/kcdg/ - Kingdom Come Deliverance General

handgunners when edition

>What is Kingdom Come Deliverance?
Kingdom Come Deliverance is an open world RPG set in the Bohemian countryside of the Holy Roman Empire in the very early 15th century. You play as Henry, son of a blacksmith, voiced by and modeled from an inbred looking Englishman. The game was kickstarter funded to the tune of around 5 million USD. The map is 16km sq. From the homepage:
>The death of its beloved ruler, Emperor Charles IV, has plunged the kingdom into dark times
>One of Charles' sons, Wenceslas, has inherited the crown.
>His half-brother and King of Hungary, Sigismund the Red Fox, senses weakness in Wenceslas.
>Sigismund travels to Bohemia and kidnaps his half-brother. With no king on the throne, Sigismund is now free to plunder Bohemia and seize its riches.
>You end up in the service of Lord Radzig Kobyla, who is forming a resistance against the invasion.

>Official sites & social media

There's a lot more on twitch at the moment for all platforms so look it up you lazy naggers, be warned it has its bugs at the minute


May or may not fix/improve frame rate
Put this into launch options
>16 GB or more RAM
-heapsize 2097152
>8 GB of RAM
-heapsize 1048576



Other urls found in this thread:



I like to root for the underdog. Can't believe the aristocratic Knight is the underdog in the situation

Same question as last thread.

Who here had the brass balls required to face off against the first Cuman that chases you after the cutscene where your dad dies

One mistake and he cuts you to pieces. It was brutal.

I failed after an hour of trying.

I tried once or twice and realized how fruitless it was. And then I got my ass ravaged by the other group trying to rape the village girl, before realizing you’re just supposed to lure them away wito b the horse.

clearly his body was made up of swords

Activate windows.

>it's the same retard who can't into combat spamming stab attack this time

>powerful, rich family
>against counterfeiting money
>V O N R O S E N B E R G

I tried to fight even though Kunesh almost beat me to death with his bare fists before. I don't think he stops punching you if you initiate a fight outside of the dialogue.

Look at women who you find hanging from trees. You can see bush and ass.

Does not being able to save everywhere really add anything to a game as challenging and open-world as this?

need some context on them here

What kind of weapons do you enjoy using?

must install mod list
>unlimited saving
>unlimited weight
>bow dot reticle
>skip intro movies
>minimal HUD
>free training
>easy/sectoral lockpicking

Fucking game crashed.
Fucking quest bugs when the quest character freezes.

Shit but it's still fun.

Yes. I wish they'd take out the stupid saving potions also, but instead allow sleeping in any bed to save.

My mind user, the most powerful weapon

That skip intro one I might get cause mine just freezes anyway.


Best noob list so far.
With this you surely won't have any chellange.

where do I sell goblets, chalices and such? No one wants to buy them, and those who want to (general traders usually) are poorfucks who can't afford much

>it's an actually related osprey

>no helmut vision

>tfw still no godmode modes, or mods that anime swords that do 999 damage

Sell them to trader and accept shitty armor and swords for trade. Then sell the armor and swords to the smiths.

How do I tell if I've actually succeeded in sharpening my sword?

Ooga booga

I tried cca 20 times. sometimes I got a few hits before getting... just slain... The fact that he is in a pretty heavy armour and you have rags (torn to pieces when I got my ass handed over by Kunesh) just makes the fight really difficult.

When I finish the game, I will go back, grind my skills as much as is possible in tutorial and then I will fucking slaughter him naked.

Gay af

>not playing as (((Berg)))

So, how is the combat? I remember looking an old gameplay video where it looked like a QTE spam minus button prompts, but I want someone else opnion.

I wish helmet vision would just activate in combat or something. Exploring blind isn't comfy.

look at the condition when you're done vs when you started

>Trying to find armor to disguise myself as local constabulary.
>Figure I can probably find some armor in locked chests nearby the ramparts of the Talmberg's fortifications, because I really don't want to knock a guard out for no reason if it can be avoided.
>Try to haggle lockpicks from Votava, but he won't take 5 ducats for a 25 ducat item. This is why the Jews were expelled, I decide.
>Go into nearby attic and find some arrows and bow
>Cool, I might need this later
>Head out to try and convince Radmir to let me out again, except suddenly two guards come storming after me for no reason.
>Step away from them and hide behind Radmir, because Radmir seemed like a bro
>The two guards don't even look at me
>They ram head first into the gates and continue running into the gates until they blip through the bars, running off down the countryside, until they disappear into the horizon.

Ah, I thought it actually had some kind of modifier to the damage or something, not just repair.

It does just activate in combat.

I tried to cheese it. There's a raised area covered in a shrub near a wall that he gets pathfind fucked over and I would sit on top of it and play with the AI and try to sneak hits in.

One time I got like 3 or 4 clean hits and he was hurting pretty bad but then he went Ultra Instict and cut me dickhole open

It feels like Ryse: Son of Rome mixed with Shadow of Mordor. You basically just spam left click to awesome.

that's what it does...

How do I get his dice when not killing antonius in the monastery?

>godmode soon

>playing with German voices
>villagers constantly saying Gesundheit

you will find a box of coutnerfeit shekels and then have to find out who made them and shit. eventually there will be this dude that will fucking wreck you and is hired by (((von rosenbergs))) because aint noone making fake shekels around here you fucking antisemite

Stop running around with your sword out dipshit.

So, it is worse than M&B and Exanima?

yeah i finished the quest i just don't know the Von Rosenburgs are

huh i completly forgot about that game
Worst combat ever. At least in this game you dont feel like you are fighting the controls

I have a couple of questions:
1. Where can I (if it's possible) get an armour like the knight on the knight vs Cuman loading screen ( i.pinimg.com/originals/ae/d2/38/aed238135d1b6c2b7c801ffebe337143.jpg ) or Sir Davish, by that I mean the longer lower part? Also, does it have good stats?

2. How exactly does master strike work? I did it a couple of times when I was going for a perfect block, but it was more of an accident than a planned action.

3. Are combos with 4 attacks useful? I very rarely manage to do them, people either perfect parry earlier or simply die.

4. Can I lift the helmet visor somehow, so when I'm not in combat and am talking to people I can see Henry's face?

didn't save your parents or girlfriend now did it

you werent paying attention to master tahof or whatever his name was, the dude that inspects the coins, he said some shit about van rosenbergs being involved. ihavent gotten further yet

>Worst combat ever. At least in this game you dont feel like you are fighting the controls
git gud

Guys I'm pressing x why isn't the sex scene starting

Saved her from getting raped desu, just swung at the cumans until they chased me and then just jumped on one of their horses. was nothing much more i could do after that

how long does it take for a trader's wealth to refresh?

How do I know if I properly sharpened the blade?

Do the stats increase?

I did not realize how fast horse gear deteriorates, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this saddle repaired. Is it just fucked once it hits 0%? Checked blacksmith and armorer.

Where can I get horse armor? Horse has slots for head and body armor, but no one sells them.

>using brawn
that's not using your brain

has anyone survived the Island of Terror yet?
How do I beat these fuckers?

I whistled at them then jumped on a horse and scurried off.

Is that using my brain?

Barely used brawn, just a love tap to distract them. Filthy cumans to stupid for my superior slav intellect

you can see the wealth value go up when you reinitiate the stone

same vendor who sells horses

That's not your girlfriend at least not at that point your girlfriend is Bianca.

wtf i just used the grindstone and my sword's durability went down!!!!

that is a lie, they only sell Horse Clothes, no armour, even though it has two more armour slots.

I visited 3 traders, and they only had covers, saddles, bridles and horseshoes, no armor.

>I whistled at them then jumped on a horse and scurried off.
>lovetaping enemies
>Displays superior slav intellect
you know what? you win user.

you grinded it too much.

Bianca is now not even my gf ;_; waited too long with the Q and now its gone ;_;

If I find a weapon I'm not strong enough for the strength requirement, can I not use it at all, or are their pentalties for damage, speed, etc. If the latter, what are the penalties? Is it a good way to increase the strength stat?

>tfw we'll never get a game like KC:D about fighting Orcs in the Riddermark

You can use it and it loses like 3~5 damage in each type, more I think. But of course if it breaks it will do even less.

the fucking SHEIBE cabella big game hunter parts

How do you use a shield?

Mods, user.

it's ridiculous how fast your armor gets dirty. hopefully there will be a mod to fix this

equip it in the menu, "draw" it, and use the block button. You pick the direction same way you do with weapons.

i didn't expect there to be this many sidememes

Has anyone played thick as thieves quest yet? For the second miller guy. Because I killed the target instead of pickpocketing and now I'm worried the entire quest is fucked.

What the fuck is the point of combos if the enemy is almost guaranteed to parry or dodge one of your blows?

>your girlfriend is Bianca.
>implying i ever talked to her other than ordering my father's ale
why do i even have her ring?

They're not guaranteed. It depends on your skills versus theirs.

You want sparks not smoke.

I bet Henry just thought that she's his girlfriend because she's flirty when he's there, even though she's flirty towards everyone because it's her job.

Is it worth using?

rumor had it game of thrones mod is in the works.
absolutely disgusting

I think so, yes.

My tactic is to clinch first, then to use one of the 3 strikes combos. Works most of the times.


Holy Shit I'm so sorry, I only wanted to try my new Battleaxe, but he failed to block my overhead attack and he didn't survive it.

You fool why did you challenge the Brute of Talmberg? Noww I'll have his life on my conscience forever.

Not only that but now I don't even dare to fight against my rival the Black Knight anymore, for fear of my own martial prowess.

Btw does this count as a crime? I never even stole and apple and this was a legit accident with lethal outcome.

>play ze game on my weak machine yesterday on medium
>decent 50fps performance
>play the game today 25-35fps
wtf happened

>lockpick every single house in rattay trying to level it
>still level 5
god save me from this grind

I think you'll get an indicator left of the compass if it's an actual crime. Have to talk to local populace to see if they dislike you now, though.

>kill process bitcoin_miner.exe

No, but looting him is a theft. But don't worry, wayfarers respawn.

>split a man's skull open "as a prank"
>hey guys was this a crime?

With lockpicking perks it becomes a joke because you aren't really wasting the picks. I'm currently level 15 for example

So what's your Henry's daily accomplishment bois?

Got him, had the higher ground and just did overhead attacks while trying to back off (since you dont know block or dodge at that point)