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Previous thread:

1st for reaper is a pedophile

2md for arguements

this is my home now

Reminder that Moira experimented on McCree’s boypussy daily when he turned legal.

4rd for gold genji main can't develop an arguement

I want to bully Bastion until it cries!

pass me the salt dude

>Not ganymede
shit taste


Can't really say I have one, but the closest it would be for me is either Genji or young Jack Morrison.

[Post booty

>when you can't speak yet are still high masters'

>so salty bro xDD
literal underage

best girl, best boy, best friends

stopped being cute after she finished puberty

thanks now my burgers good to go

>when you can't speak and mostly play torb and winston but you still reach 3.7k
I have no idea how I managed it, considering I was plat for almost 5 seasons in a row.

>Moira invites newly black watch McCree out for drinks
>his taste funny but he can deal
>starts to feel dizzy and blacks out
>wakes up to find himself strapped in a chair with an IV drip
>Moira standing over him smiling
>something doesn’t feel right
>looks down and sees his dick is gone and he has a fully functioning pussy
>Moira strokes his chest
>”let’s test it out”


Here comes T.Racer.

>putting salt on a burger
dumb fatty

lol do you not know how much slat beef patties have on them?


omg bro you spelled a word on wrong on the internet!!! fucking roasted IDIOT XD

>tfw you and Tracer will never wingman for each other at a pub on a saturday night


Sick weirdo, thank god you never had chance to lay your filthy pedo hands on her

>doomfist will never rightfully counter tracer or genji like he should
>doomfist will never be as tanky as he was in the cinematic
He should have stayed an NPC- a raid boss for a six man PvE fight through a Talon base.

>20 posts late
t.racer losing her edge

A weeb and a fujoshit.

Anyone else unable to play their mains anymore?

I can't get satisfaction from games until I shit on idiots while playing the characters I'm not even good at. It's getting bad.

not even the user you were replying to guy, burgers have lots of salt in them

What if Sombra had an ass this thicc?

Genji and McCree were Moira’s favorite toys.

they were actually considering making him an objective for a map, like where a team had control of a point or something long enough someone on that team could re-spawn as him. Like a Tank from L4D, or the Dragon Knight from that map in HoTS.

Sorry, been busy lately.

Playing torbjorn in plat was fun because enemies wouldn't expect you to pick him on attack unless they thought you were throwing, and it's funny seeing reactions from your team mates wondering what the fuck is going through your head.

Usually when I pick him in high diamond or masters nowadays now enemies will just counter him the moment they see him, meaning I can't do shit unless I have an Orisa or Rein babysitting my turret.

Genji dodged the bullet. It's why he changed factions. Moira just spent the rest of her time calling Genji a filthy normie.

Post naughty .webms!

There is no doubt we’re getting a Moira blackwatch skin for uprising.

>team is being braindead
>decide to stop caring
>pick torb on attack
>somehow get to the point while my team is too busy dying at the choke because all their w keys are broken
>build a turret
>start capping
>enemies come in one by one and die
We won that game.

Which one of you fags is this.

Genymede a cute

is my wifey

File for a divorce immediately and find a better girl.

>pharah in leather
instant erection

I love the porn of Pharah but her character is so painfully boring.


She's boring because Blizzard isn't doing anything with her. I'm pretty sure she still hasn't been featured in any comics yet.

she has an entire comic about her retard

I wanna date Tracer

My bad

Reaper was a good caring father figure to mccree

>Bullying Ganymede

I'd love to see you try nerd

Well, Blizzard is trying to make her like a Captain American type character and her VA said she had to try to sneak in some emotions in her emotes

more like gaynymede

I mean sure she would probably go out for drinks with you at a local pub and have a great time but it will never go farther then that man

>Widow crouches above you on the payload in her new dress to give you the best possible panty shot

Now that's teamwork


just got off a 12 hour shift at work anyone wanna qp in NA? bnet bonefish#11459

Sure, thrower


So, when are we gonna stop pretending Moira isn't broken?

Me too, user. Me too

>Mercy got nerfed to shit
>DPS shitters complaining about the next most picked support which gives them a slight challenge

>Whaah all healers should be easy kills that can't defend themselves

im not that guy but moira is broken. she has consistently higher levels of healing than Ana or Mercy while also managing to consistently nail down silver or gold dps medals and dps POTGs. She is too good of an all-around character she is a must-pick right now and its mostly due to her orb ability recharging far too quickly that she can spam it.

Have been saying this since she was added in

Thanks for proving my point.

She's not broken, she's just absurdly EZ because of cone heals, AOE heal orbs and DPS that are too stupid to run away from red orbs of succ.

She does enable quadtank which is cancerous, though.

Reminder /owg/ is literally nothing but silver genjishitters that just want free kills on supports so they can epicly dragonblade the dps and salve their egos that they are the best overwatch players ever

Do not listen to their calls for nerfs

If only her orb was hard countered by Dva and Genji who both see just as much if not more play than her in every game, besides maybe you should stop being a literal retard and just walk away from the orb like honestly nigga just walk away

>"Sure as hell a'int ugly" line is so long you can spam the entire line without getting the "Too many messages" prompt

Dumb moira main. Your favorite character is broken, face it. She's as cancerous as Mercy before the nerf, just for different reasons

>spam the voice line but always cut off when he says "i'm not good"

>I am retarded and have no argument

its almost like moira's right click is a hard counter to both genji and dva really makes me thinking emoji

>someone complains they weren't getting healed
>literally getting shot by 4 people at once while I heal them

>waaaaaah I can't press E and win the fight remove them blizzard

Moira deals so much fucking damage with zero effort

>its almost like moira's right click is a hard counter to both genji and dva really makes me thinking emoji
Are you actually bronze

hold up let me stand 3 meters from you 1v1, kill me as dva when im literally healing faster than you can damage me and if you close the gap i can warp

seems like you're the bronze one here john

I'm diamond you retard, and I would've still been master if I didn't let my SR decay. If Moira is somehow outdamaging dva at close range then that dva has zero idea what they're doing.

>Mercy gets nerfed
>DPS players whine Moira is OP
>Moira gets nerfed
>DPS players whine Ana is OP
>Ana gets nerfed
>DPS players whine Zen is OP
>Zen is nerfed
>DPS players whine Lucio is OP
>Healers removed from the game entirely

are you sure there are healers in the game? I never seen one


How are you losing as D.va, Moira does 50 dmg a second

moira also heals faster than dva can damage with 100% accuracy at anything other than point blank

What put if you charge into her with guns and missiles?

d.va also has missiles

Yeah, so just disengage or get a diving partner.


Are you not eating her healing orb? That's only 30 hp/s if she's right clicking you. Are you saying D.va does less than 30 dmg a second?


I love my wife Sombra!

>tfw reports on console never go through
Feels good man, I can throw for the smallest of reasons.

>Only 1 healer?
I throw.
>Only 1 tank?
I throw.
>4 dps?
I throw.
>Someone picks a hero I don't like in the team comp?
I throw.
>Someone talks shit?
I throw.
>I just feel like being a dickhead?
I throw.

Please don't pick McCree in comp unless you have godlike aim

He's a fucking terrible hero unless you can consistently hit headshots

Good to know you're an insecure manbaby

>Only 1 healer
>Only 1 tank
>4 dps?

You must throw a lot then. After switching for the sake of consolefag friends I've noticed console is more cancerous than PC when it comes to that shit.

micro missiles do 162 damage if you land every single one of them at zero distance, they are pathetic. and moira can warp away if dva charges and uses missiles and you're back to square one, a moira is kiting you and you're helpless to do anything other than retreat to your team. Not to mention if you're playing dva and they have a moira, your defense matrix is at 0% charge the entire time because you HAVE to use it to destroy every dps orb because if 3 or 4 of them get through, their moira has ult.

the argument is that moira is an overpowered character, not that she can be killed in a 2v1

dva does less than 30 damage per second unless she is close enough to eat your head, and moira has an ability to escape from that exact scenario that has a startlingly low cooldown time. And I know because I am a DPS main and I play Moira constantly because SHE IS A DPS CHARACTER. her dps is ABSURD for a character that is in the SUPPORT category. And she also happens to boast the highest practical healing rate in the game. Woops!

I don't hate Moira and I don't hate Moira players. In fact, I love playing Moira and I think she has some interesting abilities. But she is too strong to the point that choosing to not have a Moira on your team is gimping yourselves.

>holding DM for two seconds instead of tapping it to delete orbs