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Chadalari Edition
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First for Karazhan
I can haz free month wif prepurchase? :3
xth for coven lfr
>Pre 7.3.5
>Not worth getting boosted through dungeons by max level character at anytime for anything but gear or quests
>Post 7.3.5
>Blizz adds scaling
>Monsters xp scale with 110's in low level dungeons and is overlooked
>People abuse this and level way faster than even before 7.3.5
>Post Hotfix
>Blizz stops this
>Not worth getting boosted through dungeons by max level character at anytime for anything but gear or quests
>Entitled WoW Babies lose their minds anyway
Fucking hell its just to much entertainment sometimes watching all the bitching. Am I a bad person for enjoying all the crying?
Go back to the inn cuck, your bull is waiting for you
henceforth all gnome women are to marry human males - king anduin wrynn
Are gnome women the ones in charge?
found the reddit invasion discord
Cutest race on Azeroth!
Of course.
Fuck that nig. Just play the game. Not my fault people have leveled up 20+ max levels and are bored.
That's literally a personal problem
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
Reposting from last thread:
I just wrote a large argument, but it got deleted and I'm not on a computer, so TL;DR:
>questing not any harder, just slower
>dungeons are slower, harder, and are less worth the effort (although I haven't checked the new values of dungeon experience since the change, so maybe it's different)
>people don't care to interact with each other still, questing just isolates them even more
>players aren't being challenged and engaged with the changes, they're being punished
>the majority don't enjoy leveling, they pray for the next level bracket to come so they can grind as fast as possible
>people care about current content more than outdated content, majority of leveling experience is "outdated" and not relevant compared to back in the day
Blizzard made these changes too late, the community has changed and their expectations changed. This is the culture that WotLK began, and it is ultimately the culture that Blizzard is now trying to stop pandering to at the risk of incurring their wrath. The only people who could see this as an absolute positive with no downsides are Classic fags who are so retarded that they cry for changes and then don't play anyway because of their rose tinted goggles, or Blizzshills who are in desperate damage control over this disaster of a system.
Of course then there's people like you who blindly follow the leader as if they always know what's right. The Blizzdrone who will always eat the dogshit when it's thrown in their face.
Not after hypgnometherapy!
>doesnt actually know how the scaling works
>makes shit up to defend blizzard
How fucking pathetic can you get lmao
Don't give (you)s to shills
>he thinks the tutorial level is """playing the game"""
Also, it's always been the spirit since Vanilla to find the fastest way to grind to max level, so it's not as though this is a new phenomenon.
This. If you aren't buying a boost you aren't playing the game correctly
Why are humans obsessed with belf feet?
Give me a single good argument for why Blizz doesnt increase heirloom xp gain. After all, its perfectly optional to wear a heirloom so the autistic manbabies who want to waste a week leveling a character can have their way as well.
>High Tinker Mekkatorque
Only if the council decrees the High Tinker to be a female will a female Gnome be in charge.
55% exp boost is plenty. don't tell me you dont have all of the available heirlooms, user?
>55% exp boost is plenty
Except it isnt.
If it was easier to level again people wouldn't buy boosts, they also did stat nerfs on the heirloom gear so you spend longer killing mobs.
It is
>Doesn't know how the patches were working
>Thinks people were running people thru 3 dungeons with a max level to level up before the patch
>Probably has been bitching about the hotfix since it happened
You act like leveling now a days is the same time sink as vanilla. It's still way faster, but you babies have been spoiled rotten so bad that it almost killed the game. Blizz wants to change that. No one really cares if your 30th alt takes a bit of time to level
>HUuuuuur different opion is ashill guis look I said the word! SHILL
>Thinks leveling is a tutorial in an mmoRPG
The absolute state of nukids getting into gaming or literal manchildren playing wow
This is the deliciousness I was talking about. Literally babies crying over a video game change that makes sense.
Before the patch normal leveling was quicker since dungeon and mob XP hadnt been nerfed and you could breeze through questing since you were easily one/two-shotting everything.
Stop trying to argue about something you're so clueless about.
>american hours
actually, the worgen furfag is a european
How old are all of your characters, /wowg/? In lore I mean.
>Male Human Death Knight, formerly Warrior - Died at 21 in classic, first Stormwind refugee to be born in Lordaeron, would be 29 now.
>Female Human Warrior - 26, DK's little sister
>Female Night Elf Hunter - ~800
>Male Night Elf Druid - ~1,000
>Male Dwarf Paladin - 32
>Female Dwarf Priest - 44
>Male Human Paladin - 16, DK's bastard son
>Female Draenei Shaman - 73
>Female Pandaren Monk - 25
>Male Worgen Rogue - 22
>Female Gnome Mage - 37
>Female Lightforged Paladin - ~25,000, Shaman's grandmother
>Male Void Elf Priest - 61, Belf mage's nephew
>Male Orc Warrior (Deceased) - Died during WoD at 27, would be 29. Born the same day as Human DK
>Male Orc Shaman - 52, Warrior's father
>Female Orc Warlock - 35
>Male Blood Elf Mage - 125
>Male Forsaken Rogue - ???, old as balls when he died and older now
>Male Tauren Druid - 84
>Female Troll Warlock - 51
>Male Goblin Hunter - 39
>Male Highmountain Monk - 30
>Female Highmountain Hunter - 27
>Female Nightborne Mage - 33
I'm gonna be seeing this hypnotized little shit for a long time, huh?
Here's the updated version with the clearer lines fellow hypgnome aficionado. ;)
It's not
>Before the patch normal leveling was quicker since dungeon and mob XP hadnt been nerfed and you could breeze through questing since you were easily one/two-shotting everything.
And that's the part that was ruining the game. You say I'm clueless but you just sound lazy. Sorry the game isn't as easy as you need it to be anymore.
My char ages goes as follows
>Male Orc Warrior (Deceased) - Died during WoD at 27, would be 29. Born the same day as Human DK
>Male Orc Shaman - 52, Warrior's father
>Female Orc Warlock - 35
>Male Blood Elf Mage - 125
>Male Forsaken Rogue - ???, old as balls when he died and older now
>Male Tauren Druid - 84
>Female Troll Warlock - 51
>Male Goblin Hunter - 39
>Male Highmountain Monk - 30
>Female Highmountain Hunter - 27
>Female Nightborne Mage - 33
>Male Human Death Knight, formerly Warrior - Died at 21 in classic, first Stormwind refugee to be born in Lordaeron, would be 29 now.
>Female Human Warrior - 26, DK's little sister
>Female Night Elf Hunter - ~800
>Male Night Elf Druid - ~1,000
>Male Dwarf Paladin - 32
>Female Dwarf Priest - 44
>Male Human Paladin - 16, DK's bastard son
>Female Draenei Shaman - 73
>Female Pandaren Monk - 25
>Male Worgen Rogue - 22
>Female Gnome Mage - 37
>Female Lightforged Paladin - ~25,000, Shaman's grandmother
>Male Void Elf Priest - 61, Belf mage's nephew
Don't give (you)s to a shill, he's just going to use "entitled" etc. and then demand you buy boosts to support this struggling indie company
How was it ruining the game, no one put a gun to your head and made you wear heirlooms. If it was ruining your experience you could have just not used them. Your argument is fucking pathetic kid.
I literally said not to buy boosts and play the game.
>Being this autistic
why does this fight always bug out?
>Paying a sub just to play a game
fucken lol
Shills will never learn
It never has for me. He just takes a long time after you kill those mooks so the raid that isn't there can roll.
SIMPLY..... EPIC.........
How do you go from this ...
>garrosh did nothing wrong
It is
You didn't need heirlooms to one shot everything.
You wouldn't know because you never tried it. This is why your tears are so delicious. It's literally the tears of delusional man children.
Why are you even in /wowg/?
Suck my nuts cunt
So I guess this is a way to power level? 3 monks afk in silithus. 2 BM with black ox statues, 1 WW with chi orbit. The mobs get pulled by the statues in range of the chi orbit and die while a low level hangs out
Thank you daddy
>You didn't need heirlooms to one shot everything.
Confirmed probably never having played the game at all. Or did you make a hunter and concluded this after you played from level 1>2? Imagine being as wrong at something as you are, fucking embarrassing. Keep giving me your salt though cuckboi.
... to this?
Why is she so CUTE!?
God, I want a male night elf to sit on my face.
>queue up for a legion dungeon to finish the zone story
>get put into a group with a boosting balance druid
>get a free ride for 8 levels to 110 just following the boost group as they requeue
It would take a fucking eternity but I guess it could work
Yes but have you considered that __(You)__ happens?
This is a good meme
So with yesterday's mini-patch/hotfix/maintenance, Blizzard said:
"We have significantly increased the experience awarded through queuing for random Normal dungeons from Classic through Draenor content. Running dungeons at the appropriate should feel rewarding, whether as a complement to or even an complete alternative to questing."
Is spamming Random Dungeons NOW BACK to being a good, fast, easy alternative to leveling besides running dungeons?
It's not even close
Nope. I'm pretty sure your delusion has almost reach maximum. Have fun being butthurt over WoW becoming a game again. I'm going to continue drinking those delicious manbaby tears cause it's fun seeing you be so angry over being so wrong.
It is
>Is spamming Random Dungeons NOW BACK to being a good, fast, easy alternative to leveling besides running dungeons?
No, it's about 3 quests of xp worth for the bonus dunegeon and they take forever
No. They did the typical thing of breaking their game on purpose, waiting for people to complain and then "fixing it"
>I'm going to continue to pretend I won the argument by denying anything that counters my made up information
Stay salty cuckboi.
Stop replying to shills please, let him rage about how great blizzard paid services are and how entitled you are
>And that's the part that was ruining the game
What was (and is) "ruining" the game is having 60 levels worth of talents, skills, spells and equipment types spread across 110/120 levels, having those levels go extremely slowly while posing no challenge, and teaching you nothing about how to play the game.
A new player on a fresh 110 who could have 20-30 hours in the game hasn't got the first clue how to raid. Hasn't got the first clue how to form groups. Hasn't got the first clue how to do M+. It does NOTHING but increase the time it takes to get to relevant content.
Only if you're a retard and don't bring a 110 with you to one shot everything. They nerfed that method.
Doing the same Stockades shit is still faster, just rush the bosses and get the dungeon complete xp instead of gathering every mob.
rate or hate
I like that mask but the gold doesn't really go with anything else on there.
What did you counter with besides
Only salt I'm drinking is of your delicious delusional tears.
The time it takes to do one dungeon, you could've got 7 quests done if not more, and that's if it's a quick dungeon with 4 bosses, no wipes, no deaths, nothing to slow it down. Including heirlooms with enchants.
7/10 the colors are kinda off.
Post hypnotized gnomes you faggots.
Why are you so mad though? Must be hard for your parents having to listen to you raging all day when you get proven wrong on Veeky Forums.
failed transmog idea? literally looks like you put it together in photoshop with how badly everyhting clashes and how nothing goes together whatsoever other than the fact that it's cloth pieces0/10
* ruins your class *
* ruins leveling *
* adds more cash shop items *
>boost my first Horde character to try out their allied races
>checking out what sort of arena mounts my Alliance ones change over to
>end up with this fucking thing
Jesus Christ, at least the undead one is cool
>OH I know guys
Lul ur mad
>I won the argument guys!
you belong to me now.
>actual people itt are trying to convince us that having to buy a $60 level boost is a good thing
These have to be literal Blizz employees shilling.
that's the shit i don't like
no that's weird