>Valentione's Event
>Eureka 4.25
>4.2 Patch Notes
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>Valentione's Event
>Eureka 4.25
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells: pastebin.com
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Fuck off and talk about video games for once in your fucking life.
no poyo mentions in this thread
i wouldn't ever orbit rather people are compelled to orbit me!
i am great like the sun
i am regression
or in other words i'll take what i waaaaant, i'll concede to all my faaaaults
Didn't the patch just drop? I expected a lot more game discussion
u already fucking ruined it
it dropped a few weeks ago and is just the same old shit as usual, what do you want to talk about
Veeky Forums never talks about games.
the only people who actually talked about the game in this shithole like ippiki and abe left, we're stuck with the retarded NEET dramamongers
ippiki is still here
Look, nigger, I will spell it out for you.
>/xivg/ exists.
>/xivg/ is on Veeky Forums, a site that's mostly anonymous and renowned for being callous as fuck.
>Some creepy-ass damaged goods pops up and starts avatarfagging.
>Said damaged goods willingly makes herself non-anonymous, thus showing a desire to get attention
>Said damaged goods has beta orbiters because she has a (used) vagina
>These beta orbiters are now telling /xivg/ that THEY need to change their posting style and actions in order to accommodate the damaged goods.
If you fail to see the issue here, then odds are you're a beta orbiter. Fuck off. This thread is bad enough as it is, we don't need your garbage adding to it.
When you're doing a trash pull as WAR in dungeons do you normally Overpower each pack then do your 10% damage combo then Inner Release AoE spam or skip the damage combo to save time? Im worried DPS might steal aggro before then.
>the only people who actually talked about the game in this shithole like ippiki and abe
*breathes in*
well what the fuck do you want to talk about?
how retarded PF is?
how I have to wait the entire week to prog with my group since they barely raid at all?
how fucked FFLogs are currently because of gear yet people are stroking their cocks over their parses?
so much to talk about
This game doesn't have any secrets or hidden super builds. Everyone gets the same shit. No one can out special snowflake another or people start bitching
anybody who had the skill/knowledge necessary to talk about the game realized that there were extremely few people here worth speaking about the game with years ago
you niggas are trash and really not worth talking to about anything in depth
what are you listening to these days
poyo traumatic underage rapies owo
>>These beta orbiters are now telling /xivg/ that THEY need to change their posting style and actions in order to accommodate the damaged goods.
immigrants coming into MY country and stealing MY job
drumpf btfo!!
that's the worst comparison I've ever heard, good job
not even him or interested in this discussion, the retardation just beamed at me
That analogy is awful for what you're trying to say
Just saying
Dude, people are just saying to stop posting her nudes and similar shit about her. Surely you can go on with your normal posting, while excluding posts about “junkie whore die pls”
Everytime I try to talk about the game it get's drowned out by "post pumps", "whos coming to the party", "post lizers", "post moonies", "memc@ her gib dA (you)s"
95% of the people who visit this thread are just ERP degernates who haven't even cleared the tier, not even worth talking about the game.
This thread has gone to shit since HW, and has only gone downwards since SB release
good job you just gave /xivg/ the exact words that need to be spoken to make her fuck off
i want to marry elias!!!! there i said it
dude the general was funded on "current ebin whore die pls"
it's not some planet aligning event when people here anonymously shitpost someone else
Except it’s not you fucking retard. Look into the mental disorders she has.
She LITERALLY asks for people to verbally abuse her. all these posts are what she wants. She craves abuse and attention.
i listen to a lot of things i don't know
do you mean new/recently or in general or what genre
I wasnt even the same poster I just think its quite hilarious that getting told 'maybe stop being awful guys' gets this kind of incredibly aggressive response
and said posts are only being posted, because she is avatarfagging and attentiowhoring
people wouldnt bitch about her if she was not so desperate for attention to avatarag on fucking Veeky Forums
I usually overpower twice before maiming
not losing aggro is more important than clearing a trash pull half a GCD faster
Who don't.
DPS is never going to rip aggro in dungeons if you do overpower twice in tank stance.
And yet you dumbasses just go and give her exactly what she wants.
>shitposting this hard at 10 am
You fucking NEETs. Stop arguing over an Internet girl and go get a job.
>wahh people in this game are enjoying other aspects of the game than the ones I'm enjoying so they're not even worth talking about the game
I work from home nigger
I'm on my lunch break you fucking mutt
Her attention whoring infringes on game discussion, and this game matters to me more than her life does, so I don't think "junkie whore pls die" is unreasonable.
... Doesn’t she post with a trip specifically so people can filter her?
People keep telling me that girls NEVER ruins communities and it's just a meme. Then how come a single attentionwhore manage to shit up this thread this much?
Is starting fights in FoW to get 3 stacks of GLIII without PB legit or should I just stick to my old opener?
because its the people giving attention whores attention who ruin threads
but its a real girl on the internet. No one gonna do that
It’s no worse than other attentionwhores who were grown men.
Most people don't use the filter feature. Say what you want about that but pretending like shitposting is fine just because people can filter it is a piss poor excuse for shitposting
yah just recently I guess. do you like ghostemane?
My point still stands that she took up a trip just because people were bothered by her triggering posts, and if you’re that bothered seeing her post screenshots like everyone else, filter her.
Did I say that you fucking degenerate?
I said the game-play posts are drowned out by the retarded avatarfags
If you're not even pushing this current tier what the fuck is there even worth talking about?
you aren't fooling anyone barely anyone is even trying to talk about the game
This is Sandcat part 2: Eclectic Bangladesh.
PvE fags. Not even once.
>one girl is annoying
>hundreds of male posters completely fucking ruined over this one person. opposing sides, orbiters, shitposting, begging for nudes, death threats
>"god women are awful"
You point DOESN'T stand though. You're literally defending shitposting just because they have a trip and can be filtered instead of just admitting they don't belong in this thread
Holy shit! Its exactly like when a girl joins an FC. Rip
>playing this game for pvp
Starting a new Quest.
Post your character to have a chance to be part of it.
being a girl and having to deal with this dumb shit sounds annoying
>"fucking avatarfags are annoying and need to get trips!"
>they literally all get tripcodes
>"fucking tripfags get the fuck off my board!"
I've cleared this baby difficulty tier 2 weeks ago and there is absolutely nothing to discuss regarding that, so might as well post cute avatars and talk about housing or whatever.
Imagine being this delusional
nah ghostemane kinda corny and a lil too White(tm) for me. he's just aping memphis flows and style but doing it badly imo. if i wanted to hear that i'd listen to $uicideboy$ (which i do) for ruby who does that shit well and respectfully to the og shit
i kinda fucked with some of his stuff on rare occasions back in the schema posse days but eh.
if u mean rap then basically the wave of emo soundcloud rap white boys. luv smrtdeath n lil lotus.. boyfriendz was a sick album one of my favs recently
bexey guccihighwaters lil tracy all stay puttin out heat
>implying you cleared week 1
>implying you cleared this tier at all
All Veeky Forums needs is thread ID's.
>she’s online on tumblr
Oh here's the autist that was raving about Trump era retroactive thread IDs and ban evading like nobody's business. Everyone point and laugh at this foul smelling retard.
It's literally the easiest tier ever in this game. It shouldn't take anyone more than a week.
What's the speedrun meta for TotM?
There's no consistency though
I only really know about WHM but because it's the only class I care about I can speak a bit of depth into it and discuss it rather well which I do when someone asks, reminding me of old theorycrafting in WoW.
The problem is though when I do, if I don't have the current content cleared because I haven't attempted it or I'm casually helping friends and only getting 90-95% so I don't have 99%+ your opinion becomes invalidated.
It's like when I advocated for DET on WHM a while back and people scoffed, now most top whms are switching out their DH for it.
The mentality of 'if you're not so and so' is where game discussion dies and less because 'degens' as it has an adverse affect on people sharing opinions or their thoughts.
Well that's what it feels like to me anyway, I could be wrong.
Has there ever been an incident where someone has tried to steal someone elses gf/bf?
Like the white knights who circlejerk her?
no. this conversation is not happening. go to bed, goodnight
No, never. Who would even do such a thing?
>81 posts
>29 ips
Diversion does nothing! NOTHING!!
good morning
what's your point
I think she's probably nice and wish I could meet her, is that allowed?
>people are posting in the thread
no, truly? for real? for realsies?
Morning, I should probably start on my weekly stuff so i don't have to rush it last minute.
Wrong guy kiddo.
Sounds fake if you ask me.
cool yah, $uicideboy$ & guccihighwaters are comfy
Good morning /xivg/, how was your sleeps?
not the person you're replying to, but I agree this tier is pretty fuckin' easy.
The hard part is getting past PF, without a static progging on 8S is a nightmare.
I cleared 7S week 1 with pugs, but jesus christ I can't get past 8S cus of these retarded pugs
>tfw missed the boat and now cant even get past byakko or o5s because anyone left in clear parties isnt good enough to clear
fuck off faggot
>doesn't lewd, asexual
>dead father who commited suicide
>gets shit beaten in by older brother
>bullied out of school for having alcoholic father
>shut-in NEET
>anorexic to point of dying
>PTSD, depression, nervous wreck, scared of people
>no friends, never dated
>raped, molested
>had abortion
>parties to cope
>does drugs
>self harms and posts pics
>takes nudes
>uses sexuality as coping mechanism
>lewd hentai girl persona
>makes self out to be slut
Fine fine
Which c@girl ebin's feet are the most worshipable?