Escape from Tarkov - /eftg/

Escape from Tarkov - /eftg/
Dead in the water, waiting for content edition

>Quickstart Guide, resource ref sheet and FAQ:

>Maps with Extraction Points

>List of Trade-In Loot

>Item Value Per Slot

>List of Quest Item Loot

"""""OFFICIAL""""" EFT discord for beta news:
/eftg/ official US based discord:
MONOLITH - EU based discord:

>Latest major patch notes

>Ammunition info (questionable validity - wiki appears to me to be the most accurate)

>Full controls list

>Previous Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Oops. Forgot to put these into the op:

W H E N.
When are they going to fix factory? Trying to sneak through wall holes is impossible (u can only run through them)

>Glocks when
next content patch. Factory fix never ever

dead game dead general.
move on

>Factory is dead forever
Good, customs will never stop being best map

Is this game going in sale anytime soon? Or maybe some promo code running around?

Looks like a cool game but it's not escape from tarkov so who cares

Allegedly there will be a sale on or around the 23rd.

lol enjoy this unplayable nonsensical garbage then

b-but I want to play it now

Despite literally the worst netcode of all time it's still a fun game. So yes, I am enjoying it. Thanks for the recommendation.

Then drop $45, play the game, and either upgrade when the sale hits or just enjoy as is.

Or just wait the week man jeez.

yeah, you are probably right, I have this "impulse buying craziness" sometimes that drives me crazy, I even bought battleborn on launch because of it (thanks god it didn't work on my PC at time, so I refunded)

That's cool. I'll probably upgrade to EOD then

Do you guys have any vids or channels where I can gather tips ? I keep getting hoards of stuff but always make a mistake while getting to the extraction, like taking an obvious path or a lack of timing.

Deadlysnob does lots of helpful vids.

fuck I mean deadlyslob. He has shitloads of vids for tarkov


DeadlySlob, DevilDogGamer and Kotton all have tip videos, Kotton less so, his is more entertainment than straight up tips and shit but you can still learn stuff by watching him.

Smoke is the best.
He doesn't have a youtube yet and he's only going to be putting highlights on it afaik.
But his streams are the best hands down

>waiting for content

Consumetrousers is a gun glitching faggot.

Not gonna remake when we 404 again. Just gonna wait for next content patch to bring us back, assuming nobody revives the thread again.

GO be a faggot somewhere else. Some of us, want a tarkov thread up 24/7.

>25 posts and 10 unique IPs
>thread is 6 and a half hours old
>barely any actual discussion
Eat my ass

I'm almost ready for a wipe...

Same. I've got like 35 Forts between actual armor sets and gold chains at this point. On the other hand, I'm glad to not be doing all the tasks for the 3rd or 4th time in a row, so I'm kinda torn. I'm looking forward to when the game gets harder.

>could have bumped general yesterday
>got too disgusted by all the cazzies in the thread and let it die

This is the price you pay for not being hardcore

I feel ya
>candy ass asking how to gun glitch
>faggot asking for hacks
>shitters needing programs to tell where the center of their screen is
It's gotten bad around here

Someday soon a great wipe will come and wash all the scum off Tarkov.

That feel when you finally hit level 30 and get weapon cases and have inventory space again
I bought two then a bunch of AK-74s just because I can now

I member.
>not using dry erase marker trick as old as gaming itself

>still doesn't know how to take screenshots

he's a fort nigger, what do you expect

Its the weekend and no anons are playing?

Got killed by a guy named "Specialist_Reed" Using tracer rounds and only hitting my legs.

He 2 tapped my friend who peeked a window in a roof then blew out my legs behind a fence.


It just feels fishy as hell. we were both in fast fort and a Tracer destorys us no problem.

Been hooked on Arma again, playing some good old Dynamic Recon Ops while watching netflix.

You just told us he hit your legs so I don't see the problem.

That's literally the only thing he hit the whole 5 minute firefight while I was sprinting and moving between trees. but it being tracers It wasn't able to break them so I just kept healing my legs

Refund soon comrades.

>triple the cost of a AAA title


>he isn't getting a refund

lmao GL in Tarkov ;)

What if they never fix lag because Unity was never meant to handle a high fidelity large map multiplayer twitch game?

yeah bro, next you'll sue them for 1 million billion dollars for you never winning 100% of the time like in a single player game.

>not past alpha

if there was an actual standard able to define what is in alpha or in beta then it would prob be regulated by any community already. This meme has got to stop.

also enjoy your refund real soon™ :^)


unity itself would take a hit and all the unity scientist and engineers would be trampling all over each other to fix the problem in order to damage control for free.

>Taking a screenshot to please you faggots

Did you just take a picture of your monitor?

>falling for reddit memes

Best weapon to use when doing punisher 6?
I use AKM most of the time, but i don't think it is a very good gun for this quest because it would be easier to shoot hatchling with something easier to control.
At the same time i don't want to use aks74u because it will be hard to kill hatchling in a distance
ak74 or m4? what should i use?

I dont run factory but id hazard to guess m4 can be run in tighter form than the 74n?

Size of the gun have gameplay difference? Really?

In enclosed spaces the longer barrels will keep riding up on terrain so its easier to use shorter guns.
Its noticeable in Tarkov unlike most other FPS ive played.

Nice, so i guess i should take m4 with short barrel?
Any advices about modding m4? I only used m4 once in this game

I havent used m4 much either. All i know is its laser accurate and seems to be compact.
Some other anons would have a better idea.



>Youre supposed to die 19 out of 20 raids!
>it has nothing to do with the netcode!
>be sure to bring your best gear, nothing else will suffice!

The state of the game right now is basically a sneak peek at the end game player base when wipes and bans are no longer a thing.

It isn't going to get better.


>final quality
>not finished quality
>Good luck!

Vatnik pls

>its just beta
So many russian bots shilling this shit game here.

Best ammo for punisher 6 m4?

I heard that they're going to discount the game when the patch comes out.
Anyone heard the same or just a random rumor?
I'm planning to upgrade to EOD if a sale pops up

>join dodgy Russian beta
>complain thats a dodgy Russian beta

Im not sure what you expected

>thinks beta testing is for games that are wholly incomplete

That is some impressive mental gymnastics Ivan

Not saying it's a good thing but those terms mean absoutely nothing anymore now that even AAA publishers will throw half-finished "early access" projects on the market.

Only one doing those gymnastics here is you trying to convince yourself that you somehow were unjustly tricked into pre-purchasing an unreleased product.

>photo of a screen
You are ready to be wiped from earth with your stupidity

It was only described as a beta for people who were crying about the staggered entrance way back when. Everyone with half a brain knows this is still a technical alpha, brainlet.

>everyone knows its an alpha

Including the youtubers with press packs who shill the shit out of it. Maybe they should be held responsible too?

Pretty hard to judge a game when it's all sunshine and rainbows on the forums and early access reviews push this shit nonstop like the average player will ever get to see or do 99% of the shit they rave about.

Muh gunporn
Muh squad play
Muh ultra realism
Muh seamless maps
Muh hideout
Muh get gud

t. angered fort nigger

>Literally thousands of hours of livestreams, vods, tutorial videos available

>hard to judge

so i got the game a couple of days ago
the crashing is driving me mad but other than that i love it

on average how often do you boys crash?

Never ever.
git gud.

Do you mean a hard crash to desktop? Never happened to me so far. (about 12h of playtime)

>valuing streamer shill press kit user's opinions

Tool set ak74n + recoil pad and reflex sight. That's IT.

>9 minutes into a battle
>hear noises in the living room which is one floor below me
>my mom is having sex with her black coworker who recently moved to germany

what the fuck should i do /eftg/? I recorded it if you want to listen to what I had to suffer to
http ://

Sorry boys added a space for no reason

will the performance issue ever be fixed

I fell for it.

Just buy 64gigs of RAM lmao what are u poor

I have been crashing every match since the last patch.

>kill shitter and take his M4
>next 4 AKM loadouts paid for

Never crashed, sometimes it'll crash while closing the game but never during a raid or anything.

Igor's card of cards indie scam is crumbling already.


>selling M4s for AKs
my nigga

Update drivers mebbe? I haven't had more than 5 hard to desktop crashes and have been playing since release.

Anyone seen anything besides "marauder" and "neutralizer" for survivor class? post pmcs to be eternally judged before dead thred.

is there a way to check the serve I'm playing? I know the closest server from my location is in miami, but I suspect I'm not being put in it because 166 ms

>is there a way to check the serve I'm playing
open your game folder .../EFT/logs/ find the most recent folder then it is the first .txt file with the name "application" open it and there will be the server ip. Copy pasta that ip here:

>get one of my insured aks and some other shitty stuff back
>decide to do suicide run without meds on customs before i go to sleep
>kill someone with trizip and nicely modded ak74n
>welp, time for same shit on factory this time
>pop some faggot with kiver and another modded ak74n

fucking game won't let me sleep reeeee, also why the fuck holo is so xboxhueg in this game



Does the game use money from your wallets when buying shit?
Every time I check a wallet that I put 4 100k stacks of roubles in, one of the stacks always ends up not being 100k



Shit, I was playing Clear Sky and gave myself 10k roubles with Cheat Engine after the bandits stole my shit. Then I closed Clear Sky and opened up EFT without realizing I had Cheat Engine open. Realized and taskquit everything after like 15 seconds and restarted my computer, am I getting banned? :