>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
>have to wait half a week for trailer
wtf bros
baby's emblem
Pretty fun to use
Fun, and a perfectly legitimate strategy.
Did you beat it?
>tfw haven't fapped for days
Please do not post any lewds in this thread.
Why is she thanking me?
How long do you give until air currents that only block or displace flying units are added to the game like trenches were?
I’m close.
Have they been doing tempest a lot more often these days, I seem to be actually running a little low on stamina potions for once.
(You) in the middle.
How difficult is it to get the 5* Funds Rank in Lyn Mode to get a Red Gem later on? Like, can I just give Serra (or someone else; open to suggestions) this Angelic Robe and still be fine because I've not promoted Wallace?
Comfy edit.
why would I get to that amount of points when there are still bonus days left
*breaks PVE*
Getting shafted
>*does what H-Jakob and Henry have been doing for months but shittier*
I think she's +Atk -Res. Should I 5 star her or a Reinhardt that I just got for the first time?
Better than the original desu. Lyn has ugly colors and creep eyes.
reinhardt is far easier to SI and build than her desu
Depends. What's your IV for that Rein?
It’s quite elegant how her weapon would be really op if it weren’t attached to her noodle arms, so at most it just helps her be fairly decent.
We need more really powerful prfs for bad units that turn them good
I bet Odin’s Grimoire will be amazing
I love Severa and her whole family, and I’m happy to be a part of it!
Is Rein +ATK? Or at least neutral ATK? If so then yes, he's still the strongest unit in the game.
Rein is the most universally useful character in the game, but promote who you like.
>Noodle arms
She's only decent now. Not broken
He's +hp -def I think. So he has neutral attack. I don't have Death Blow 3 though, so is DB2 good enough?
>still worse than dragons
>garbage survivability and sustain
Wow good work
I don't trust my other units to auto battle well
For now yeah, if you are a newer player just give him what you can and he will still carry you through most content. All he needs is another horse with Hone Cavalry and Reposition to be his buddy. If/when you do get a +ATK Rein you can just merge him in and go from there.
If Effie is a favorite character of yours go for her, otherwise go for Rein as he will help you a lot more.
The only reason her weapon works the way it does is BECAUSE she has noodle arms, or it truly would be broken.
Giving atk + 3 would've been nice but it couldn't be a thing on top of the defense smoke that every dagger has
Yes. Slap an Atk+ seal on him and try to get some horse buffs. It'll make 99% of content trivial.
She actually has amazing magical bulk and can initiate on the vast majority of the cast safely.
She's still one of the best users of Windsweep, too.
nosferatu when?
FE6 is so underrated, these characters too
>garbage survivability
Let's not get stupid now
>*releases Ike*
>He's just HB fodder lol
>*releases BIke*
>He's just SB fodder lol
>*releases Vike*
>He's just WB fodder lol
Then don't auto battle
>Sheena wants DC
>roll for Hector
>get this potato
How do I build her? Her stats don't seem particularly useful for anything.
Why do people like Ikening so much?
This guy I don't disagree with you about Elincia.
She is definitely worth rolling for but she is much harder to pull.
>24 orbs for Tana (-HP +DEF)
>87 orbs for Amelia (-ATK +SPD)
>120 orbs for Elincia.(-ATK +SPD)
Lucky for me I needed everything on the focus.
One day I will try this.
standard bladetome build
Best iteration of Ike is coming next month, so don't worry.
eh fights for his freinds and doesn't afraid of anything
>not FemIke
I sleep.
Finally S-ranked Fae and Fjorn's partnership.
They are part of my arena team.
>Crutch for newbies
Wow it's like they all suck or something
Same reason why people like Lucloud
Just use the goddamn robe and energy ring, stop being autistic.
Nice IV's. I don't have the feathers at the moment, but I'm gonna give her a standard bladetome build. I think she's pretty decent with that.
Who gets this tasty Hector after this TT is over?
>actually playing TT more than 2 times a day
no thanks
Heavy blade is a pretty big meme, all things considered. He’s aether fodder.
Red is not really a good color to be in if you're not absolutely amazing and outstanding, but green Ike is pretty decent. At least as far as non-DC users.
If +Def she's strictly better than Cecilia and can run any tome to some extent. If +Spd she's a pretty good Blade tome user.
-Spd hurts her a lot. -Atk is kind of dependent on a Blade tome.
Every other set of IVs doesn't really matter.
Effie is she has Berkut's Lance, Ayra if not.
>If __I__ luckshit her then everyone must luckshit her too!
stop being autistic
Don't forget to save orbs for the cutest!
Ayra for score.
Effie for cavalry killing memes.
Corrin for Light or Dark Breath memes.
Overall none of them really want it.
pretty sad considering top tier SI with DC weapon locked behind mediocre stat unit
Could've been something good
She's gonna be my freebie so no need
What is DC Titania's best bane? I have 2 that are +spd, one is -def and one is -res. Should I wait for one that's -hp?
>not wanting a Verovero with IVs
>not wanting to make her the best she can be
I'm taking my time
If I have 5052 points, is that enough to stay in t20?
This is why you shouldn't bring shit from previous thread. People don't go back to read anything but your post.
+spe -def is perfect
Give me the soy boys and free my bull
Summoning Veronica into the Order of Heroes!
Telling her she's useless and is only getting in the way!
Using her for SI or outright sending her home!
I will never be friends with Veronica and I won't let her into the order of Heroes!
Why does everybody love passing my wife's outfit around?
I'd rather a guaranteed neutral than something shitty.
it should be just enough
Rape Olivia!
-Hp is likely best but -Def works fine considering she's meant as a mage killer/baiter more than anything else.
Good design and it's sexy.
That's quite harsh, Sharena.
Good, first time I stay there then. Investing in Fae was a good choice and having a +8 Fjorn is pretty nice too. I could +8 my +7 Fae, but I want to keep 20k feathers just in case.
> 9999sp with less than 1000 HM onMage Lyn and Vector
It /seemed/ like a good idea to give earth blessing to them before the 2x sp started fugg
New red dragon when?
I'm saving orbs for each one,so literally the exact opposite of the first CYL
Well that's it.
All the Askr Trio are now 5*
Did that retard actually say Tana is immune to natures like Hector is, and also say people are more likely to have her because he thinks an extra bait banner outweighs 6 months of off-banner Cordelias and the millions of 4*s people have gotten
What's a good way to get ~4000 feathers without sending home units?
Shutting the fuck up and waiting?
You want that order for here or to go?
Grind Hero Merit in Tempest.
Which B skill for this pretty boy? I unfortunately don't have a Mathilda to give him Cancel Affinity.
but it IS unlikely that more people pull a good Tana than a good Cordelia what tje fuck are you talking about?
It's true though, most of her boons are +4, and at worst a bane in attack still leaves her at a level usable with flier buffs and Vidofnir, and with an enemy phase weapon you can always just run QR if you're stuck with a speed bane.
To go.
Thanks anons. I'll promote the -def one for now and if I get a +spd/-hp Titania I can merge later.
Jeez dude, what's your deal? I just asked a question. No need to be so rude. And waiting for what? Free feathers don't just fall out of the sky.
My name's Liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiina
Is shutting the fuck up mandatory? I can wait, but I wanna whine like a little baby while doing it.
Seal Def