>Eureka 4.25
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
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>Eureka 4.25
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
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Post voidsent.
This thread was made first.
Don't enable the chemo
Fuck off
are you actually retarded?
Mods delete threads with that cancerous shit.
This thread was made first.
Please migrate over.
Post your WoL being lazy. Lounging is an awesome pastime!
I want to wake up in-game as an adorable Miqo maid slut. Who's with me?
>Topping DPS
>Keep wiping to enrage
How do you deal with those members of the raid who are super nice yet feels we're carrying them? This dude had 2 patches to show improvements and he keeps making mistakes and dealing the worst DPS.
By hopping on this dick
I'm not cute enough to me a maid
gyaru gang lazin round lookin fab
I want to see Kaori's feet.
Everyone cute enough to be a maid usually doesn't think they are, user. That's the trick~
How long does it take to reach 50 with all crafters?
I how does it take to go insane trying to do it all at once?
please no
please yes
It might take a bit, since you definitely won't have enough leves for all of them. Personally, I would take it easy and just level them via GC turn ins. Leve turn ins are faster, but they're kind of tedious and annoying.
What's the laziest healer class?
>When you see it
Fuck off Kaori.
This thread was made first.
Take your time and get at when when you feel like it. Or set a planner like 10 levels a day. If you feel like doing more, thats just a bonus. It not that bad when you got a show to watch and in the mood
WTF do I do with all the Ivalician garbage? I can't even trade them for seals.
>just telling the guy to fuck off and calling him Kaori
>not implying he was fat by telling him to lose weight if he wanted to see his own feet
Step up the shitposting senpai
I have perma-bitch face. I look like the maid that will kill you in your sleep
here u go
I want to wake up in-game with a goddamn monkey king outfit SE WHERE IS IT
Fuck off Kaori.
Or you're too addicted to lalafells to do so?
The best kind of maid.
I want to suck on those toes...
I want to wake up as the Dark Divinity and rampage across the Shroud at least once.
God what I wouldnt do to spoon mado's elezen
hnng Mado is bae
>Kaori uses lotion and skincare products on his hands and feet irl.
Idk how to feel about this.
I mean, like...
I dunno if anyone here just did the manor with me, but thanks if you did.
i love mado so much
>Being this perma-butthurt
Mado elezen best elezen
It's less a rampage and more a canter with sword-rain when 100 adventurers come to punch your angus.
Be cute and dangerous.
I want to do unspeakable things to this lala
tfw in a heckingg good mood and this is one of the best days of the year and ive had shit drops and luck but nothing affects it!!!!!!!! i might get 2 lines on WT and get my stuffed khloe i really want!!!
>punch your angus
Odin is too extra sometimes.
What do you do when you're feeling lonely and there's nobody to bother?
cute autist
What do I have to do to make this lala my onahole?
Stop being a nancy and embrace your loneliness. People can't be there for you 100% of the time. You have to learn to enjoy your own company.
My kingdom for roemaids.
Hit up random parties in PF and either meet fun people or have crippling depression for a lockout, it's really a dice roll.
I dreamt once that the Odin fate was way more involved, with one player getting chosen as Odin and had to go charging around the Shroud hunting for marks while the rest of the playerbase tried to stop him. Then I woke up and was sad.
I distinctly remember having the thought of being disappointed that Sleipnir's hoofbeats while you were running around weren't thunderous enough.
Changed the boots and headgear, how does this look?
Pretty good
Daaamn what do I have to do to meet this cutie?
It's a good combo. I had no idea that bandana had trim on it, works well with the outfit's colors. Not so sure about the boots but then again pretty much 99% of the boots in this game feel "off" to me somehow.
better. good job
My experience with games where you get to become x and everyone has to fight you is you get your fucking skull cracked in way too goddamn fast unless you know some tricky cheesy shit no one enjoys.
>exposed areolas
Just kidding, they don't do shit anyways.
Why do your boobs get bigger every post?
>Turned down invite from the "Edge Lords" free company
Did I make a mistake?
I thought exposed areolas were okay just not the nipples?
The other boots I used were the adepts thigh boots, which are my fav ones in the game.
Thank you!
I heard if you touch them too much, they get bigger
They don't get bigger at all, i think its all about the pose I have in every screenshot
tfw already met with this lizard cause eu
lmaoing @ ur life desu
Hi /xivg/, I hope you have a good day today and you get what drops you're looking for.
One can dream, can't they?
You really make me want to try that hair with F1 Au Ra. I didn't think it could work so I never bothered.
Good look too, half-exposed breasts aside.
I want to see you and Kaori together with the same modded top!
How about a memc@? Memc@ can initiate conversation v gud. Like dis. Gib (You)
>tfw lonely
what server
You're assuming anyone wants to hang with sandcat.
Nice locked server idiot
That's cold
I prefer the silence
rip, nvm...
I really like that hair, it think it is my fav one in game.
Sounds very lewd.
they arent on the same server in the first place
endrance crowe
I want to marry Mado and have tons of half cat half elf babies with him!
>tfw can feel myself getting clingier
You shouldn't have been nice to me, look what you did
That's nice, but it's horribly annoying whenever someone posts about wanting a friend and can't even bother to actually say anything.