How the fuck?

How the fuck?

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They conquered the Caucasus, your argument is invalid

How did they even run an empire that immense?

They never did. It was more of a protection scheme before it collapsed into something more manageable.

>empty grass and mountains

Note how their so called "Empire" carefully avoided and skirted around all of the civilizations that were relevant at the time.

Except the part where they btfo the Mamluks and were memeing their way into Europe before they left to deal with succession of the new khan

>Medieval Europe.
>Relevant at the Time.

This. Had they tried to invade japan they would have been massacred by the samurai.

but they did and were btfo

Why did they never try and conquer India?

What are Korasan, Persia, Baghdad, ALL of China
Just because you are eurocentric doesn't mean history is

men on horses shoot arrows at men with heavy armor

That's how they won.

t. Reddit

Mongol "empire" was literally nothing, a bunch of open space with no culture or economy. Only thing of value they had was China

China was the most relevant part of the world at the time, and the mid east was probably second.

The cunts they fought had men on horses twanging arrows as well m8m8

>implyIng Japan is relevant before 1868

Just because you fetishize their culture and history doesn't make it important

seeFurther proof the katana is the greatest weapon ever forged.

Then I guess it was probably because they had plenty of logistics planning as well as having plenty of different horse units such as lancers and the such to counter the other horse shooting arrow cunts that they fought.

Or they just zerg-rushed everyone they met with arrows. That works too.

t. Shameless Shitposter

Like China? China was a very advanced culture by the time of the middle ages. Not to mention the ilkhanate ruling over most of Mesopotamia. They also took parts of Russia reaching the Baltic sea and had captured kiev, and were marching on Vienna and eastern and central Europe.

They weren't a traditional empire like Egypt, Rome, or persia. They mostly focused on running protection and messenger services for the merchants of the silk road. They had outposts and weigh stations every 25-50 miles running from khanbaliq, (Beijing) to the south China sea, and all the way through to the Mediterranean.

>Further proof the katana is the greatest weapon ever forged.

I get this is a shitpost but the mongols mostly lost because they got fucking wrecked by typhoons.

No economy? Read about the silk road and the Pax Mongolica you douche. Not to mention that just China alone was far superior to Europe in economic development, not to mention Persia and Mesopotamia

And they pretty much had never had a naval invasion before and they sucked at managing such an invasion too

Hence the word 'kamikaze'

More like they were massacred by storms and their own retardation regarding boats.

Stop getting your history from /pol/.

Post system and they mostly just installed themselves as the top tier class of executive authorities if that makes any sense. They didn't really interact with the people after they conquered them, they generally didn't speak the same language and the mongols didn't have interest in fraternizing with conquered populations. One exception would be the khanate in China where Kublai got all wrapped up in chinese culture.

>Ching Chongs
>hard to conquer

A few generals put the idea on the table but everybody just kinda said, "Yeahhhhhhhhh no." Then I'm pretty sure there was one half-assed attempt, but they left because they were unprepared for how hot and humid it'd be.

The chinks in 1215 would have buttfucked any euro army out there.


>this is what rice coons actually belueve

Medieval armor was pretty heavy, mang. Unless its Chinese armor. Knights and others at the Battle of Legnica got their ass handed to them by the horse archers.

Why exactly and what generals specifically do we know rejected conquering india? I'm pretty well versed on the mongols but had never really considered that before. I imagine managing the himalayas would be a nightmare but say they actually did get there what kind of resistance would they have met in India? The more I think about it I feel like it's not so much "uh nah we're not gonna bother with India" so much as "we're gonna conquer all this shit over here first and then fuck these guys up cause they pissed us off, and then after we finish that stuff up we'll to head over there" and then the plans never came to fruition

Why are you even posting if you're intent on shitting everything up go back to /pol/ otherwise just lurk please

Just repeat a false retreat.

So can I get a non-meme answer about how a bunch of Mongolian horsefuckers managed to from nowhere conquer several of the worlds largest kingdoms?

Fuck off retard, China is pretty much the Italy of Asia when it comes to military prowess.

Disciplined army
Gifted generals
Natural born mounted archer warriors
Nomads are difficult to eradicate

That's really it, you could go further in depth but I suppose that'd just be a meme to you

Jesus christ this board has gone to shit

They were mobile, learnt from their mistakes quickly when fighting against enemies, had incredibly skilled horse archers that dominated on the battlefield against other nations, had competent generals like Subutai, as well as being amazing at harassing enemies through hit-and-run tactics.

They also used pretty complex tactics, with multiple heads of attacks - and they could pretty much pick any field of battle they wanted, as they could retreat immediately if they did not want to fight on unfavorable ground due to their cavalry.

Yeah but Mongol armor was lighter than average (probably still heavy because it's armor) for mobility.

Genghis united modern-day Mongolia and turned basically every able-bodied man into a mounted soldier. He was also a really good general. I honestly don't understand how he got so lucky, though.

There's not much on Mongolian armor sadly, other then the fact it was made of leather or iron. I remember that their armor shrugged off arrows from their enemies really easily though. But that was assuming someone could actually hit a guy riding on a horse while under fire from his friends.

Luck had nothing to do with it. The nomads were natural soldiers and their leadership was unusually competent

I don't remember all the names involved in the deciding not to take India, but I do know they wouldn't have had much resistance. India was not at all unified, just a bunch of small kingdoms.

You make a good point. You got me there.

>greatest weapon
Not against Europeans.

Mongols took incorporated from neighboring civilizations.

Mongols adopted multi piece lamellar from Tanguts and Jurchens who adopted them from the Chinese.



After doing some reading and reviewing some notes they did indeed push into the Indian subcontinent and conquered parts of what is now Pakistan and northern India. Even had they met no resistance further into the subcontinent, which does not seem to be the case, the jungle and monsoon climate would have been hell for the Mongol armies to traverse and fight upon. Add fortified cities to unfavorable terrain and an invasion further south is a potential and probable disaster. I'm sure the Mongol leadership reached the same conclusions

Mongol pragmatism really was something special

>Mongol pragmatism really was something special
What people don't seem to understand is the bulk of the Mongol army wasn't even made up of Mongols.

Mongols unite the steppe and attack Western Xia.

Tanguts,Khitans and Han join the Mongols in attacking the Jurchen Jin.

Tanguts,Khitans,Han,Tibetans,Central Asians etc. invade the Song with Song defectors playing a larger role in the later invasions.

Mongols then use Song defectors to invade Java,Japan etc.

Pax Mongolica

Each Mongol horse archer carried with him some special heavy arrows that were capable of penetrating heavy armor.

Climate of India is awful for Mongols.

It's called terrifying your opponents into submission and having an incredibly powerful, professionalised army that unlike previous nomadic horde, could effectively use siege equipment.

>citacion needed
>citacion needed
>citacion needed

ITT we wuz:

>invade the Song with Song defectors playing a larger role in the later invasions
This is one of my favorite things in history, where the one chinese kingdom lets the other fall to the mongols as a regional power play and then get conquered right afterwards

Here you go user.

10,000 years in photoshop. Do not steal.


>I don't remember all the names involved in the deciding not to take India, but I do know they wouldn't have had much resistance. India was not at all unified, just a bunch of small kingdoms.

That's straight up fucking incorrect.

The Mongols waged several wars in India, especially against the Sultanate of Delhi, and were defeated repeatedly by the numerically and technologically (surprising but true) superior Indian forces.

That's bullshit. Afghanistan has never been conquered. Just because they passed through does not mean they ran the place.

Source: am Afghan

itt: a retard comes into a thread in which discussion is going on. Due to being too fucking stupid to contribute in any way and not wanting to be left out, he starts spewing shitty memes in a very misguided attempt at being funny, kind of like that retarded loner kid in middle school who would say the dumbest shit just to get the attention of his peers

>That's bullshit. Afghanistan has never been conquered.

Tell that to NATO lul.


Very nice, saving this for future "Muh mongol's had big empire!!" threads

>Go into Afghanistan
>Fuck shit up
>War continues


If NATO/USA wanted to occupy/colonize Afghanistan it could do so indefinitely and easily. The problem is they are moralfags and want to prop up a democratic Afghan state even though it's been apparent for 15 years that its impossible. The sane thing would be to establish a Pro-Western dictator but bleeding hearts would cry.

kek. you clearly didn't study history.

China and Persia both happened to be weak and divided at the time. Usually the nomads from Mongolian plateau could only at best conquer one of the two and got assimilated and lost nomad tradition. But the Mongols were lucky enough to conquer both and kinda experienced a sense of multiculturalism, of not just the binary worldview of nomad vs Chinese culture or nomad vs Persian culture. Thus they managed to maintain their nomadic culture for longer the same time utilizing the technologies of different regions that the academia of agricultural empires were too costly or too proud to connect and re integrate within.

Didn't they conquer the Hwanguks?



Slavs BTFO

It's interesting to think of how they went from small bands of squabbling clans to a unified army with complex tactics.

Back to your hole you smelly chink.

Why didnt they take siberia too?

Since when are Russians not slavic?

Since mongols raped them.

Literally since they went eastwards into Russia and racemixed with all the Finno-Ugrics that lived there. Then the Mongol rape fucked all the remaining Slav out of them.

There's literally nothing there that's worth going to take and hold.

why is it always about building up your ego and not about objective facts?

I love playing the Age of Empires 2 mongol campaign. The final mission where you have to fight Hungary made me read up on that period and I read about how the Hungarians BTFO the mongols. Though it was really fun BTFOing Khwarezm.

I can attribute most of my love of history to that game. Man, it's great. It should be an honorary Veeky Forums game


>I love playing the Age of Empires 2 mongol campaign.
Also my favorite campaign by far. The Saladin campaign in comparison was a bunch of SJW garbage.

i dont see where he is wrong


It's true. Modern Russians are basically Finno-Mongol mongrels.


Yes, but you also got to play as crusaders in Barbarossa which was cool.

The final missions of the Saladin campaign were neat though. Fighting all the crusader states was pretty badass. Then in the El Cid campaign you got to BTFO moors which felt great

>implying it isn't
who /Franks/ here?

you mean just like most of their "conquests"?

That's not how ethnicity works

China and Persia are pretty neat

franks shit
huns master race

They are true sons of Hyperwar

This, I always play huns. No houses and full cavalry tech tree (and a good overall tree)? sounds good to me

>ching chongs and brown people

who cares, the mongols never touched anyone civilized

Say that to my Paladins bichboi