>alliance will defend this
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>alliance will defend this
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
free game time???
I'm not a shitter this game is bad
What do you think?
Chuck Norris can erp with other men and still be straight.
Fem draenei are the cutest, sorry that's just a fact
yes YES bring your rage to bear try to strike me down
Forgot image
Where is this CG Stormwind from? It looks fantastic.
works on my machine, you must just be bad
i need THEORIES!!
hi wowg
the movie
Thanks dude.
How are you coping, Alliancebros?
oops sorry typo i meant to say mongoloid
>queue for love is in my asshole boss
>select tank and healing roles, get instantly queued in
>first thing I hear once the instances loads is "kick this fucking troll paladin..."
>end up actually booted from the dungeon before the boss becomes attackable that someone had already triggered anyway
How the fuck is it actually such a big deal that someone queued for content that is soloable at a role that makes it go even faster? Who the fuck actually needs a dedicated tank and/or healer for that shit? Is this implying there are groups so incomprehensibly bad at the gave that they've wiped to the valentines boss?
>anduin has to hold jaina back so she doesn't destroyed the horde immediately
why is he so sporting?
alliance is the faction of butthurt
cute hat
>mfw mongoloid actually spell corrects to " the movie"
>do m+ with old guildie because we're still buds despite the gm kicking me for a retarded reason
>guild went to absolute shit after I was kicked
>even kicked their best dps because their new tank hit him with smash on kinggoroth and he argued that the tank should fucking move and not attempt to kill the melee right after ruiner forces them to him
>buddy brings gm to a m+
>at the end he says he was stupid for kicking me and admits the guild has nearly died for it
>yeah you were and you're a fucking retard still
literally no better feeling
me and the gobbo gf
I finally did it guys, after __2 kills, i finally got the mount.
Well? What was the retarded reason?
>equiped the boe 915 lfr shoulders that i could have sold on the ah
I need it.
why are night elf male players so fucking shit at the game? the stereotype proves itself time and time again
> tail
Why do gobbo girls like humans so much?
What is the lore behind this?
Goblin girls love status. They know human men dominate Azeroth.
Reposting from last thread, for anyone just now hitting 110.
It's timewalking week, do the 5 dungeons and collect the antorus lootbag, go to the timewalking vendor and buy the 880 gear with your timewalking coins.
Get friendly with all the factions by world questing. Collect some nethershards if there is an invasion up.
Unlock the broken shore, as soon as you finish the scenario go back to dalaran and start the Argus questline. (buy ONE trinket on the broken shore if you have the nethershards)
Do the Argus questline all the way through to the dungeon, seat of the triumvirate, kill Lura. This will net you 1300 veiled argunite. Buy relics for your weapons.
Do a single mythic+2 so that you can open the chest on Tuesday. Start the balance of power questline so you can build up AP quickly in your main spec, and have people funnel you gear from the mythics. Pick up 3 coins (you should have 4 now from the timewalking) do lfr up to and through antorus, coining your BIS tier gear.
If you have anything more to add for a new player, give me some you's.
Is that a fuckin tail?
fucking christ i HATE HATE HATE the character menu scroll wheel
every other fucking time i log in i have a heart attack because my main appears to be missing
>back when ToS was current
>doing a heroic run because healer said he'd be late by an hour
>personal loot
>item drops
>his buddy wants them for transmog
>fake shard them
>immediately leaves voice
>try to trade him twice and talking in say
>logs out
>gm calls me an asshole despite several people in the guild doing this damn near everytime we did heroic/normal
>join better guild
>clear raid
>they get stuck on maiden
>it was some autistic discordfag the whole time
>his character got hunted
>paying for shitposts
My sides
You outdid yourself this time
Just drag him to the top retard
>not at the top
what are you doing?
Yo guys I've been playing DK because I shamelessly enjoy all three specs of it. Was thinking about trying Monk or Mage (probably only fire). What do you guys think about those two classes?
Fun? Worth leveling one up?
mage is great.
monk only has one fun spec
/wowg/ Since 40k has their own Motto against a SMUG SLIMY BALD CHOIRSOYBOY MOTHERFUCKER who screwed the entire setting just for personal gaining and LULZ
who could be same for warcraft? Gul'dan, Arthas?
he IS at the top you retards, you do know what happens to shit at the top when the scrolling menu goes down right?
>get toy, mask and rose all at once three times in a row
>no fucking rocket
i love my void elf, she is my waifu. i want to marry her!
>intentionally scroll down
>freak out when the things at the top are scrolled
>loot pet, toy, rose and mask at the same time on character
>Scroll through loot window
>no rocket
in standard elf fashion of ruining literally everything for literally everyone, azshara and the entirety of the highbourne civilization
if it weren't for them the burning legion would never have found azeroth, and without that the orcs would never have invaded, and suddenly there's no more fucking war in warcraft at all
Only through conflict we evolve.
gobbo gf guarding my guild vault
Anyone ever purge all there characters and start fresh just before or after an expansion?
They are the best
hello reddo
Not normally, but I plan to this time.
bad idea
/40kg/ here, and leaving my contribution /wowg/
No, if I wanted to do something like that I would just start on a new server.
still old gods thou.
but they might not have broke containment.
fat ddosing fuck i hate him
I hope you enjoyed getting SQUIDDED without consent.
Why? You'll always have something to fall back on.
Gul'dan makes more sense, he fucked both azeroth and Draenor just for shits and guggles and even fucked everyone after his death.
>Prot paladin is played in blizz tourneys only so blizz can ban the spec entirely before other people pick it up
>tfw philosophy professor is playing a druid in class
hello bully
what a qt
that's a starfish, retard
Not on my watch, Sylvanas..
Why did you leave me
>(((random))) battleground
>Twin Peaks five fucking times
Why is he so smug?
You know what to do boy.
Tell him he's a loser.
The time for warrior culture is over, the time for nuclear weapons and chemical warfare is now!
why am i so resource starved on my DH?
things 2 whack
hi cutie!
because he's living the good life thanks to /ourguy/ Swifty
Are you using the demonic build?