/wfg/ - Warframe General

Nezha Prime when edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: semlar.com/rivenprices
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Shrine of the Eidolon (Update 22.13.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/922109-shrine-of-the-eidolon-update-22130/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

xth for warframe powered by sex when

Straight warframe when



>4 posts into thread
>3 weeb shit


So just to confirm, the 3-3-3 amp is the best for fighting all three eidolons, right?
I'm poor as fuck with resources right now and I don't want to fuck up building the wrong amp.

121 is the best

It is better than what most shitters in squad will bring.
No one really wants to discuss the best way to do anything, since that is how things get nerfed.

Do you mind explaining?
I've heard 2-1-3 for the main Teralyst, and that 3-3-3 is better for the other two while still being good against the first.
I don't think I've heard anyone say 1-2-1.

I mean I doubt any of the amp combos are powered by sleek, if any of them do get nerfed just because they're good it'll be months before that happens.

You know what? That's fair.
What amp do you enjoy using for non eidolon stuff?

121 was pure bait.

Sleek or not, trivialising DE's terrible boss fights has proven to get nerfs in the past. I will say 213 is bait though, try to build towards a goal with the damn things. Also you need to build at least 3 of them anyways for mastery purposes, if you want to try a brace/scaffold do it on the 1st prism since is sucks.
Personally, 323, 223, 112, 212, 313 have all been amps I've used to decent effect. 112 is a very nice budget amp. 233 is a shitty youtube meme that terrible players love.

so thicccccccccccccccc ahhhhhh

What happened to the "Raid Setups and individual Builds:" link?

THIS! Buff Captura!
Whoops, deleted to deploy a hotfix :^)

the removal of raids happened


I know that, but the builds?
Were they raid-specific builds or just general builds?

most of these arcanes seem complete garbage

Not him but you can still do them until the 28th, right?

I swear, I'll put the right bait into the right body of water during the right time of day
And 8/10 times no fish spawn
What the fuck

alrighty then
time to farm new terashits

Have you tried buying plat?

You have to sit there for a second, and listen for the sound of fish, for the spawn point to activate in the first place.


Try greentexting next time.

what bounty is everyone doing to get relics. they all look shit

how am I supposed to farm this

Just play endless missions and you'll get all the rewards anyway.

Are you putting the bait into the right spots?

Is there a daily standing limit for Ostron standing?

I'm putting them in the splashing areas with the white water ripples. I'm pretty sure that's where it's supposed to go.

They only spawn when you hold right click...

You fucker. That is a perfect all purpose roll.

If it's oceanic fishe, you could try fishing against the energy field surrounding poe, there is a nice spot to the middle left of the map that has it.

Yes, same as the other factions.

Yes new friend.



Err too late, how bad did I get jewed?

You fucking idiot, it costs on average for simply owning an Opticor riven: 1325

nigga you for real?

At least it was a learning experience.

gOOD job anonmousse

It was a profitable experience
Lanaka is superior for ayye hunting and in normal missions its still overkill

I see these, but how many of them are actually being sold?
That is, not being traded amongst their owner to generate the appearance of market volume
Sort of like the officer mod market in Eve Online

Danke, I intend to spend it all on credit packs


where do you get this info?

What should be my long term goal for quill arcanes?

that looks like semlar

3/3/3 amp
Magus Vigor
Magus Replenish (Void dash heals operator)
Virtuos Strike
Cosmetics if you like them

>TFW Valkyr won't rape my operator.


thank you, i didn't know about this site, seems really useful

Lanka is pretty much superior anytime you want to do a shitload of damage to a congo line of regular enemies too, it has more base punch through AFAIK.

>tfw the space FBI won't come to take her away

Why is harrow the most aesthetic warframe?

It still amazes me people fall for the T3S meme.

As opposed to what

I haven't been grinding my quills but the wiki says it should have like 9x more DPS than the opticore scaffold. Seems good to me.

>Use shotgun
>Have to be right up the ass of the eidolon to make use of it

>Use triple nade
>sit comfortably in the back hitting all weakspots due to massive splash radius


A gimmick homing laser that burns your entire energy pool to kill like 2 vomvalysts if you have a potato framerate/not even 2 if you have a proper framerate? I will admit its a decent tool for lazy kuva cloud popping, but holy shit is it terrible for Eidolons when the alternative is a large AoE damage burst with nearly the same range/penetrating 40m kill line; both of which don't destroy your ammo pool.
You might want to brush on beam weapons.

Klebrik is 3500 per second, Pencha is 4500 per second (9000 per two seconds, technically)
The reason for using the Klebrik is the improvement to QoL (and honestly, I'll take QoL over an extra thousand damage per second considering it's not even the primary fire)

Yeah, but the burst deals huge self-damage.
Using it anywhere but on perfectly flat areas is just having a deathwish.

T2P is mostly good for popping vomvalysts/general operator use; not so great for Teralysts; very not great for Gantu/Hydrolysts.
T3P is decent all around, especially given how huge the new lysts are.
oh no my operator is ded whatever will I do how can i go on without my potato

What is the best set of link and body on zaws?
I have all the strikes ready, is it a cookie cutter build or are there actual intents?

>wasting time getting in and out of your frame because you're dying all the time

My mistake. I thought since it's listed at 10 ammo per shot and 90 ammo a second that it ended up being 9 ticks of 3500. Spending all your ammo for the same amount of damage as a laser that only takes 10 ammo seems pretty stupid.

Regardless of scaffold, can we agree on using the Granmu Prism and Lohrin Brace?

If you suck it kills you semi regularly, operators are pretty damn tanky if you are geared up. It isn't exactly a problem to get tickled by the blast for 1% of your health pool and kill 6+ vomvalysts per shot. The fact that it vapourises eidolons is also nice.
I could like... maybe a see a use if you like fire up prime95 while fighting the eidolon and get 1fpm to shit out an infinite ammo beam; but I am not sure if that works at all.
Figure out what you want from a zaw, then use an online calculator to choose the optimal parts for it.
T3P is a comfy choice for sure, T3B is the best for all options except the T1S.

I wager its getting the change in the upcoming beam overhaul.
If they're doing it right they'll tie the beam damage to the simulation time step and not the frame rate or hard cap them into some sort of stepped damage like they did to semiautos with an infinite ahk script.

Also, t1 scaffold is pretty comfy with the autofire scripts

Jump in the water. Seriously. Fish will spawn immediatly or shortly after.

(conjecture below)

The game tries to determine the player's position in order to spawn fish in nearby bodies of water. If for some idiotic reason the game is unable to determine whether you're close to a body of water or not, fish won't spawn, no matter how many baits you toss in a hotspot.

Jumping in the water respawns the player in a nearby valid position, and the game somehow now knows where you actually are in order to spawn more fish in the vicinity.

Fish spawns are also more or less RNG. The game goes through cycles to spawn fish periodically, up to a cap (8-10?), but they don't always spawn in constant numbers, ranging from 1 to 8 per cycle.

Gonna add on: bring a launcher and pop some depth charges into the water, especially on the coast. Goopolla spawns seem to block other fish from spawning there.

nice game

It'll just be kind of shitty then instead of completely inferior.
T1S is very comfy, especially when you fight just the right spots to aim.


I'll give that a shot, thanks.
What a fuckin A+ system

Man days are way too fucking long in the plains. Can't even motivate myself to sign in for night farming when I see I missed five minutes of the night.

should be 8h day/night cycle imo.

Is mag prime, dare I say it, actually good now?
Give me some of your builds

8 hours is too long for wage slaves, 4 hours like the rest of Earth is probably fine

Why the fuck do pubs never bring CP to the eidolon.

DE pls eximus stronghold sortie I want my easy focus

i really like this new text font. it puts an emphasis on the damage i dealt during missions. gotta remind those shitters who's boss.

>wanting focus at all

I haven't leveled any focus tree at all, and proud :^)

I still don't understand if cp works on them or not, anyway you don't wanna strip all the armor or you loose the radiation bonus damage vs alloy

just do savage silence banshee, ez focus

it doesn't work on them

For what reason would you waste a mod slot on savage silence?
Seriously it won't make normal attacks stronger

so dead eye is the best choice?

It does work on them.

Why the fuck doesn't it match the earth day night cycle to begin with
How the fuck does the equivalent of a tiny country have a different day/night cycle from the planet it's on

The same reason the bounties timer, night timer and the "sunrise draws near" timer are all slightly different: because DE is fucking incompetent.

artificial orokang mini sun & moon

>tfw zephyr prime is probably next

>most people use sniper rifles
>check auras
>steel charge

I have a couple unrolled Laser Rifle rivens and I'm bored with everything. How do I make Prime Laser Rifle as good as possible? I'm thinking 3-4 forma at least...
>pic is for attention purposes only ;^)

Hey now, don't forget the unformaed trinities with physique.

what happened to the discord link

>12th Mutalist Alad ASS key
>1 chassis 11 Neuroptics

I hear conflicting information about this, but never paid much attention to the numbers while beyblading lancers. Gonna run some tests after the reset.