Why is Rhodesia so popular here? Tell me something good about that country.
Also, what are the differences between Rhodesia and modern day Zimbabwe?
Why is Rhodesia so popular here? Tell me something good about that country
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>so popular here
8 years of /k/ memeing. Reminder that there were /k/ommandos from Veeky Forums and opchan who unironically planned on retaking Rhodesia.
It's not, edgelords are attracted to it because edges. Failed states are fascinating though.
>Tell me something good about that country.
It was a functional country unlike the pool full of shit that is Zimbabwue
>Rhodesia and modern day Zimbabwe
Rhodesia was wealthier than Portugal per capita.Zimbabwue is poorer than the Congo
>failed state
Too obvious/10
There is nothing edgy about liking it.
I'd like to see it desu. An original Veeky Forums meme that went too far.
>Reminder that there were /k/ommandos from Veeky Forums and opchan who unironically planned on retaking Rhodesia.
No way, that is awesome
You are far too pompous.
theres literally nothing edgy about it. It was one of, if not the, most prosperous counry in sub Saharan africa at the time and was betrayed by GB in its time of need to hordes of communist who turned it into a third world shithole of starvation.
Don't worry, in an hour or so you'll get the
autist who doesn't understand why unilateral democracy wouldn't work for a massively uneducated populace.
Then he will attack Rhodesias efforts to educate them, as insufficient and mainly focused on Urban areas (unaffected by warfare) where the knowledge they can provide is useful rather than the 80% rural and 60% tribal natives who have no use for maths and sciences or learning English and so on, especially in the middle of a war.
Rhodesia did the best they could to remain stable while being sanctioned by the whole world.
>facebook memes
Off yourself
>who doesn't understand why unilateral democracy wouldn't work for a massively uneducated populace.
This. The same faggots who believe that "democracy" in Syria wouldn't result in Islamists being eleced.
>Dictatorship is justified b-because of Science
t. Sam Harris
And here he is folks.
Sorry, where in the bizzaro world of history is Rhodesia a dictatorship?
Remember that time Iran voted to become an Islamic theocracy?
The one that dipshits live in.
The one where more people voting automatically = better.
>it was approved by 98.2% of eligible citizens, according to official results.
People tend to boycott elections when they know they're going to lose, as though to not give the results legitimacy.
>communists and nationalists voted no
>liberals and "social" democrats boycotted
Why did the "free world" sanction it to hell, paving the way for a communist backwards horde?
Rhodesia wanted independence from GB at several points so it could negotiate its own foreign policy (I assume) and it was a pretty profitable colony
Democrats were in the Whitehouse.
Labour were in HoC.
Had Reagan and Thatcher gotten in 5 years earlier Rhodesia would have lasted until 1994.
Britain had a policy to decolonise with majority (black) rule.
The thing is, the whites in Rhodesia saw how "well' majority rule independence had gone in East Africa, which in the best case was experiencing terrible economic collapse and in the worst was featuring mass ethnic tension and decided they didn't want that. Britain wouldn't let them remain white minority rule, so in 1965 they declared independence, to avoid the fate of east Africa.
>autist who doesn't understand why unilateral democracy wouldn't work for a massively uneducated populace.
But Rhodesia did everything in its power to prevent blacks from getting any decent education.
except it didn't.
Now fuck off.
>Rhodesia was called the breadbasket of Africa
>Current day Zimbabwe is literally a shithole thanks to communism and African leadership
>Why is Rhodesia so popular here
Stormfronters and shills
>muh white africans
>Africa is rightful white clay
>might is right hurr
>why are shitskins in Europe
Like pottery
Excellent strawman
>white man conquers savages and brings them civilization
>black man wanders into white nations and creates a vast underclass of ghettos and crime
yeah, they are exactly the same
What's it to you if they choose to do nothing with their land
Either you accept people have a right to their land, or you bear waves of migrants
Your choice bitchboy :^)
>Tell me something good about that country.
It was literally the Switzerland of Africa. The richest, safest most prosperous African country. And even at the height of segregation between whites and blacks blacks in Rhodesia still benefited because they lived in a stable country that had so much food that they were exporting tons of food to the rest of Africa.
Compare that to today when Zimbabwe is a complete shithole of a country led by brain dead fascist where all the valuable lands is in hands of complete retards that literally don't know first thing about agriculture and around 90% of the population is constantly in danger of starving.
Every country has a right to the land it founded. Rhodes founded Rhodesia, ergo Rhodesia is rightful white land.
What fate of East Africa? I'm genuinely curious here.