/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2782

GW sucks

>Recent news
Orchid's dagger FLB released with small Trium and DATA+echoes on ougi
Valentine themed SSR Medusa SR Naru and SR Teena released
You can now autosell N/R weapons and summons at the end of a quest
Robomi event added to Side Stories
Guraburu Free Quest will be added on February 16th
Aphrodite will get her FLB, Arulumaya will get her FLB, she will get a 4th skill
Final Chapter of Pandemonium will be released on Late Feb
What Makes The Sky Blue rerun will feature the free Baha Weapon again
Crits will work on other null element enemies like Ubaha.
Lecia's dagger FLB at the end of February
GW changes, now you can change GW weapon midway once, also other changes about ranking and bosses
Class Champion Weapons FLB will increase the level to 200 and add new skills and passive.

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for February:
1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety (SR Zoi + one of the previous SR Zodiac)
2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns
2/11 - 2/21 - My First Valentine
2/14 - 2/21 - Guild Wars (Light Bosses)
2/22 - 2/27 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part I
2/28 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous thread:

GW sucks.


Lyria will get a 5* uncap with Sky Blue 2, right?

you mean ssr

Can GW character tickets give seasonal characters? I'm asking because I'm only missing two regular R characters and am wondering whether I should hold off on using the ticket until I've gotten those. But I'm missing four seasonal R's, so if those are included in the ticket I might as well use it right away.

Why the fuck did someone release Veight and then say to themselves "what if we released this character again, but better" and made Orchid?

So not only Vas but Veigth and Forte too, are better attackers than Beatrix, right?

Forte is just good for paizuri.

Honestly all I need is a grid that lets MC and orchid almost cap at full health and a fist proficiency lovers to go full meme and make an Ultima Stamina Claw

SR with unworldly ougi damage, make it happen KMR

Veight arguably has some merits over Beatrix because his buffs are easier to keep up and he has considerably higher survivability.

Post yfw you accidentally got next stage instead of going to the last empty tile on arcarum

It was going to be empty anyways, user, don't kid yourself.

>Post them dark grids bros


Reminder that if a girl gives you white "chocolate" she doesn't love you

>use around 150 elixirs for every crystal available in side stories and quest
What are the chances of getting the last 9 from new fate episodes if I draw now?

Only my OC donut steel breakfast cereal gets unwordly modifier ougi don't kid yourself

It depends on how many characters you have.

>54 new characters

Told myself I'd 3* Hermanubis by GW. I did not.

>you can be mean to Amira
>but not to that shitstain Nina
Who the fuck thought this was okay?

Around 190 including the free characters they gave away

Beatrix is better than Vira

I wouldn't risk it then.

r8 my grid

Remember, every character you have gives a trophy for their fate episodes with more Crystals.

Just buy a roll

Send ID cute

You suck, play more.

Can anyone identify the font he used? If he's dead I may as well make one, I want memes to keep going on.

>Ran out of podcasts to listen to
Send help.


>I want memes to keep going on.
What if you start helping your crew in their time of need, you fucking leech?

Isn't that only for their 5*?

comic sans

Good joke faggot. We're not trying today.

Which crews are losing their matches?

Corrective rape

Just re-listen the biggest problem in the universe.

>all of that Korwa
Rest, my sweet princess.

maybe after 50 turns

>new doujin has Gran playing bingo with the numbered balls coming out of Magisas anus

God bless Japan.

Isn't that the podcast where the two hosts really hated each other and one one them.was a cuckold or something?

You are confusing it with the h3h3 podcast.



I just looked it up. This is the Dick Masterson podcast with Maddox where Masterson cucked Maddox or whatever, right?

We're at 23 by the way
157 average


5* Korwa will make her buffs undispellable, y-you'll see

fuck gw post some ubaha

Kill yourself.

ya winnin' yer daily 6m, son?


>faceless men (and low effort drawn gran)
It's shit

bless that doujin

I only need 300k

Why did you fucks dump that shitty Asanagi meme doujin and the Clarisse meme doujin instead of this meme doujin, which is sexy?

>crew is a bunch of leeching faggots and won't even do 250m for pity badges
just farming meat all day I guess

WTF Sixbros...

Just watch 07/27/1978 again

Stop shitposting with my husbands name you fucking moonfaced troglodyte

The best I could Assemble in short time



>Poop team ebin
Kill yourself

>Orchid has over double the attack bonus
>is a better tank
>has a better nuke
>has more TA
>has an easier time not going into her downstate and keeping her buffs up
Vampires and humans CAN'T coexist, and that is proof.


>normal mod
It's useless

Calm down Tazara, you should've jumped ship like the guy that left your crew.

t. Bampy

Fuck off pedo


Stupid sexy aster

Dump a full doujin or fuck off.

It's Poop Meme Ebin.


why have we never gotten free g-points for celebrations stuff?

i did once... i'm reformed

>i'm reformed
just say you're a static ip 3rd worlder

Pool is fixed to include everything in a non legfest/flashfest/seasonal gacha.

>2 weeks
Huh, I could have sworn it was 3 days.
Last time I dumped porn I only got 3 days but that was a long time ago. They must've changed it.

No seasonals, then. I'll save the ticket. Thank you.

i also dumped snapcity and snapcity 2: the snappening... repeatedly

Why do people make meme eternals?

When will you understand that "No Uno = No Life"??


Don't even bother with the G-Rank content that's coming if you don't have 5* Uno

If you don't make Uno you should just go play Fate Stay Gay Online

>Crew has a 90mil lead over the enemy crew
>About to head off to bed
>Check enemy crew before i sleep
>19 online and their honors started moving up


>I'll save the ticket
Why? The pool is fixed and it will never change. You can't pull any limited character from it so you might as well use it now.

I wish I could get back into Monster Hunter.

Lube up boi!

>If Veight uses Noble Blood while already in his Awakening form, gains Wide Awake, which adds 30% more TA and 30% echoes
Fixed your nooky.

It always gives a character you don't have, right? So if I save it until I have every R rank character it'll be an SR at least.

>spend life savings on murgles
>spend 6 gold bars on quatre and uno
>still lose to f2p wind

>he is now stronger than orchid unless you're fighting an enemy that hits a million times
That's not how you balance games

>playing water
lamoing @ u lyf

>rerolling all day
>no still no DJ

It chooses rarity first, so if you have every R you'll just start getting books

>sage vs selfish class
