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RIP Katakuri edition


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>wake up

Alright spoilers are out

I'm leaving the thread until the chapter's out

Is there any better Kidd FN units than Bellamy and Koala? I think not

they've been out for 8+ hours senpai

>tfw Katakuri is going to be a x4 ATK and 1.5x HP boost to Strikers and will completely shit all over Neko
Can't wait to pull him on his debut Sugo.

RR Duval in a PSY team, obviously.

The Mongolian scanlation is out already, not just spoilers.

>>the ugliest fucking race
oh you poor innocent child


he'll be a fighter, senpai

>Wake up
>No Katakuri

what the fuck is this shit

Aboriginals, Australian natives.

The average American


>Psy team
But using anything but double neptune and anni sunny during this event is an abomination


A neptune team using exclusively psy subs. G4, nightin, colo inu, duval were mine and made it very fast and easy.

it's time for your progress report
>plvl you started at
>plvl you are at now
>expectation by the end of 3x exp

for me it's
started at 430
right now at 458
expect to reach 500

After plvl 500 the grind become way too annoying. I'm just playing normally now.


Whatever level 240 stam is. Not going hard for it, just doing it when I can at work or when I wanna watch some videos.

>maybe 350
Honestly I just get bored. Dunno how you people manage

441 is 240 stamina

it is extremely tedious, but I'm just watching anime because it's impossible to fail with my team
G4, neo Sabo, neo Mihawk and regular Bellamy
just use regular Bellamy after G4 and you're good

Around the same for me, I'm at 431 now so missing 10 levels. I've been going pretty hard so I'm really glad I'll be able to stop soon.

ay we hit the goal for the free legend and 10 gems

What are you farming?

when I think about that guy that is plvl 1000+ for a while now, that's like getting level 450 (my current level) twelve times
fucking insane to do on regular xp rates, even with Neptune

last stage of Punk Hazard with double Neptune, you can level infinitely without using gems until like 550 or around, but it's extremely tedious

how would you fix corazon?

remove him from the game

Make him an fn unit

if the doffy blit thing is true that will be a god send i will hit 150 gems before anni but if i will have enough gems for anni and blitz ranking is another story
thats a hard question corazon captain idea if very memey and hard to make useful in current meta outside forests without losing what he is but i do have a dumb idea for his special. Instead of a heal it should be a one turn enemies can only do a normal attack. no buffing or special moves just a base attack

Make him remove Despair and Bind and make his multiplier 3x.

It doesn't make sense that he's punished for hitting perfects AND has a bad multiplier

>one turn
it should be a next turn kind of thing (like 6+ Sabo's 2nd part) so you can avoid preemptives, but that would be super broken

Remove Bind, Despair, Silence, Paralysis by 5 turns. Mabye also poison, blindness, socket bind, etc.
Heal for at least 50x.

Sailor ability that he resists special bind.

Captain multiplier 2x-3x, heal is fine.

6+ Corazon.
CA: Just increase base damage to 2x and max damage to 2.75x
Special: Recovers 40x his RCV. Reduces Bind, Despair, Paralysis and Silence by 5 turns. You will not fail any perfects for the next 5 turns.
Sailor: You heal 0.5x his RCV for every Good/Great you hit.

>break next week
for FUCK sake

>CA: Silence Shield protects team from debuffs for 1 turn, like Sanji's flight minus damage boost and team-wide.

>x3.5 damage at full HP. x2.5 at less.

>Special: Boosts both orbs and attack by x1.75. Heals by same amount.

>Sailor: team resists silence by 2 turns.

>Special: Recovers 40x his RCV. Reduces Bind, Despair, Paralysis and Silence by 5 turns. You will not fail any perfects for the next 5 turns.
holy fuck new best sub in the game?


>ask the general how to fix corazon
>every answer makes him pants on head retardedly OP
good job guys

I hate you all.

best boy deserves to be strongest

Fucking Oda

>when the guy you're fighting goes full anger

>yfw it's Tankman instead

But why.

>yfw G4 Luffy gets a captain ability that allows you to choose which G4 version he transforms into.

>someone on my list already has a pentamaxed sabo
fucking mad man

>6++ TS Luffy


He must really want those skillup meats

yeah man I'm sure he doesn't have every legend pentamaxed already, he could sure use those

>PLvl 388
That's surprisingly low.

>wedding Boa secret stage on Luffy miniboss

>Farming Treasure Mode

Is tonight the night we get some BIG NEWS?

I can't wait another week

We will get news but it won't be that big.

>i get a free barto

odds I get Barto
evens I get Lucci
dubs I get Boa

I like using Cerebrals

People know the free Lucci isn't V2 Lucci, right?

V1 is trash, not sure why people are even considering him

Compensating for something are we?

who should i pick if my main captain is shirahoshi but i also have ts luffy

I don't have any other PH captain
also he's not that bad when paired with v2 and I have a bunch of red skulls saved so fuck you


You can 't pick anyone because you're going to be executed.

does that mean that i should take sabo? or maybe barto?

get Sabo

>People are willingly picking legends with only 4 sockets

Free pulls starting in 3 hours. You may even get a legend to make your choice easier.

the 5th socket in unironically the meme socket

>free pulls

All aboard for Baroque Works

>free pulls
I totally forgot about those
excited to pull v1 Sanji

Those were removed

>Grinding pirate exp for 40 hours straight
>Accidentally hit Caesar without using specials

>V1 is trash
You know that you can evolve him right?

thanks matey

>that one blucci spammer is back again
That is some serious autism and dedication. Bringing blucci up whenever possible.

How do we fix Kizaru 6*?

Well, he is the best legend on global right now, makes sense that people talk about him.

No. Just (You)

For Doffy Blitz Battle, I hope you guys have your RR Orlumbus or RR Chin Jaos ready.

All you need is V2 Lucci for it :)

I-I have RR Chinjao
why do you say that?

Make his special give EVERYONE matching orbs with no condition, and lock them.
His CA will be a rainbow 3x increased to 3.5x if you use the special.

So he's bad Shirahoshi.

yeah but a bad shirahoshi is still fucking broken


I have a maxed RR Orlumbus. Do I need maxed Chinjao too? I could farm his books in world FN

>used half my stamina to move 6 spaces nice game mode

can you still pull cherry blossoms monet?

use gems goy

We aren't getting the blitz you retards ffs

Stop going to reddit

>we aren't getting the blitz that JP got after getting LB because it drops LB materials
>even though we've gotten the other 2 blitzes

If we don't get Part 2 news tonight, I'm going to eat my own hand on stream

>finally got my g4 sockets finished up
>got the chance to redo my ray+'s sockets so they aren't a nightmare to look at

G4 makes Luffy's island a joke.

I wish I could hire a small Chinese child to do this exp farming for me.

bets on how late legend mail will be?

Can't wait to pull shirahoshi in an hour with my free pull.

611 522 363
I need Franky friends (or just friends), please help.

It is a struggle clearing this TM because of how little friend captains I have