why are so many Christians on the internet butthurt about Constantinople? i couldn't even fathom all that butthurt.
you don't see internet Muslims crying about Spain/Andalus, do you?
why are so many Christians on the internet butthurt about Constantinople? i couldn't even fathom all that butthurt.
you don't see internet Muslims crying about Spain/Andalus, do you?
>you don't see internet Muslims crying about Spain/Andalus, do you?
Maybe they should
Why would Muslim North Africans complain about Spain/Andalusia? They're not natives to that region
Probably because despite muh golden age maymays, Andalusia was an irrelevant shit hole while Constantinople was more or less the capital of the world.
because they like to RP in real life
>Why would Muslim North Africans complain about Spain/Andalusia? They're not natives to that region
neither are americans/europeans
Europeans aren't native to Spain?
by the time the turks conquered it, constantinople was an irrelevant, abandoned shithole
Maybe they would if imageboards weren't haram.
constantinople was an irrelevant, abandoned shithole because the turks had conquered the areas around it and greeks suck at administration
it was still "the city of world's desire"
still is today to some extent. both as a butthurt zone for christians and as one of the most(if not the most) strategically important cities in the world
Andalus was stolen and retaken. It never belonged to them.
Constantinople was stolen and never belonged to them either, and it's awaiting retaking.
I'm sorry but we're not discussing that itt. We're discussing European/North African Muslim and Christian attitudes regarding war and border shifts.
Go make your own thread.
But they do. As far as hardline Muslims are concerned, Spain, Portugal and all of Eastern Europe up to the very gates of Vienna, are rightful Muslim clay stolen by the perfidious Christians. Once Muslim clay, always Muslim clay.
i'm talking about Constantinople retard
Dude, you must be new here.
When you're talking about Catholics, say Catholics.
Christians don't give a flip about Constantinople.
Then learn to write you illiterate baboon. And saying Europeans (Greeks are Europeans) aren't native to Constantinople is just as stupid.
>catholics aren't christians
>you don't see internet Muslims crying about Spain/Andalus, do you?
They do.
not that guy but
Constantinople was always and will always be Turkish
>Andalusia was an irrelevant shit hole while Constantinople was more or less the capital of the world.
Córdoba was bigger than Constantinople at one point
I was just about to post that.
That would be a good Veeky Forums meme ala Zhukov and Haig.
>butthurt Moroccan
You must be new here. It's a recurring maymay here where people pretend to be a frothing Protestant zealot who insists no one is a real Christian except themselves and their very specific cult.
>Christians don't give a flip about Constantinople.
Well like the Greeks and shit. Slavic Orthodox folks and all that.
Maybe it's some sort of sympathetic projection from the western Christians who like to shitpost bout muh Constantinople.
To be fair, it is pretty fancy.
The fall of Constantinople was pretty bad, but the fall of Tenochtitlan was a real tragedy.
Constantinopole holds symbolic value for much of christianity/europe as second rome especially for orthodox christians, combine with ethnic cleansing turks did to native christians and backwardness and zealotry of turks its easly understandable why.
Constantinople was quite literally the centre of Christianity from 330 onwards, despite the Latin West's claims to the contrary.
It was founded in 657 B.C. and was Greek from then on until 1453. The Turkish occupation is essentially just a blip compared to that.
Imagine when the Americans invaded Iraq, they take Baghdad and repopulate it with Christians then rename it to something else. Muslim butthurt would never end.
*tips fedora*
>invasion of iraq can be compared to something that happened in the 15th century
It'd be closer to the equivalent of taking Medina, destroying the Prophet's Mosque and building a Church on its foundations.
You're missing the point
You are.
Greeks aren't native to Thrace
Why are muslims so butthurt over Israel.
because israel exists right now. byzzies went extinct 600 years ago
By European standards, early medieval Spain was neither irrelevant not a shithole
Turks exist right now, and greeks were large part of istanbuls population less than 100 years ago
That's a big negative
Is there native ethnicity besides aborigines by your standards on world?
Turks were a large part of Greece & the rest of Balkans population less than 100 years ago.
Never the majority and always foreign elite oppressing natives, its like claiming algeria is french
There was no majority back then. It was 1/3 this 1/4 that and so on.
> rename it to something else
What would be the best name? Bushcity?
Algeria is French though
Save this post.
In 40 years Algeria will be run from Paris.
>In 40 years Algeria will be run from Paris.
opposite thing will happen
algerian shitskins are outrunning france
>algerian """shitskins""" are outrunning france
That's the point thought. If it comes to the situation were one is elected president in France and they become a ruling political force, you could have a situation were they rule France and also influence Algeria, from Paris.
What is 1/4 but minority and thats stretching it.
I not to mention what that minority did to people whose land they occupied.
I meant for different ethnicities. For example Salonica was up to 1/3 Jewish and 1/3 Turkish.
Don't know what you are implying. What were you expecting? A liberal democracy in the 15th century or what?
Christians were burning each other to death over heresies and straight up ethnically cleansed Muslims from everywhere they conquered, something you seem to advocate for as well.
Catholic: Spiritually dead member of the Catholic church.
Christian: Born again new creation in Christ Jesus.
See the difference?
Roman empire had two legs of iron that ruled for about a thousand years each, east and west. Rome and Constantinople.
Both will be destroyed by Jesus.
This is stupid, fuck off
God made Israel a stumbling block to the nations, a cup of trembling.
Jerusalem is the only city on earth that matters to God; all the rest will be destroyed.
Muslims are still butthurt about the fucking first crusade
Yes, to spiritually dead people the truth is stupid.
I'll leave when Jesus calls me home, and no sooner.
The only sure path to "paradise" for muslims is to die in jihad.
Hence 1400 years of jihad.
See what I mean about the roleplaying?
Spiritually dead. Ok. And how do you know that one is spiritually dead
Many ways, all from the bible.
For instance, God told Adam and Eve in no uncertain terms that the day they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would die. That day. Dead.
The devil said that the fruit was not poisonous (see the twist?) and good to eat, and that they would surely not die, but know good and evil, and be like God.
They ate the fruit and instantly died.
And then they physically lived for centuries, and had many children. Maybe 50.
So did God lie? Was God wrong? Was the warning unclear?
Or is there a different kind of death God was speaking of, not a physical death, but a spiritual death?
To answer that, all you really need to see is where God made Adam in his image, made Eve out of Adam, but when they fell from grace and spiritually died, their children came out in their image, not God's.
We were created to house the Holy Spirit of God, the Breath of God, who is life. If you have that Spirit, you are born of the Spirit and will live forever with God, as intended.
If you do not have that indwelling Spirit of God, you are spiritually dead and will be sorted out with the dead on judgment day to the second death, the lake of fire, hell.
Because to God, who is life, death is not the cessation of life, but a separation from him.
As a child of Adam and Eve, you were born separated from him, and unless you do something to regain that lost Spirit inside you, you will remain dead.
As the bible says, he who has the Spirit has life; he who has not the Spirit has not life.
The spiritually dead do not know they are spiritually dead, because they are physically alive and incapable of that level of spiritual discernment.
Like you. You're dead, but don't know it. Because you're alive, physically. And yet, you know your body will die, and decay back into dirt eventually, and you either think that is the end of you, or you have no idea what happens next, if anything.
Ok so how are Catholics spiritually dead then?
Fuck off kierkegard
Their church does not teach them how to be saved.
They teach them that they are the one true church Jesus started through Peter, that all of Peter's successors were given the same power that Peter had, to let members of that church into heaven, and by performing the rites and rituals and carrying on the traditions of that one true church, they will probably be saved in the end.
It's all lies. And to make sure their slaves don't figure it out on their own, they are heavily discouraged from reading the bible on their own. They are told it is an incomprehensible mess and that only their experts, the magisterium, can properly explain to them what the bible really means.
Their church is found in the bible, of course. It is the seventh church John wrote about in the Revelation, the apostate church of Laodecia, also referred to as Mystery Babylon.
All pagan religion comes from Babylon; different people merely name the pagan gods differently.
Not only is it quite possible to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church (remember, they say only their members are saved) and not be saved, but it is almost always the case that if a man's highest and best identity is "catholic", he is not saved at all.
Nor does he know, nor can he explain, what salvation truly is.
Nor are most of his beliefs found in the bible, but only in the "traditions" of the Roman Catholic church.
Make the leap, blind, poor and naked man.
>they are heavily discouraged from reading the bible on their own
Got a citation for modern Catholics being told this, in 2016?
From the church that never changes?
From the church that burned bibles?
From the church that said no man with a bible's sins could be forgiven?
From the church that says the reason we don't let you read the bible on your own is because of the 30,000 different "protestant churches" who all do so?
Sure thing.
>constantinople was an irrelevant, abandoned shithole because the turks had conquered the areas around it and greeks suck at administration
Not really, the Fourth Crusade still had repercussions for Constantinople in the 15th century
>to let members of that church into heaven, and by performing the rites and rituals and carrying on the traditions of that one true church, they will probably be saved in the end.
But that's wrong. Catholics don't believe the Pope grants people entry to heaven.
>they are heavily discouraged from reading the bible on their own
Maybe a few centuries ago
>Andalus was stolen and retaken. It never belonged to them
Spanish culture didnt exist before the Muslims controlled spain, not to mention Spanish culture was literally developed as a response to Andalusian culture
>tfw Andalusia has been under the control of Muslims longer than it has been under the Spanish
>asked for a modern citation
>gives vague examples from 600 years ago
Catholics don't know how to get into heaven. They think it has something to do with confession and extreme unction, water baptism and taking the eucharist, again traditions of theirs not found in the bible.
>Spanish culture didnt exist before the Muslims
It did.That is why SPanish culture is so similar to Italian one.
>Andalusia has been under the control of Muslims longer than it has been under the Spanish
Depends on the region Muhamed Al Goatfucker
Are you saying the one true church has changed over the centuries?
Because that's not what they say.
Post in more catholic threads. The amount of bible illiteracy is astonishing.
Still not a modern citation.
>Catholic church has changed so much some Catholics are complainig that its no longer actuallly Catholic
They're not. They don't believe the bible
They don't worship God, they worship Mary
Since it is clear from experience that if the Sacred Books are permitted everywhere and without discrimination in the vernacular, there will by reason of the boldness of men arise there from more harm than good, the matter is in this respect left to the judgment of the bishop or inquisitor, who may with the advice of the pastor or confessor permit the reading of the Sacred Books translated into the vernacular by Catholic authors to those who they know will derive from such reading no harm but rather an increase of faith and piety, which permission they must have in writing. Those, however, who presume to read or possess them without such permission, may not receive absolution from their sins till they have handed them over to the ordinary. Book-dealers who sell or in any other way supply Bibles written in the vernacular to anyone who has not this permission, shall lose the price of the books, which is to be applied by the bishop to pious purposes, and in keeping with the nature of the crime they shall be subject to other penalties which are left to the judgment of the same bishop. Regulars who have not the permission of their superiors may not read or purchase them. (Council of Trent, Tridentine Rules: Rule 4)
>Council of Trent
Yes, that is definitely a thing that happened in 2016.
It's still on the books, friendo
It's still Mystery Babylon, if that's any comfort to you.
He gave you the citation, which has never been countermanded.
The edicts of the Whore of Babylon do not expire on their own.
Its a citation for it never being countermanded that I'm looking for.
A quick google search for "catholic book shop" brings up hundreds of results, with every one that I checked selling Bibles. Dozens of versions of Bibles, in English no less. Are they all doing it wrong?
People believe something that is true. Like, for instance, reading the bible is good.
But then they hear something else, say, "the bible cannot be understood by the laity; it has to be explained to them by experts" and that sounds true, too.
So the first truth is overridden by the lie, that the bible is not mean to be read by normal people. That it is somehow this mysterious thing that only experienced pedophiles can understand.
If you post here long enough to notice, notice how no catholic backs up anything they say, think or do in the bible except for "Jesus called Peter Rock, Rock is foundation, Peter is Pope, Pope is Jesus Christ on Earth."
You cannot ask a Catholic how they were saved, because they don't know that they're saved. (They're not.)
You can't ask a Catholic how to be saved, because all he has been told is "join my church and do what we tell you to do."
The Roman Catholic Church "taught" people the bible by intentionally speaking it in a language they could not understand, and then burned any translation they could find.
You tell me how that is an effective way to disseminate information.
If you are a Catholic, you tell me, chapter and verse, what or who the Whore of Babylon is, who or what Mystery Babylon is, if it is not Rome, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism.
Thats some nice screed, but still doesnt answer my question. Where are modern, 21st century Catholics discouraged from reading the Bible in 2016 and how does that fit in with Catholic book shops openly selling Bibles?
The Bible is a compilation of canonical works that through tradition and official endorsement by the church, became the quintessential Christian text. The tradition existed before the Bible was compiled and there's no reason to mark the endorsement of the Bible as the final moment in which the tradition mattered.
Here, for one.
Catholics routinely post that the Magisterium is the only entity that is full of experts who can properly teach people what the bible really says.
I love how you completely disregard your church's complete history and traditions, said church being entirely formed of its history and traditions, because it's [current year].
If you think God cares about the traditions of men, you might want to do a word study in the bible on the phrase "traditions of men".
>implying its my church
And yet you can go and buy a Bible from a Catholic book shop in a few seconds.
Papists are kuffar. Yeshuahu akbar
He used them to write the Bible and canonize it, no? What reason do you have to believe He stopped there?
>France always wins
>Catholics don't believe the Pope grants people entry to heaven.
Who is Peter and what key does he have?
You sound like a turk/mongol
Time to tip the fedora.
Religious people need to get the fuck over their 1000 year old grudges. Okay, sure, the mean old men who believe in a different invisible all powerful man in the sky took your precious city and turned your Hagia Sophia into a Mosque. Boo hoo.
There are no Christians left in Istanbul. Turkey in general is more than 95% Muslim and the Hagia is a World Heritage Site now. Its embarrassing how Orthodoxy still calls their top patriarch the "Patriarch of Constantinople." Might as well resurrect convince the Wiccans to start bitching and moaning about muh homelands while you're at it.
If you want to conquer a piece of dirt, go ahead and do it. Most of the people who live there just want to live in peace and not die violently.