I love Lissandra! edition
She's a pure plush cutie!
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
first for OP being a fucking retard
Kled is very cute! I want to have a lot of homosexual sex with him! :3
Sorry im not a Sejfag or a Camillefag therefore I cannot be a fucking retard
>tfw my IQ is too low for Kha
I guess I'll stick to Jax, Warwick and Shyvanna.
I want to fertilize this plant.
xth for my wife Syndra
I want to cuddlefug jinx
this but make him a cute chubby boi
how do you feel that Shyvana wants to eat Zyra
>Remember to cum inside your support
how do i turn around my massive loss streak
>die while the enemy has a sliver of health left
>not sure if I should have built more defense to survive longer or more offense to kill them faster
I want to cum inside a cute Veigar support!
is this bait
>cumming inside blitzcrank
No thanks
>1/8 WL on a new account
I'm just going to rationalize it as not having access to runes or flash
Veigar VGU when
I want his meh skins to become elder god tier
But he's equiped with a fleshlight user.
>play swain in to teemo
>beat him in cs
>bot lane gets fb tower
>that want to rotate
>whats the worst that could happen?
>vayne velkoz on the enemy team
>they do the dab emote
>i give em the good succ
>tristana and taric
>and our jungle nidalee
>and our zed mid
>die to teemo
>die to a 0/0/0 teemo that's down 70 cs
>lose because team end up feeding kayn as well
>zed and nidalee on your team
should've dodged hombré
>responding to the early thread
Fill in the blank:
Sona is for ______ ?
>CaptainChad isn't on the main casting crew
what the fuck riot
i want all of his skins to show his cute adorable fluffy ears
Why can't I just make the switch from top lane to mid lane. My brain says its necessary but i keep locking in top/mid
>level 7
>Having to play Illaoi without Klepto
The fuck is this
It's not. I manage to get my shit fucked up every time I play him.
Missed eulcs, any good games?
which sup to counter soraka?
thigh sex
using what little brain power is necessary to play her to the highest degree and building situationally instead of blindly going full AP every game.
It's so often the DJ users too, it's tragic.
Alistar or Taric blitz too
>broosers are weak
>not GW
But you can just pick anything that can make a catch: Thresh, Morg, Blitz, Rakan, Taric.
Out protecting works as well via Janna, Sona, Lulu. Sure she heals faster than they shield/heal, but you have more offensive tools as them and can poke her down prior to the fighting if you position right.
roam a lot if you can't force a grab
whichever skin makes you fucking kill yourself you fucking subhuman
>your adc is late to the game
>your adc walks to botlane and feeds first blood randomly
>your adc CS'es worse than last season's bots
>your adc is suddenly 0/7
>the rest of your team picked utility teamplay champs and no solocarry shit
why don't people just accept defeat and move on?
quick questions for the healsluts of /lolg/
when should I max W instead of E on Janna?
when should I max Q instead of W on Soraka?
doesnt matter
you'll never matter in life or in game if you actually wanna play those champs, might as well just kill yourself or get AIDS and save your family the trouble desu
why the fuck is ww's q unstoppable
Other way around, user. Jinx is for Sona. She'll a good mother. Sona will make sure of that.
muh plays
This. Women with bigger breasts produce healthier and stronger babies, welcome to natural selection
buddy stop reflecting your own insecurities into the others
>ww is lvl 2
>im xin lvl 3
>almost full hp both with pta
>he wins the fight
for the love of god why are %hp tanks so fucking braindead and cancer? when is rito gonna wake the fuck up and do their job?
>when your GP is fullbuild but doesnt split or hit at least 1 barrel
Well, whatever
How do I deal with being a washed up one-trick returning to the game
>870k on Azir last season
>hit gold on my first season with Azir
>hit plat on my 2nd season with Azir during his trashbin year. It was hard but I was a onetrick
>can't really bring myself to tolerating or living with what Riot is doing with him right now and the fact they're talking about dumpstering him again. Playing him last season at his 40% winrate and force-climbing with him with retarded pokebuilds and extreme tryharding and respecting the enemy sucked the fun out of me for the game and I don't feel like dealing with another season of forcing myself to git gud and cover-up his weaknesses
Now I'm a washed-up fuck who can't really find himself anywhere else than Azir's zoning, long range, mobile playstyle. I'm washed up, can't have fun, feel like I don't feel much during games. My mechanics and macro are still on-point but I just have this trust-issue with my team where I avoid grouping whenever possible and over-focus on towers and other natural objectives because that was my behaviour with Azir last season.
>tfw was optimistic last season that I will be able to hit diamond on this season, but now I doubt if I will even get back to platinum
>American education
play games as a non-azir champion
Don't blame americans for being dumb, they can't go to school without getting shot.
happy sex
does lulus milk taste like grapes???
I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!
post waifus
>people complain about bruisers not being viable
>riot pays off a couple of pro teams to shitpick jax and camillo
>"see guys everything is fine we don't need to change anything :^)"
What's the best BLITZCRANK skin?
why can't I just be a happy azir main
why all this suffering
fuck you reddit
If that's the taste of purple then sure.
Women with bigger breasts have higher IQ, study shows. it may sound funny but it's true ( according to said studies not to me ) google it
>sona and jinx about to fuck for the first time
>jinx pulls out her 4inch feminine cock
>sona pulls out her 12inch bitch breaker
>jinx's face when
I'm actually tempted to write this.
>top lane
exactly what is wrong with toplane right now?
Is Zeronis /ourguy/ ?
>picks fiora mid against talon
>goes 0/6 and loses first turret
>"lol guys i was just curious on how this matchup would go"
SHould be 100% bannable offense
nothing except the people playing it
>feminine cock
i don't get this
if im a manly man with a tiny cock is it feminine?
She came, so it was making love. Do it user.
They're removing teleport
shill more
at least make actual waifu posts youre just advertising for Riots latest aqua-recolour FOR FREE
dumb idiot
gee i sure do love to see the same exact girl but with different clothes and haircut every fucking time
>I'm actually tempted to write this.
You have a reader, keep going
>top lane
They would never remove teleport, they're thinking of creative ways to nerf it. Maybe not even that.
Any cute boys wanna duo? (im a guy btw)
>select mid as primary role and adc as secondary
>never get mid, only adc
its 100% macro which is really boring
people miss the fighter v fighter days
Why hasn't someone answered me more thoroughly?
What is wrong with toplane?
I would if you were in Eune
I'm a pretty cute arab boi with fair skin, long hair, glasses and cute small shoulders and an above-average waist.
Isn't that a good thing?
I'm not exactly a good writer. The best I could do is make a greentext outline for it and pass that along to someone who can write.