Did Mussolini do anything wrong?
Did Mussolini do anything wrong?
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Allied with Germany and Japan
Become allies with Hitler.
Get Italy in the war.
Not even be able to invade Greece.
Allied with Germany and Japan.
>Did Mussolini do anything wrong?
Mussolini wasn't an ethnocentrist like Hitler, instead more of a cultrocentrist if you will.
Interesting now that I think about it, since communist was also cultrocentrist according to some evolutionary theory put forward in the book "Our political nature". That and the fact that Mussolini was a kind of socialist at first.
Anyway, that aside, what I wanted to say was that according to "The autonomy of facism" it was Mussolini who killed more people to get (emphasis) to power.
>"The autonomy of facism"
I mean anatomy and this book described how Mussolini was a socialist at first and tried to come to power by democratic means.
Morally? No. He even went out of his way when Italy was a puppet of Germany (the ISR) to protect Jews. He forbade soldiers in the Balkans to give a single jew to the germans. Nearly all the atrocities in Italy were commited by German soldiers during the ISR.
You could make the argument that the use of chemical weapons in Abyssinia was morally wrong but is it really worse to be gassed than burned to death or have your legs blown off? It was hypocritical for the League of Nations to criticise him ffor that when they were doing the same thing two decades previously
Strategically? Yes. He should have stayed neutral after Abyssinia.
>Morally? No.
But he did kill a lot of his political opponents right? Be aware that I'm assuming you know more about it as I, hence my question.
Invading Ethiopia was the stupidest strategic move anyone made during the 1930s. It was a stupid gamble for prestige that cost Italy thousands of men and gave them absolutely no gain whatsoever, meanwhile ruining their international reputation and giving Britain a springboard to destroy Italian East Africa later on.
He made strategic and tactical mistakes, but morally and ideologically, he was as good and righteous as any of the allied powers.
>italian generals
>went out of his way when Italy was a puppet of Germany (the ISR) to protect Jews. He forbade soldiers in the Balkans to give a single jew to the germans. Nearly all the atrocities in Italy were commited by German soldiers during the ISR
Non-italians and/or retards need to shut the fuck up about mussolini
He was a violent man, against his friends and lovers, his opponents were scared because he sent squads of people to beat them, torture them, force them into a "purge", AKA having them drink an oil that would diarrhea, and did these things to workers who went into strike too, despite he himself once being a socialist. He also applied the Racial laws on his own volition, against the jews, used gases in Africa and sold some of their women to italians, thus perpetrating slavery, which at least officially became illegal under them.
The italian army could handle itself, generals were basically nobles who did not know shit, is very likely that germans delayed the invasion to Russian and got eaten by Winter because they had to stop to help us, who were invading Greek for no reason.
He tried autocracy, but it could not work, there were not enough resources to go around, he got us tied into a war for no good reason, also censorship and no rights, we were not citizens but "sudditi".
Read "Centomila gavette di ghiaccio", which is basically the "all quiet on the eastern front" of Italy (except for WW2).
Soldiers were victims too, poorly managed and all, my grandfather survived because he was very very lucky in multiple occasions, one time they sent them ammo for artillery, and they were blanks, fucking blanks, I was told someone fell the ground crying that day.
Allied the Axis. He should've gone neutral after his Ethiopian expedition, he was terrible militarily; however he was certainly more charismatic than Hitler, and his speeches are eloquent.
Nice refutation. Pro-tip being a mongoloid from Italy doesn't mean you know shit. In fact it makes your opinion mean even less because you are at the point where you think you know about him when you know less than the average Ethiopian.
He's actually right but keep shitposting, you're good at it
Mussolini used poison gas weapons in his war against Ethiopia, and he also had a (much smaller) network of concentration camps that were specifically for serbs that were just as brutal as Dachau
So I guess he is a good person according to his clothing?
Get rid of the hat though, it makes him look really dicktator like.
He allied Hitler
he could have done like Franco and just sat things out. surviving as dictator for decades.
no way he was more charismatic than hitler
You can read his speeches by yourself, and compare them.
I understand the use of poison gas, but why did he kill the serbs? He didn't care about race all that much.
While Mussolini was rising to power, his squadristis basically acted as groups of armed thugs which harassed, intimidated, and murdered political opponents .
A socialist opponent, and elected member of parliament, Giacomo Matteotti, despite fear for his life, gave speeches denouncing the violence of the fascist regime and published a pamphlet called "Inchiesta socialista sulle gesta dei fascisti in Italia"
Apparently, after giving a denouncement of the political violence in parliament, to the boos, jeers, and punches of the fascist candidates who held office, he turned to one of his friends and said "now you can start preparing my elegy"
On June tenth he was kidnapped by fascist squadristis, who stabbed him repeatedly then drove around Rome for hours before dumping his body in the country side.
After this assassination, one of the people involved brought a piece of cloth with Matteotti's blood to Mussolini, as a verification of the murder.
He was an interesting character, but it's undeniable that he was a violent dictator.
He didn't, user was making it up.
>muh poor socialists
Fascists were being murdered daily by the communists
[citation needed]
To be fair, he mostly harmed socialists/communists, which often threatens to tear down the state and form a stateless society. You can imagine how this might be a threat to a fascist society. Besides, no one was clean in that war, the USA imprisoned Japanese Americans and bombed Dresden, the French collaborated with the Nazis after they lost, and the British still held on to an colonial empire that in many ways was oppressive. All leaders are going to make decisions that seem harsh to citizenry, but at least he wasn't a psychotic genocidal asshole.
the more i read about the guy, the more i sympathize with the poor guy
nice dubs
>but at least he wasn't a psychotic genocidal asshole.
Considering the escalation of the colonial policy he would have.
Literally every one of Mussolini's problems came about because Hitler came to power.
Invading Abyssinia in the first place was a moral wrong. Let alone using chem weapons. It was just a pathetic ego move so he could say he actually won something.
Even if they were, which is a pretty big claim to make considering that fascists defined their ideology as being willing to make those moral leaps, there's a huge difference between someone being killed in a street brawl and the assassination of an MP.
The Pike: a biography of Gabrielle D'Annunzio. Is where I'm getting this from.
He'd already taken power at this point, but really, when you assassinate elected officials for speaking out against you, you aren't just targeting communism, you're targeting the entire institution of democracy.
I don't think a fascist is going to be worried about attacking democracy.
>you're targeting the entire institution of democracy.
I mean, yeah, fascism tends to be pretty anti-democratic. Usually is fascism has democracy it is pretty limited.
>one time they sent them ammo for artillery, and they were blanks, fucking blanks,
Literally why would they even manufacte those?
The original fascist constitution, written by D'Annunzio, specifically guarantees universal suffrage and refers to the state as a "republic". Mussolini was actually taking a huge shit on some of the more radical ideals in fascism at the time.
Mussolini also targeted original fascists like De Ambris, allied with Hitler despite having every reason not to, and, as is clear by the fact that Venice is still a decaying tourist attraction and not a modernist navel base, failed to appreciate the Futurist movement.
Getting italian fascism correlated with national socialism
>non-cubans need to shut up about castro
>non-russiands need to shut up about stalin
>non-mongols need to shut up about ghengis khan
He had a great relationship with his oldest daughter until he had his son-in-law executed.
Read the quote he gives to a journalist as head of the Salo Republic (i.e. Nazi puppet). He talks about how he thought he was a lion but now feels detached realizing he's the last of the spectators: he knew he failed and by that point was just a depressed, defeated man.
I don't think he was a "good" guy but he wasn't Hitler tier either and it can be easy to sympathize with him. At the end, he was for all of his blustery egomania a guy who wanted to make his country into something that could match its forebears and he failed miserably becoming something of a joke to history and remembered mainly as Hitler's incompetent sidekick. There's something of a nuance there that makes him interesting.
Mussolini did nothing wrong.
>invaded greece
>invaded ethiopia
>occupied libya
>used chemical weapons against civilians
>was a fucking shit leader
>got his country involved in a war it was never militarily or technologically prepared for
Only good thing he did was getting rid of the mafia, too bad the americunts brought them back.
aside from his hatred of ethnic jews, hitler was not really as much of a ethnocentrist as much as people like to paint him as. He had no problem with Germans of slavic ancestry, and his SS included many slavs and muslims.
hitler didn't really hate all non-white/non-german races like historians like to paint him, he just really, really, really hated jews and that was mostly it.
looking at his face, he doesn't even look that white. he looks libyan/berber, clearly has some african genetics going on. Heck, I wouldn't say he's whiter than Muammar Gaddafi for example.
Italy got Libya from the Ottomans in 1912 though...
he dinna maka roma greata gaina
D'Annunzio wasn't a fascist. He was a huge influence on Mussolini but not a fascist