Jhin edition
Jhin edition
I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!
2 threads wtf
One had furry porn as the OP so I made a clean one.
Why are you so autistic
at this point it's embarrassing to watch
>top lane
jericho swain post your runes
is this sorta what you have ?
>my massive loss streak has ended
i was actually getting pretty excited at any laner not playing like shit after the 11 loss mark
>He has autism for a furry porn OP
You couldn't be any fucking dumber honestly. he avatarfags but at least he doesnt spam the thread with porn nobody wants to see.
>top lane
If you don't have the skins the chromas are for, do you get the skins for free?
>top lane
>top lane
Should I convert from a support main to a Lucian Only Account
>going from taking the bbc to giving the bbc
>converting from a fag to a nigger
ha ha u r so funny
>going from the bitch to the bigger bitch
Aery doesn’t feel too bad once you can spam q.
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
I want to pin the support against the wall and fuck them
This is unacceptable !
>two threads
can't you fuckers chill for a sec
I love my husband Kled! He's very cute and fluffy and smell very nice!
Which thread do I make the real thread with Ahriposting?
This one since it wont be deleted
this one because i'm here
Why would I kill myself? I'm living a happy life with my husband...Kled!
Ok cute or lewd?
>top lane
Why would you do that? Thats like going from a Shen main to a Yasuo main.
Don't give kledfag (you)s newfag
After all of these responses I feel emboldened to do so. I’ll update Veeky Forums on my progress
reminder that kledfag is single
Ahri is inherently both
What even made you contemplate making a Lucain only account?
>top lane
What's wrong with giving him (You)s?
Everyone deserve (You)s
I'm black
True, but which one do you like better?
I'd rather give an avatarfag that wants to talk about the game a (you) than kledfag. Kledfag has 0 thoughts about the game, just about his furfaggotry
I can't believe I"m saying this but I miss jhinfag
I want Azir to sit on my face!
I'm sorry...
but shouldn't you have been a Lucian main first before being a support main
>Abandons his own thread
Fuck you furfag
Why would I discuss the game when I'm basically just posting a "I want to fuck Kled" post
I will gladly talk about him, his matchup and stuff when people bring him up but it never happens because absolutely no one but me plays him.
And I'm not really the kind of person to avatarfag on every single of my posts too, I discuss the game without using a Kled as an image
I play a lot of Thresh/Blitz/Melee Supports and my inability to effectively take the leads I get in laning phase and close the game is driving me nuts. I want to determine my own fate.
Zoe's feet.
Oh black people can't play support now?
Can't get rid of me or of Azir and his big ass!
Tough decision for sure. I'd say cute but half my "cute" ones are also lewd so...
Wha? I didn't say that. I'm just surprised it was the first choice and being a Lucian only was the second
>but aphromo
is an honorary white for supporting /out boy/ Double Lift
>enemy champ is 1 auto away from death
>he's standing behind the turret
>click the turret instead
>he gets away
how do I counter this?
Woah that's one of my faves. I like cute better too.
Post your /cute/lewd ones. Does this count as one?
Zyra bot: max W second every time?
>Teamfight starts
>Hail to Caranthir starts playing
I think my computer is becoming sentient with these music choices.
>play top
>feel like I'm irrelevant to the game and can't stop my teammates from feeding
>play mid
>feel like I'm irrelevant to the game and can't stop my teammates from feeding
>jungler is too stressful and easy to fuck up on
>support is for cucks
There's literally no reason to play anything but adc in this game. It's the most relaxing and most impactful role. All you have to do is farm and not die early.
find and bind the "target champion only" button in your options and make use of it
But being the dive magnet is not relaxing at all
don't max W ever now
it doesnt give you anything but more plants and you'd rather have q's burst damages if you max E first
It's certainly cute so I don't see why not
oh didn't even know something that that existed thanks.
>Reddit adc is so good meme
You realize like more than half of the entire ADC roster (smallest role roster in the game) is below 50% win rate right?
>"I main Jungle"
>Started playing Xayah after constantly lewdposting about her
>Turns out she's the only ADC I can play at a chimpanzee level
>Now every thread I'm torn between lewdposting about her or seriousposting about how fun she is to play
ADC has been the most game deciding role in the game for the past 6 months.
Woah that one is really suggestive.
>tfw you'll never be Academy Ahri's sexbuddy
>I discuss the game without using a Kled as an image
This is dangerous information
ANYONE could be Kledfag
always be on the lookout anons, next time you're talking about how to fix top alen you could be taking to Kledfag
YOU could be Kledfag without even knowing it
I genuinely can't tell if this is bait or you're actually retarded
and before that it was support and ardent censer
fuck botlane
remove it
Xayah is fun. Arz makes cute girls.
You want to do E now first.
I bound it too my tilda key and have never used it since
i forget if it is a toggle or a hold type of thing
You can do both
nice try gold caitfag
>people here actually think forced 50% winrate isnt real
Maybe Kledfag could actually be......behind you!
but most of the time you discussing male yordles with someone it's probably me because they're the only thing i enjoy about the game and play nowaday
give me Fizz tips
Hey you shitters if you are in aram and the only one who can possibly be a tank, don't ignore warmongs and then complain you can never heal between fights due to a bad support 15 minutes in.
Play super greedy
do you have experience with other assassins?
same 2bh, when i'm not cuckposting i'm always on topic and you'd never know it was me.
What would you do if Irelia sat on your lap?
It objectively is. Even the guys in the top 100 can barely get a winrate above 55%.
Is there something more e-girl worthy than playing Lux support, maxing W first and building support items?
start posting fizz lewds
Tell her to get off so I can get my dick out.
>implying your dick wasn't already out
It really is an awful reality isn't it?
>Even the guys in the top 100 can barely get a winrate above 55%.
How delusional are you dude. Shut the fuck up and stop complaining about losing your silver games.
Nope, there ain't no true yordle assassin.
Fizz being retconned at a water yordle is kinda forcing me to play him but he's sorta fun.
I never really played much melee mid laners before so it's kinda new to me but I'm sure I'll get used to it in time.
Hey guys I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
>Get matched against people slightly below your skill level
>Your winrate goes up
>You start getting matched against better and better players
>Your winrate moves back towards 50
>Eventually you start getting matched against people at your skill level and your winrate settles back to around 50%
Nothing is being "forced", you're just playing against people who are better than you because you just got finished stomping people who were worse than you. LITERALLY git gud.
did you actually look at my image or not? i dont think you did
take a break from the yordles for just a few games to play talon and ekko and you'll understand how to fizz
I dont even find Fizz that hot he's not fluffy. I bet he's all wet and slippery and gross. I just want to pet a yordle boy like some sort of cat.
>tfw got to add Infiltrator on top of Frostbutt and Aviator
I just need Order of the Lotus and I'll be totally ready for the rework.
Yeah, thanks for proving me right, moron. Let's not even talk about the rest of the top 100 that is literally scrapping the 50% area.
>that fucking team comp
honestly oyu deserve it for not dodging
Infiltrator is much sexier than Frostbutt imo.
which champ would you like to fall asleep with