What are the salient differences between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism? Why did the Protestant Reformation occur in the part of the world under the reign of the Roman Catholic Church and not the Orthodoxy? Why are there so many ethnic variations of the Orthodox Church e.g. Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.?
Orthodoxy and Catholicism
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Protestants hate catholics; has no idea what the fuck orthodox is
Catholics hate protestants
Orthodox hates both
I'm well aware of the attitudes. Your post doesn't really tell me anything constructive.
The primary difference is succession. The Pope in Rome is the sole Patriarch and absolute religious leader of all Catholics, whereas the Orthodox church still follows a system that developed from the Pentarchy, with the Patriarch of Constantinople as the most important living figure.
>What are the salient differences between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism?
Basically ecclesiology and a different cultural development. There are also diferences in theology like the original sin but are easily surmountable.
>Why did the Protestant Reformation occur in the part of the world under the reign of the Roman Catholic Church and not the Orthodoxy?
Protestantism is not only a religious problem is also an ethnic mouvement in an feudal society that is about to die.
>Why are there so many ethnic variations of the Orthodox Church e.g. Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.?
Ecclesiology again. A Church with a Pope rathers a centralistc organization. A Church where the Bishops are collegium of equals enables a more ethnic approach.
Split happened because Byzantines liked State to control Church, Patriarch was a political appointee of Emperor in many cases
Pope increasingly preferred to assert supremacy of Church over state.
Patriarch also wanted more power for himself rather than Papal primacy and later supremacy
Also papal dominance wasn't really historical/traditional it was something that developed gradually
Geographical distance was a major factor
After Muslims fucked up Orthodoxy there really wasn't much contact or dialogue between the two
Doctrinal differences:
Filioque...I don't understand it but this is part of the Nicene creed that Romans supposedly modified, I'm not sure if that's correct or Orthodox propaganda
Romans have more strictly defined Marian doctrines, many of these Orthodox could probably accept but they came from Papal Supremacy in the 1800s which Orthodox don't like
Orthodox don't like the academic/philosophical/legalistic character of Catholic thinking.
Orthodox don't like unleavened bread in Eucharist
HOWEVER, Eastern Catholic Churches which basically retain Eastern style liturgy, theology, etc but submit to the Pope prove that they can get along fine.
Also I predict than within the next century you will see the Pope cede some of his authority as a concession to Orthodoxy and they will come into communion. Priestly celibacy will be dropped, Orthodox will agree to marian doctrines, Catholics will adopt some Orthodox mysticism in their theology, maybe a new ecumenical council with Easterns included. Moscow Patriarch will dissent and split off into his own church.
Without the Moscow Patriarch approbation that ecumenical council is useless and it haven't consecuances.
That was what it happened this summer in the Pan-Orthodox concilium.
Christiniaty is dead in Europe. Rather, drawing in it's last breath. It shot itself in all limbs in 1914 and will never recover.
I reckon this continent is due for an religious revival. That will be Islamic. It does not care what left says or thinks. It does not care about human rights and notions of post-Enlightement. It's full of self-confidence and once the living standard drops or continues to stagnate, it is poised to take advantage of that.
Lutheranism has effectively died. The Church in Baltics, Germany, Sweden and elsewhere are empty and decaying. Catholics are riding a dead horse. It has no trust outside of Africa. Russian Orthodoxy stained itself by aligning so close with the state. It has survived this long only because the people honestly care. Once that goes, it goes.
Catholic Church still growing relative to global population, high church protestants are dead
I agree with most of what you're saying, but Islam will not be the religious revival, especially considering how much Islamic culture differs from Western culture so significantly.
Christianity is the largest faith in Europe. I have no idea what you're talking about, Islam will not overrun Christianity anytime in Europe. Even if there were a religious revival of mega proportions, it would still be Christianity due being entrenched in Europe.
Also, Islam differs so far from western ideology. You're now seeing the backlash against it in the form of Brexit, Le Pen having favourable numbers, AfD in Germany, and 5-Star in Italy. Europe is rejecting mass muslim immigration, well, the right-wing is; they're on the rise.
>Islam will not overrun Christianity anytime in Europe
It will not overrun it. Christianity, especially in UK, France and Germany, wil give way.
Muslims will be minority for decades, likely this entire century, but they will be the spiritual and ad hoc ethical leaders in the low levels of society. And that will seep in to the shrinking middle class.
I know exactly what Orthodox are and believe
Protefags and Cathocucks are degenerate.
Orthococks are just corrupt, atleast the Russian patriarchy.
Are you considering the whole of Latin America and parts of Africa and Asia?
The Church of Sweden isn't Protestant, they're apostate
Protestantism is growing massive in Latin America. Chile even made Reformation Day an official holliday. Catholicism is dying and they are embracing Protestantism
>american denominations
One thing the Orthodox bros have that we don't is Hesychasm
There's a sort-of equivalent in The Cloud of Uknowing (and some other mystical writings of the time) and in Thomas Keating's Centering Prayer technique, which was based on the Cloud, but the Orthodox church seemed to have developed the technique properly, it was kind of lost in the Catholic church over time, till Keating revived it.
Any Orthodox bros know much about it?
It has historical background.
The Christian Church was organized after the Roman Empire.
Therefore the Bishop of Rome got a higher stand but the Emperor was still the head of the Church.
With the division of the Roman Empire in east and west there where 2 Emperors and therefore two heads of Church.
Western Rome was sacked and after the Franks conquered Rome they donated the city to the Church and accepted the Bishop of Rome as the Authority over the Christian Church.
Meanwhile Eastern Rome was still fine and soe the Emperor there remained the head of the Church actually until the 15th century when they finally died to the turks. The turks as the muslims they where saw no reason to make donations to the church so the Bishop of Constantinople remained without any extraordinary power. The Orthodox Church couldn't centrelize anymore without an Emperor and is quite lose and remained the more decentralized cult dependent on the Local (national) Patriarchats. While Catholicism always was centered around Rome.
It's the same Church that just developed into different ways because of historical different path the two parts of the empire went.
Protestantism is a later invented new age rebellion against catholic centralization.
not an argument
Catholics aren't Christian
Did you know that Chistians didn't have a bible until the 4th century AD?
The christian face is in a crisis.
I don't think that even more division and pepsy cults are going to safe it.
>religion based on the literal interpretation of a book being a historical and future telling document
>said book was written by the same churches you rebelled against, and some 1100 years before hand
>somehow this makes sense
Pr*testants are mentally ill.
>believing Roman Catholics and Liberal Protestants represent Christianity