supports edition
supports edition
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
thread too early!
tfw no meriipu friend
Mid and jungle are the most brain dead roles
Only idiots call support a braindead role!
>playing adc would give me the ability to deny healsluts their sexual pleasure
>but i'd be playing adc
is it worth it? i want to watch them beg and still say no to them
Stop fapping to 2d.
Fugg girls instead.
If you're in it just for the healsluts you're gonna hate your life. They're few and far between.
Umm user not all support mains are like that you pervert!
>Play Rakan for a Xayah
>They start Q
because that's what supports are suppose to be
they only exist to serve the carry, be it the adc, top, mid or jungle
>tfw Void GF soon
I want to bully supports, healsluts just make it more entertaining
That's entirely false, most are just good at being reserved
Give me a girl that looks like this and I will.
xth for my wife Syndra
This is so fukken cute.
I want one too.
>learn adc just for the healsluts
>turned into toxic bot lane hating asshole
But I won't stop. She's out there somewhere waiting for me
>sharp teeth
We're all just boys that pretend to be girls because it turns us on, user.
do you still write "OUTFUCKINGSKILLED" after every kill with your ult as Karthus?
Umm no! you are right with that a good support should help the entire team not only the adc though!
I'm actually a girl who pretends she's a "boy pretending to be a girl" because it gets me more attention and no one calls me a roastie.
Gonna do it to Tyler, I'm just waiting for his dumb ass to get on my rating. He plays really aggro so it's gonna be easy to get kills on him with ult.
Yeah well when you're playing a healslut, you're a girl
>pic related
Lulu is my STAR!
>not being a mental illness dom
Okay so I'm playing adc, I'm taking barrier because hopefully my Nami is smart enough to heal herself
Hello I play passive supports and I have a cutesy girly name, where's my government mandated boyfriend
my fetish is to pretend i'm a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl
I play jungle.
to the user who said the other thread to max W first or second for zyra sup,
I just had an Ahri and Eve premade.
They were really good.
are you a QT fish?
Lulu is CUTE and ADORABLE and i LOVE her!
glub glub
What's a fun adc to play ? I got Ez cause he looks cool, though as support main, can hardly last hit. Still putting adc as my secondary role though xd. I was watching a few strums, they just afk auto attack for 30 minutes ? Hardly any buttons to press ? That seems boring af.
Jhin is the only fun adc mostly because he's not really an adc.
I still wonder why no one here deifies Ahri, isnt she like, full-anime fox girl with big tiddies?
Is it because she is too generic?
>Okay so I'm playing adc, I'm taking barrier because hopefully my Nami is smart enough to heal herself
>That seems boring af.
then don't play it?
Rakan should shred resists on people his W hits
This is Kled, my wonderful and magnificent husband!
Say something nice about him.
Comfy GFs!
He's a fucking blind rat, do you realize how gross you are
its a pleasure to watch your champ annihilating enemies
No his mobility is enough and his dmg is okay for a healslut any buffs will make him broken
Is Jhin good in this meta?
But he's just so average unless you have a Xayah
I want Thresh 2.0
Udyr should get half of the current level of bear stance's movepseed when he stuns someone.
This is so true. I either get verbally abused (in a bad way) or hit on by guys who think I have a dick. Unironically the best luck I have with Draven mains, when they add me they always want to flirt and ask for nudes.
>Too retarded to click on a minion when its health is low
Kill yourself fag
girls dont like draven mains, tyler
>lewd fish not qt fish
There's going to be a time where someone gets support over me, so I just want to be prepared whenever that happens. I do like the look of Taliyah, and Syndra, but I probably should focus on bot lane, and get better there, to see what other supports do.
Sorry for coming from a shit moba where last hitting isn't there ??
I tell everyone I don't have a mic because I'm too lazy to get one or because my roommate works crazy hours and needs sleep but it's actually because hearing neckbeards struggling for breath because there's "a female" among them, cries of SEND NUDES, and L O N D O N the moment anyone hears your voice gets pretty fucking annoying.
Redpill me on abathur after the ammo removal
Who is hotter, Kayn or Yasuo?
these are just air bladders so its not lewd.
kayn if you prefer boys
yasuo if you prefer men
> Kayn
Edgy as fuck OC donutsteel
> Yasuo
Simple, asian man that masters katana and the power of the winds.
why aren't you playing mage "supports" RIGHT NOW
I hate playing against him but other than Taric he is the only league male I find to be really hot!
I don't get that many requests for nudes or even friend invites. They mostly just start dropping spaghetti all over the place so it gets really awkward.
They are both edgy, but in different ways
For some reason i'm pretty sure you're just making this up. All the Draven mains I see just spam "hehe xd" and are like 12.
If you really want dick then just say so you stupid slut.
>spamming smiley faces
>hasn't taken a kill
>"that's my adc" after getting a quadra
healsluts are odd but nice
Riven-chan good scent ^_^
Not sure, I quit 3 weeks into the new season after the changes, never saw him played. I'd assume he's okay, since towers reveal stealth. The pushing though, should be normal, someone did timers, and it's actually faster to push a lane passively than before.
I've had people dodge normals because I picked Lux support. I could've played better that game, but I was too passive, holding onto 25 Mejais stacks.
>Ranked penta with Jinx
is there an easier ADC to play?
Getting dick is easy.
Getting pussy is way harder without shit becoming awkward with all your friends
>retarded zed picker emote thinks he's the greatest ever for solokilling me once
>ends up dying every fight like the useless fuck he is after laning phase
fuck zed
He's only blind of one (1) eye.
Yordles aren't even rats. Maybe, perhaps, you are the blind one here.
Kled has the best feets ever!
lux support is honestly pretty trash since they gutted her shield travel speed, she was legit before that
Idk tristana seems pretty shit
riven is smelly!
lol !
I am not.
I want to cum inside a support main!
those scores what the hell
>no hurricane
why do you cap yourself like this
which one?
>no shark champ
this game fucking suck
every game is like that in silver since nobody knows how to rotato
I'm trying to save up for Zyra. I also playing her a lot cause I see Aphro stomping with her.
riven doesn't shower!
wheres your hurricane?
and also
>statikk shiv on tristana
why is this shit still exists?
absolutely useless
it lets vayne waveclear
Would you cum inside me user?
So when are they replacing Dark Harvest?
no nami no dick
I'd cum inside Fiddle, user
>xin and varus
I bet Trist was really damn pissed off.
inside fiddle yes
This one! But I am open to the notion of cumming inside a different support main, if only any of them intrigued me enough
Aphro's Lux is really fucking good, I wish all the autofilled Lux supports were as good as his Lux.
yasuo is black
I usually build hurricane. But this game I was 0/0/1 while Trist was 7/0/0, and I could tell she was the type to not end the game and just dick around. I built phantom first so I had a chance to dps her before dying instantly.