Is fucking a sexbot that has an artificial womb and can produce eggs, a sin?
Is fucking a sexbot that has an artificial womb and can produce eggs, a sin?
Sin is a spook
Lefty/pol/ is cancer.
define sin, what if you could breed with this sexbot?
You can't define a sin. Sin does not exist.
Sin: noun- a spooky spook that does not exist
Sin is any act contrary to the will of God for mankind.
Ideology is a spook
Which god?
You can't define the will of God
Yeah, unless you're married to the bot.
God is that which nothing greater can be thought
We know the will of God because it is imprinted upon the hearts of all mankind and because he has revealed it to us through his Church
You or anyone else can't possibly know anything about God or his will.
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
Sin because only biological "real womb" reproduction is permitted and sexual release without a real woman is masturbation
ITT: fedoras get BTFO
Which god you fucktard?
>You or anyone else can't possibly know anything about God or his will.
Yes we can. We know God's because of what I said above and we know about God because he humbled himself and became man to reveal his nature to us in a way we can understand.
God is that which nothing greater than be thought, and because he is the greatest possible there can be only one
There are a multitude of omnipotent gods in human mythos you fucking retard.
you are fucking cancer. you do this on every thread you ever post in. you make an argument and then immediately respond with "ITT fedoras evolutionists flapjacks BTFO how will they ever recover" right before anyone can even fucking respond to you. this was posted 1 minute after your last post. I hope the mods finally do the right thing and ban you.
If God is really omnipotent (and he is) there is only one. How would God be omnipotent if other omnipotent powers that potentially opposed his will were in existence?
One God.
Thank god I'm an atheist.
nobody can even answer my question and would rather masturbate to stupid fedora vs religion reddit BS.
Which god? The Christian one or Zeus?
Newfag here, what's this spook thing?
The God which nothing greater can be thought
It's not Zeus because Zeus had flaws. God doesn't have flaws. Zeus may have been an angel though.
No god but God was perfect and omnipotent in every way.
How can you possibly confuse God with Adam?
I cant believe christians cant even remember the actual name of their deity.
I'll help them out
Is it Maya?
Everything that is against your interest, but exist only with help of your mind i.e. when you cucked yourself you are spooked.
You didn't ask me to name.
I'm not going to write it because it's disrespectful but God's name essentially means "I am that am" which essentially means God is Being itself. Uncaused cause.
> If God is really omnipotent (and he is) there is only one.
He can always create an another omipotent being if he really omnipotent.
Probably because he never told anyone his true name.
When Moses asked God who Moses should say sent him, God said tell them I Am sent you. That's where YWHW comes from; I Am That I Am, or more properly since it's in the future tense, I Will Be That I Will Be.
That's a placeholder for a name, not a name.
You can call God "Yeshua" or "Jesus" if you'd like, just know that he gave himself a new name that nobody knows.
We know God, personally, we who have confessed him Lord, and believed in the deepest parts of our being that God raised him from the dead.
We have the privilege of calling him Abba, Father.
>Starts to get a hint as to why God created the universe in the first place.
>Still wrong though.
How can you not know there is only one God? One Creator?
> God created the universe
Universe always existed without any God. God just erased the past before big bang to take all glory for so called creation.
Spook is a spook
> only one God
*tips fedora*
Reddit would upvote such a great comment.
So only henotheists aren't atheists?
> current year
> not being omnitheist
Quit the Father bullshit, the jews called Yahweh Elohim because he was a Canaanite war god.
Thats a load of fucking bullshit, even the Hinduism has a more logical top deity than this horseshit religion.
Sin cannot exist without sufficient knowledge of God's will.
We do not know God's will sufficiently enough.
Therefore we cannot judge things to be sinful.
There is no such thing as sin, it's a mind control trick by the jews and their christfag cronies.
It's more of a genetic boondoggle with lasting generational repurcussions we cannot account for which is a sin in a way.
People always say this until someone sins against them.
>believing organized cult scams
>being a fedora-tipping edgelord
>not being a deist
Literally what is wrong with you people
Doing harm to others is a wrongdoing. Sin implies a holy judgement, wrongdoing implies a moral judgement.
No you imbecile. What better praise can you give your god then to be synonymous with all that is good and powerful by definition in your language?
Are you, by any chance, retarded?
> Zeus
> Not Omnipotent
Burden of proof is on you my friend.
>being a deist
>not being a Spinozaist
How's it feel not having a sound philosophical basis to your brand of bullshit?
Everything Zeus set out to do was done.
>A creation of man
>Being above man
The idea of God in itself is for mankind.
Read the Meshe Stele, learn that YHWH is the God of the Jews, not Chemosh, the Ba'al of the wicked and evil Canaanites, learn something today.
He was defeated by Typhon during their first fight.
He also needed the other gods help during the Titanomachy and the Gigantomachy
He wanted to be defeated like Christ wanted to be killed by romans.
God defines what is moral otherwise it's just your opinion.