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First for Ciri
tfw slowly climbing ladder with ghetto alchemy
I answered on the old thread.
>getting scorched for +30
do you ever want more than 1 silver, ever?
if not, which should I go for over the 2nd mage
Geralt and Triss OTP
no until its nerfed
go for Hunt and complete your collection
The only reason to choose a silver (or gold) you already own is if it happens to mill for full value due to it being nerfed recently. Just choose Glorious Hunt.
give me some funny gwent videos
okay thanks
>Play a Bearmaster that's bigger that its own Bear
>Still lose to Ciri Nova
>By 1 point
>play calveit and summon joachim
>it summons fucking roach
>playing a deck with no spy and actually have to think about passing opportunities
playing 22+ beastmasters is all worth it
> Play a leader
> Play a silver
> Play a card that is summoned with a gold
> For some reason, complain
I'm gonna have to ask you to fuck off
the roach wasn't summoned because of a gold
it was summoned because of joachim
Cahir>thicc calveit>vilgefortz>slave driver>bear master>bear
Is there a leader this incredible?
Or cahir>thicc calveit>vilgefortz>runestone>joachim>21 point assire
An equally well set-up Harald. Funny thing is, Eithne was never as thicc whilst both Harald and Calveit were the same, yet CH ate the wood.
thats what? 33 after a long chain?
Harald + 1 axeman = 32 without any luck
wish they shouldn't shit up the random rewards with meteor dust
useless shit
Harald is actually fucking amazing. Feels unbeatable when there's so many elves out there.
>reach high rank after 2 days of back and forth
oh its just dust
It's 400 powder though, right?
>Henselts into 5 Battering rams
pssst, nothing personnel kid
I love you, cute Triss Merigold.
Yeah, I admit that I absolutely hate weather, axemen, and harald but if theres one thing I hate more than that it's elves. You SK cunts have my support as long as your numbers dont grow
It's REALLY hard to find another SK deck and it's usually greatswords. So don't worry about it. I'm going to get to GM with this shit
leaders should cost half as much as normal golds
As a Nilfgaardian, it's counterintuitive to hate elves openly.
as a Nilfgaardian you have one or two elves in your family tree
Now it became obvious to me why I'm such a faggot.
So race mixing is actually a good thing in the witcher universe, who would've thought.
>need those kegs for 50 match wins with ST
>barely at 14
how can there be a canon ending if it is the last game
It's just 3 kegs user. Don't burn yourself out if you don't enjoy spamming ST.
its not that I don't like them I just feel really limited compared to what I have for other races
>tfw ST, and elves in particular, are my favorite faction to play
Hey nordling, wanne check out my recorded family history?
lmao nilfmutt
Not sure if banging your sister provides a more stable gene pool in terms of avoiding potential health hazards than race-mixing with elves.
inbreeding is fine once or twice but you always want more genetic diversity, not less
elf fucking is aaaaaaaaalright
can some1 post me a completely rng deck, probly NF for slave drivers, but i just want CREATE and RANDOM
why don't you just type create in the deck builder
>nordlets are upset because our slave infantry fights better than your special forces
I hate when you accidentally drink spoiled milk and you become nauseous! Poor Trissfu
>you will never clean her weakened body after a very bad case of diarrhea
Filavandrel shupe with a bunch of create
How is that even possible when Veterans can't be reused with Freyas, every time I play that deck I only have like 1 veteran in hand and it is impossible to tutor for the fuckers.
Daily reminder
>humans lust after our ladyfolk
>it is impossible to tutor for the fuckers.
Watch shinmiri now on twitch if you want to see a strong version of the deck. He is top 200 playing veterans with 77% WR. He is playing Crach and ADC to pull the veterans. Gets at least 2 every game.
>fellow general goers chose ST instead of SK
You guys are tearing me apart.
very well made. 9/10
climbing with veterans at the moment
almost have that sweet skellige border
I'm sorry user, I just love my elves too much. If it makes you feel any better SK's been schooling me in most of my matchups.
I chose ST but then I suddenly got a bunch of cool SK cards and i regert everything
As you should. Never play ST again.
This is what I'm talking about.
I'm a degenerate elf-lover at heart.
cant stop here
You can still redeem yourself, user...
Hey guys, I found out what Yennefer was doing with Istredd while Geralt was munnster hunting
reroll account you elf scum
I can't believe I've spent half a night on this lame joke: youtu.be
Validate me, /wtc/.
that was really horrible, please never make anything again including children
I laughed, if that helps
post it on reddit, they'll be obliged to give you some of their validation currency
>running into 100% synergistic decks with my half assed missing-60% of the cards decks
i Really hate this fucking gay shitty faggot filter you use.
He likes his filter.
The decks works really well even if there are some issues with the draws.
I have to win a few matches with northern realms and monsters
but I have almost no cards for them
Guy goes second and has shupe and his spy in round 3
Amazing game CDPR
most NR decks I face have either Foltest or Henselt
why though? Radovids value is insane this meta. one single leader card and he fucks up 50% of all decks
Redanian Elites are also awesome
>take off armor with Vincent
>use Keira Metz for thin armor layer
>take off again with Yen while shitting all over opponents board
I only have machine cards so i have to play henselt
Because armor is inconsistent and Radovid isn't as powerful as drawing 3 trebuchets for your opponent to pass or boosting your entire deck
Cursed is in the dumpster
foltest 41/henselt machines/armor nova
consume/deathwish/eredin nova
Check gwentdb out for these decks, figure which decks have the most cards you already own, make a hybrid deck adding a few replacements for shit you don't have.
Or you can have fun and figure some funky deck for yourself.
just lost round 3 because of shupes charm a random enemy meme
great game
>mfw someone says play anything other than nilfgaard
gotta love slave drivers. it really never gets boring as you can use every single factions units against them
>shupe charms my 12 point vilgefortz
absolute bullshit
Anna leader card when?
I am fucking losing my shit with all these nerds crying about spies yet again and with all this reddit/streamer pressure now burza hints that they might disable spies from arena.
Listening to total scrubs like fucking Merchant of all people. Who the fuck is Merchant? He is total garbage at the game and he still doesn't know how many interactions work while knowing that shit is literally his job as a caster. Why does his stupid opinion matter? Is this fucking real life? I can't believe this shit.
If you are one of those brainlets that say shit like "spies remove deck diversity cuz it's like playing with 5 silvers" fucking kill yourself.
Let's keep nerfing into oblivion/removing every single interesting mechanic and then complain when it all comes down to point vomiting when nothing else is left.
Fuck CDPR for listening to idiotic feedback and making their game shit. I am mad, you guys told me that the polacks are based.
Why does Anna and Syanna art look nothing like how they look in-game? Did they hire a new artist or something?
They have no creative vision anymore sadly. Just listening to all kinds of mixed biased feedback making it all a mess.
Just increasing CA spy strength to 14-15 would go a long way in my opinion.
>They have no creative vision anymore sadly. Just listening to all kinds of mixed biased feedback making it all a mess.
When did it all go wrong man? I defended many of the changes like removal of faction passives and removal of gold immunity but I just don't know anymore.
>scrubs like fucking Merchant
>Why does his stupid opinion matter
Well perhaps because he used to be a game developer himself. That one point is he only one youved need to give him and his ideas and suggestions any credibillity, atleast more than some random redditor or some guy that complains on cdpr forum. So yeah....
>That one point is he only one youved need to give him and his ideas and suggestions any credibillity
>Well perhaps because he used to be a game developer himself
Right, what game did he work on exactly?
QWOP iirc
just because i built a bridge doesnt make me good at building other things