggest of grindfests.

It is. You're expected to grind hundreds of raids a day.

Those virtual oil isn't worth your sanity, user.

That's why I send the 10 hour expeditions instead of spending even more time doing runs.

Why does she constantly talk about eating meat buns if she and her sister are supposedly dirt poor?

Meat buns are pretty cheap.

She's a whole bote, and whole botes eat meat buns.

Yes and all those kung fu stuff they do burns a lot of energy

which world is the best for paint drops? world 4 because only 3 battles before boss? Or do higher worlds drop significantly more paint?

Paint drops from normal Maps after chapter 2 drop paint.
x-1 and x-3 maps drop B, D, and F paint.
x-2 and x-4 maps drop A, C, and G paint.
E Paint is from Task.

2-1 and 2-2

If you just want to go fast then World 2. Higher worlds do not drop more paint.

Odds, I fucking give up and move on from mayamines. Evens, I continue bashing my head here.

Finally, got all the Chinese botes, including the slutty twins

Hope you are moving on to a previous world, cause otherwise you will know true head bashing and find what a bliss Mayamines were.

It's alright. I'm just so sick of seeing her boss chibi.

Commiebote 104 still won't come home to me. I've got enough Commiecats to MLB her though.

I'll start maya mining then.

Good luck user. I've never had trouble with the previous mines but Maya fucked me over really hard. Probably my comeuppance.

Mayamines are very comfy though.

Well that didn't take long.

Fucking explode.

My wife warspite is the cutest!


>In the event scheduled to be held on 26th, a new reaction of "Sirene" which has not appeared so far has been observed.
>Please consult with your stocks and prepare stockpiles for new fighting procurement!
>Let's check the live broadcast scheduled for distribution on February 19 (Mon) event information!



So is this USN or a new event that reuses the siren mechanic?

I love how the replies are always San Diego shitposting

So this new event's going to have the siren chasers? Interesting desu.

>SSR will appear as a drop
>will feature sirens
Unless they go out of their way to make a new event or drastically change Glorious' Battle it seems like it'll be the burger event desu.

My wives are too beautiful for Veeky Forums

Which 203mm gun is the one that is good for CA?

The one you +10d

There was another few hints about the event on their twitter but I don't feel like digging for them.

exeter doesnt have a refit in JP? by the wiki she seemed pretty strong, but on my game she doesnt have how to refit

You can safely scrap absolutely everything that isn't purple, and of the remaining purple guns you can scrap all the non-strengthened 203mm SKC's and scrap all of the other purples but leaving 1 behind of each if you want.

I think they previously mentioned something about battle of the north cape. I know jackshit about history so I dunno.

Chinese version is ahead of JP baka

She's CH exclusive at the moment, and no she's not that good. She's not bad, but for a retrofit SSR she's really not that good.

Reset Neps~

Reset toot.


>siren chasers
isn't that USS event

Yeah, the USN event had them, however it doesn't look like the next event is going to be that, if the hints from the twitter are anything to go by.

Zuikaku Shogun skin when?

I kinda jealous KC get skin this good.

I don't think this is safe.

Oh fuck, is that Leyte Zuikaku? She looks like she's going to die.

It's pretty shit though.

So tigerloli likes getting exploded?

I would like to explode in her if you know what I mean.

>removing twintails
And here I thought kancolle couldn't get any worse.

>removing twintails
And here I thought kancolle couldn't get any better.

Put Arizona or Hammann in it.

Houston is hot as fuck, is she good?

Sorry user, she isn't. She's average or so.

About as good as having spiders all over your body whose sole objective is trying to burrow as deep as possible into your body orifices.


Found it on twitter actually. I'm too poor to buy that, and the golden toilet does the same thing anyway. Here's Arizona on the toilet though.


Raffy retrofit soon.

Kaga is going down on her

Kisaragi is my wife


>Revamped the OP
>Added a warning against discord shitposters (not like its going to prevent them from shitposting anyway)
>No link to previous thread

>Perfectly on time

>Off by a second

I dont understand what happened for /alg/ to have 500 posts overnight for a while with speeds comparable to /gbfg/ then suddenly its quieter than a graveyard

You people are weird


Bulldog is my girlfriend

On the topic of the OP, I'd like to point out that it took the anons here around 115~ threads to revamp the lazily made OP pastebin that I put together in a couple minutes into something actually good that isnt a mishmash of links posted during the first few /alg/ threads.

That means you also did nothing for 115 threads.

Cutest cate finally came home.

Give her a twin gold 127mm, she's pretty good at the whole tooty shooty thing.

>Two yat sens, fubuki, and aurora but still neither of the commiegods

That's not Akashi nya By the way there are two rings on sale for a very generous price nya You can marry Akashi and filthy communist cat at the same time nya Think about it nya

and I got
2 Yat sen
1 Vamp
1 Sexier helena

My pet tiger had a litter of tigglets, I'll trade you one in exchange for any of those ladies.

>mfw no Aurora

I still got a spare we got for free from last year but >marrying more than one bote

I only came back to the game for neps so I was surprised no one bothered to remove that til now.

ive gotten 3 cats but nothing else

>the tiger 130 mm has 65 range
Is this the new BB/BC secondary? Is it time for secondary to do stuff besides just hitting rammers?

>Tfw still no hood and lusty
Can i still build a proper bong teams without them? i already mlb pic related plus unicorn and jabberin kai, i already mlb and retrofit leander, cygnet, and ajax too

Bong doesn't use Lusty. Hood... is a bit of a loss though. You could have Rodney as a placeholder until she appears and you should be fine with QE and Warspite + Jabberin/Belfast/whatever in the front, probably Leander or Cygnet.

you'll get them eventually
you'll get everything eventually if you play long enough
if you're deadset on running bong team you might as well prep for it

You'll get them eventually, I've seen Illustrious in the medal shop before and those two can spook you in limited constructions as well.

Ah thanks, i forgot to say that i use qe, warspite and pow, but pow is kinda bad, even though she's almost lv 90 by now, maybe i just don't know how to use pow or haven't maxed her skills, i think i'm gonna try swapping her for rodney