ITT: we post black history that has been twisted by the white man to inflate his fragile ego
Black history thread
>> BPP leaders when asked on what white people can do to help: "MAKE A WHITE PANTHER PARTY NIGGA".
>> BPP's main platform of action being to make sure school children of all races and incomes are fed instead of relying on the state, anti-police brutality / pro-gun to defend their communities, literacy programs to help those who never went to school
>> BPP literally fucking start the rainbow coalition, a coalition that kicked the teeth in racial gangs in large cities and drew in black, white, brown (puerto rican mainly due to the Young Lords / other latinos) and yellow people together in solidarity, working to improve their communities
FUCKING RAGE. Whities (left or right) probably agree with a good part of what the BPP wanted to do or did but they would rather just learn history from memes.
the black race has literally accomplished nothing in the span of human civilization
Except give birth to humanity
ALL achievements are black achievements
>in an unknown region where no maps or charts exist
so your literal accomplishment is birthing the humanity
then a subset of your group goes
>you guys are worthless
>move to europe
>become white
i mean thats why you guys have to claim Egypt right, because i mean WHAT ELSE DO YOU MOTHERFUCKERS GOT?
We were the first Christians. Among the first Jews and Muslims. We gave birth to art, science and literature which was STOLEN from EGYPT by Greek thieves. We had the alphabet before you. We were here before you. We will be here after you
Modern blacks are no more the ancestors of the human race than chimps are. Just like whites are a subset of people descending from the common ancestors, so are modern blacks.
Really, might as well say that all human achievements can be claimed by all primates, from lemures to gorillas, by that reasoning.
Nino was just the sailing master of the Santa Maria, just a ship's officer.
Saying he discovered America is like saying Thomas Atkinson won Trafalgar.
Christopher Columbus was the charioteer to the horses (Nino) as Nino was the charioteer to the ship, and both charioteers were drunk.
Because they were trying to reach India
>Black navigation
>has never heard mbdtf
African culture is lit af senpai
Yall ever read Things Fall Apart?
going for the WE WUZ
here is your (you)
Combo breaker