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/vsg/ Vidyascape General - Smithing Edition
first for ded gaem ded thread
uncut rubies & diamonds
blue & black dhides
magic logs
zimzam page 3 & 4
all guthix & sara pages
pm; oven dodger
when pickles gets mad
This motherfucker slaps your girlfriend's ass and then stands in the same spot for 14 hours, what do you do?
hey in my defense I thought 100k would be enough
do you think his legs ever get tired
no they don't we have infinite energy, they might in the wildy though
failed tranny/10
what the fuck
this is not motherfucker
damn you ugly
what colour is your nipple?
all three are brown
yours will be purple when i'm done with you! ',:^)
Can anyone show me a vscaper that isnt fucking disgusting to look at
dairychoco and animosity are beautiful
Animosity and t. Hubcap are
I thought it was dairy and ovid who were the two main ones
hello hubcap
i'm hubcap
i'm hubcap
t. hubcap
Also Darango
I'm still waiting for more pics of dairy that i was promised by an internet stalker
Pedo detected. Seriously, that guy looks like hes 15
laughed but these seem pretty facebook tier
giving away a mage pure account I have now lost interest on:
ign: Maha Vailo
password: ayylmao
ironmeme: no
stats so far: 27 prayer, 61 magic, 37 hp. everything else at 1 and no quests done. bank is empty and the pin will be deleted in 7 days.
to whoever takes this account, I highly recommend the first thing you do is change the password. thanks.
thanks m8
no problem. take care of it lad
dairy and ovid are nu-male 5/10s
animosity is a male model
>t. Hubcap
has anyone ever posted a pic of hubcap?
looks like he has spic genes somewhere. definitely not anglo
But you just posted a numale
i know people on this server are autistic but what the fuck
i've become so bump
ani is the biggest chad i want him to pin me down and fuck my ass
mate british males are the biggest numales
>Buzzwords and denial
Which country do you think SJWism and numales come from? Protip its not the UK Mr Lardo
Dude have you seen the amount of muslims and niggers in the UK? It's fucking insane; the worst part about going to Europe.
you guys realize british people are ugly as fuck and continentals are like 10x hotter right
something's off about his face, it makes me uncomfortable. looks like a school shooter
shooting that hot cum in your oneitis
>I do not know what a numale is: the post
nobody came to my rally :/
ur a faget
Jay Tootie, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. Please come back.
@cya@Jay Tootie has logged in.
@cya@Jay Tootie has logged out.
I'm drunk so if u guess who I am u win a pic of me
is darklight better than whip on abbies?
if you want strength xp then maybe
is there any use of darklight other than construction trophy?
I suppose it would be good for someone with low attack killing lesser/greater demons. Although idk why they would,
The problem is that even with the damage multiplier, it still has addy sword tier accuracy
Not really desu. Pretty sure that dscim or obby sword would still be better against demons for strength xp.
thread saving bump
please don't let this die. thanks
why is no one online
ded game
which room is best room?
southeast room.
there's no reason to use anything but whip
slower overall gains if you dont focus train str before att and def
You'd be correct if we had godswords or any str training weapon worth a damn. But you're cucking yourself pretty hard using a shitty weapon like a d scim or obby sword once you could use a whip instead.
getting an issue where i can't login-- says my acct is already logged in?
Fix his code and call him a faggot
Okay odel
awesome sauce
b e n i s
There are 2 genders, anyone who says otherwise is confused.