Fighting Games General - fgg

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>tfw just bought DBZF on steam

Giant Plush Gudako vs Giant Plush Blanka when?

Don't worry there will still be 1000 players next month

I'm sorry

Ping is the only thing that matters for online play right? This will be good enough?

You have until Blazblue

blanka doesn't stand a chance

Anything worth picking up with the Steam sale that's not super dead?

Oh no, he's here! Watch out /fgg/!

how do people still play sfv? lol it installs rootkit on your pc

wahhhhhh 5000 people in a fighting game is like totes dead waaaaaaah muh reaction images lmao

Why do sf girls always hang around big, ugly brutes?

wish ibuki would look at me like that bros...

Don't you have a dbfz thread that you can go and have a circle jerk?

Don't you have a dissertation to be working on? I saw the first draft on kappa.

Play Capcom Sports Club & Last Blade 1 & Cyberbots

You still need to send and receive some packets that vary in size depending on the game.

To transfer any excess fat that would stop them from looking like skeletons in story illustrations.

but it's going down every single day bro..
what do we do about that..

I'm not going to ignore your idiocy and falseflagging. This isn't the capcuck hugbox general.

I'm finna start playing dooberz right now to show you capcucks what's what

*writes a 2,000 word report on DBZF's steam player count including descriptive statistics in your path*

Imagine saving frog pictures and having a folder full of them. While other people your age are working towards a better tomorrow you're on the computer clicking on frog pics.

>silver cammy talkin shit

>tfw no symphogear fg
>tfw no Maria gf
Why live bros...


refund it while you can

shut up he's right

oh no the vappa tourist is btfoing me for having a brain and saving pics I use for years

oh no NO NO NO


Found the retard

>log in to your account
I forgot my password bros!

>using frog pics for years
It's like you want to be pathetic for the rest of your life

No one cares about that NRS crap



Anyone wonder why your general is so much slower now? Just stopping by to say that dumb shitposters are killing /fgg/. Maybe try actually playing/discussing fighting games for once you worthless faggots. Have a nice day.


Good stuff. I was just genuinely curious. I've seen people use the term void mix-ups and stuff and meme on you. I like a lot of the older games and air-dashers too.

there is nothing wrong with being silver


why should I stop using my favorite pics because some r*dditors read something about the alt right on salon or something gay like that

as if your constant browsing of facebook and r*ddit is any better use of your free time

fuck you, you only make me want to frogpost more

Yup saw that, I'll probably pick it up. Anything else?

sfv lost the battle against dragon ball fighterz

>that's not super dead

because a non-capcom game came out so this general is unbearable

you seem to

Guys...Why is DBFZ bleeding players so fast? I thought this game was supposed to change the FGC forever?!!!

Where are you Akiha?

I'll turn your utopia in a dystopia with no escape.

People looked down on spouting stale memes from 5 years ago even before the SJW drama.
It's a good game though.


>r*ddit image
>zero argument

Checks out

This general usually picks up during major tournaments. Besides that, its mostly shit posting. Especially where there are options of games to pick within the genre, except everyone hates them all and they all try to convince others to stop playing a game they like and play the one I want you to play.

Return to Elphelt's game!


Id rather play NRS "crap" than current capcom kusoge or any of that other irrelevant garbage.

post cfn (you wont)

yeah that's what I thought

they're a lot older than 5 years and they're not stale. Good reaction images never get old and I'll continue using them forever because that's the point of communicating on an imageboard you stupid tripfag

But I played altaccz just this morning, and I always try to discuss fighting games whenever I can't play myself.

I'm sorry to hear that you're suicidal

How did void escape the shadow realm?

you literally just posted his cfn

vappa here

why do you hate me?

you are using this meme incorrectly, i'm going to have to report you

dbfz is a brand new game. if sfv got a new update recently, itd be similar numbers.

but it did...

I come home from work and the only thing I feel like doing is eating dinner and watching streams

Stay NEETS and die young kids

How do we send him back. I don't know who he is, but he has the most annoying posts out of all the tripfags that I do know of.

Brick vs Void clash of the elder behemoths jive ft10 stream when?


Nah, wojak + pepe images are from ~5years ago.
And they were already stale by them but I guess people like you think you're part of le epic anonymous legion fighting reddit when you keep spamming them.

>they're not stale
fucking lmao
do you still post rage comics too?

Why do you ask for streams instead of games?

tfw come home from work and watch over 1 hour of hearthstone footage every day and I don't even play hearthstone

because you dont play fighting games. you just shit post peoples games and only talk about games that net you positive karma.

I might make the first honest fighting game that incorporates all elements of the largest fighting games

I'll probably come check it out again come March with the balance changes.

>rage comics
see, proof the people who complain about our culture are literal r*dditors

>all elements of the largest fighting games
Then it's doomed to be the complete opposite of honest
Just make DFC without assists

Why do you ask me why I ask for streams instead of games instead of games?

>you have to play the resident tripfags to be a REAL fighting game player
>ignore the thousands of people actually having fun playing the new game

Rage comics originated from Veeky Forums, newfriend.

>tfw stream on twitch for 2-5 hours 5 days a week
>get to do/play whatever I want
>get to start/stop whenever I want
>make more than enough to pay bills and buy whatever I want
>don't even have many viewers
Feels good man


I knew from the moment I saw them that they were r*ddit and never posted them once

Imagine being this angry at being called out for being a frogposter

cummy blasterz is on sale

That artist's parents must not be proud

i do the exact same thing and I don't work

Yes, and the original reason why people hate reddit is because they took the running jokes and ran to the ground just like you people are doing now.

Brick where to watch your Vods? I'm bored

>dbz combo video
>vegeta/black assists

Vods of what

I actually really like Chiang's work but yeah that's not his greatest example.

which rank do you need to be to not be a shitter?


I'm not the frogposter, dumdum.

Is the auto combo in DBFZ jojo all stars level of bad?

plat at the absolute minimum, but people will call you shit if you're anything under 20k

I wish you had the option to turn it off, that and the dog shit lobby system killing dbz.

>no dog pic
also does anyone have those pic's of a Brick sighting during ceotaku?