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best race


Guys, I need your help.
I'm currently at the part where I have to go to Winterhold and ask around about the elder scrolls.
I now want to start doing factions and some secondary quests.
The thing is, I'm doing a pure RP playthrough and I want to complete the game entirely. While I'm ready to make depth sacrifices (I'll have to be a Mary Sue) I want to keep some consistancy.
How could I explain that my character is suddenly making a huge break even though dragons are burning Skyrim down? I'm holding a diary this is why I have to give a reason. My char is a spellsword.

Post hot moms with hot daughters

Hmmm, Is there a hard cap on the number of perks you can shove into skyrims trees?

Is there a mod that lets you fall down mountains if the slope is too steep?
I'm not using fast travel and I really hate having to keep myself from just running down mountain sides.

Something about needing to amass power before facing the ultimate enemy

>bandits very clearly want nothing to do with me
>just stay away
>but they're still bandits
>what about some weaker fellow on the road
>like a breton
Other than the game telling me who they are, am I just some scary lady bloodying camps and hovels?

Alternatively, is there a way to make such a mod myself? Maybe getting a variable that detects the slope you're standing on and letting you ragdoll when it's too high or something.

Should I be an absolute madman and install FCOM or just OOO?

Guys, I think I broke my Skyrim


Hey why not. I'll do that.

What exactly happens and when?

Game just randomly CTDs. I could be running around in a dungeon, in the pause menu, or ranking up my perks and the game would just crash. I would have my character stand still and my game would still crash.

>Game just randomly CTD's.

You broke nothing, that's just Bethesda.

Ouch. That sounds like Skyrim Magic.
Make a new game and see if that still happens.
Alternatively, load a save before it started happening. This is likely caused by installing/uninstalling mods and their scripts/whatever still being there.
That's not true.
I have 200 mods installed and didn't get a CTD (other than on load) for days.

Now hold the fuck up. This sword is actually viable in a fight. It's silly looking and yes it's not balanced for normal wielding but you can definitely use it as a halfswording focused tool. Let's say you're an armored knight, up against another armored knight in a duel and for some reason you can't swing a mace for the life of you. What do you do? You forge a special joint-poking anti-armor sword. Contrived and speshul snowflake tier situation sure, but perfectly usable.

Your left hand will be protected by the second crossguard giving you more control while your right hand holds it by the primary hilt. Your right shoulder is already accounted for by your armor since this technique was used precisely because you're in full plate.

Also I googled "Buster sword". If you're advocating that that retarded JRPG shit is more useful than what's essentially a fancy looking poking stick then you're the one needing to brush up on some elementary physics.

Yeah, I've made a new game and it would still randomly CTD. I thought it was my ENB at first and then tried using a different one. I still CTD

That's kinda good news. Means you maybe get to keep your save.
If you don't have a hunch what mod is causing this then I'd recommend disabling (in MO, not just the plugin) half of your mods (obviously don't disable stuff that's required for something at the same time as you have that something enabled) and see it it still happens. From there on you can do process of elimination.
If it still crashes then the perpetrator is in the half you still have enabled. If it doesn't, then it's in the disabled half. Continue from there until you found the perpetrator.
Also restart MO. Sometimes it just does weird stuff.

Are you on windows 10
If so, disable tabtip.exe

Granted, a broken bottle is also viable in a fight.

Hi /tesg/, brainlet here.

Trying to use bodyslide but I've been having a lot of difficulties suing it, it isn't that instuitive to use, despite the ease of using the brushes and loading things in.

Most of my problems come from me trying to convert the shape of any outfit to UNPB, now, so far I've looked into many tutorials, managed to create the outfit files and build them, but loading into the game I still get some really awkward clippings like entire tits out of the shirt with the wrong body weight.

I suppose my problem is that i am not making a mask for the body in the parts that I should, but what is worrying me is that I'm not sure if I'm messing up the process in the waaay back. For instance, every outfit has a _0 and _1 for low weight and high weight, yet I don't really understand how to make the outfit fit the low weight. It usually loads the _1 weight and I don't know where the weight slider is so i can configure the set to fit the correct weight.

I also don't know how to make the conversion files, provided by the mod authors, work for me, I can load them, but I don't know what to do with them.

if we're continuing this discussion then allow me to post that reply I had written before the thread died

>doesn't magically make it off balance
Define proper balancing, and define what benefits that weighting provides that makes that balancing proper. Then earnestly consider what kind of effect a different center of balance would hold. As you've deduced, it's less effective for great slashes if the weight is right at the handle, so perhaps it's meant more for control than strength?
And, even then, if you were to hold it from the back grip, all the weight would be forward, thus providing the power that you would ascribe to a weight that's a good bit past the hilt?
>Why are you using a greatsword in the first place if you don't want to utilize the length of the blade?
So that you can use it when you need it, but not be inhibited by its size all the time. It has more uses. Versatility is a huge thing.

>Define proper balancing, and define what benefits that weighting provides that makes that balancing proper.
I have in my very first post and don't care to repeat myself. Just go look at it I guess.

>As you've deduced, it's less effective for great slashes if the weight is right at the handle,
That's not what I've deduced. Perhaps you should go and read what I have already written in my first post.

>>Why are you using a greatsword in the first place if you don't want to utilize the length of the blade?
>So that you can use it when you need it, but not be inhibited by its size all the time.
What absolute drivel. No, you can't "use it when you need it" when the blade is so off balance that you literally can't utilize the length of the blade.

>Versatility is a huge thing.
Yeah, and the sword being insanely off balance destroys it completely. A properly balanced sword you can swing with, stab with, chop with, slice with, grab it by the blade and half sword with, and even perform mordhau maneuvres with.
This off balance piece of shit lacks the capability to do half of these things, and you call it versatile

you wont get any help here. this place now only harbors mentally ill shitposters and some /v/ermins, thats it. none of them have any clue how outfit studio works.

Before you do a whole bunch of shit I want to know if you're using CrashFixes and if you've set up ENB's memory functions for your system.
The vast majority of crashes come from Skyrim's terrible memory management

Anyone that's into modding can tell me how I display conditions for the player ingame?
There's a few conditions which I want to test out (something like GetPathingCurrentSpeedAngle) and I can't get the console to spit out the current value.
If I type GetPathingCurrentSpeedAngle nothing happens (though it doesn't give me an error either) and if I type "Get PathingCurrentSpeedAngle" it says "get" isn't an option.

I told her I was coming back


>change enb
>game now crashes in certain cells
>change enb back (and loading an old save)
>game still crashes
>turn off enb completely
>game still crashes
>start new game
>game still crashes

not only that you still post png's, are you aware that your (((((screenshot)))) is transparent?
are you actually some kind of retard IRL, like one of those sub 80 IQ dudes?

uh... bretons obviously...???
what a silly question you silly willy

when does Nehrim get good

Thanks fellas.

Yeah, I've got CrashFixes installed. I'm pretty sure my enblocal is setup correctly. Using a 1070 pastebin.com/ddHdqnix

Open Outfit Studio, re-load your project file. Make sure everything looks as it should and that your reference shape is either UUNP (if you're using UNP or CBBE if you're using that) - Save it again, but before you save it, go to Slider -> Conform All. Now close Outfit Studio and load your project into Bodyslide (close it completel if you're using MO, then re-open it again so it can re-read your project files). With your project open and ready to build, look at the preview of it - If, when yo use the slider in preview mode, the outfit changes shape accordingly, then build it - if not, redo what I said to do.

You really need to read the tutorials more though, keep at it, you'll get it.

>Read my first post
I read your first post and you said the center of gravity was near the outer crossguard. Toward the grip. Which I find to be quite like a rapier. A rapier does not have a particularly forward center of balance, because the rapier doesn't try to cut things in half. Its center of balance was played to provide control over the weapon with great expedience, over other kinds of weapons such as axes and maces. By having a sword like this, it's weaker, but that's the trade-off for control over the weapon.

>[The idea that it's less effective for great slashes if the weight is right at the handle] is not what I've deduced.
>the blade is so off balance that you literally can't utilize the length of the blade.
So you would say it's less effective for slashing?

And, to counter your idea about center of gravity, point to the center of gravity on this this completely unadorned bo staff, which can be swung most ways you could consider and be thrust fairly easily as well. Then, compare it to the center of gravity you noted would be right where the "tape" is; at the center of the blade. Explain how it's any different.

>So you would say it's less effective for slashing?
No, I "would not say" that. I said this:
>the blade is so off balance that you literally can't utilize the length of the blade.

Also, I did not say the center of gravity is where the tape is.
Hate subversive fags like you who can't argue without trying to misrepresent what I say.

>Also, I did not say the center of gravity is where the tape is.
>Also, the whole thing looks like it's very off balance, like most force would be near the outer crossguard, like you would want to strike with where the tape is.
I guess that "like" has a sizable margin of error.

ay thanks mate, I'll see if this helps.

Freir is for ______

Time for some vampire killing!
that explains all the twitching

Yes, now point out where I said that's where the center of gravity is.

You can't, because I didn't say that, and I didn't mean that. But it's the only way for you to have a point, so you try to portray it so.

'monster' huh? what next, you gonna ask if she get's good reception with the horns?

gee I wonder what's being implied here

If it has a sizable margin of error, and you refuse to specify, then the ball is in my court until you pull up your big boy pants and make an actual, definite reason instead of leaving vague ghosts of arguments for me to play connect the dots with. Since you give me the opportunity and refuse to prove me wrong with anything other than "I didn't say that," I'd say the center of gravity closer to the blade's tip than to the hilt. And I can't be proven wrong until you make an actual response.

I'm trying to have a discussion and you are dodging the fun stuff.

what happened, did someone throw cold water on you? just kidding, I'm gonna slay this vampire lady now

Nigger, I said that's where you'd wanna strike. That doesn't mean the center of gravity is there. This is absolutely not a reasonable assumption to make, and neither did I even hint at that being the case.

Please stop acting like I'm being vague when you're just trying to be subversive and get me to admit to things I never even said.

what's the best ENB preset out there right now? I'm using trichromatic but im looking for a change in pace.

which quest mod is this?

>the center of gravity closer to the blade's tip
kek, do you know what a center of gravity is? Do I have to educate you about the thing you're trying to argue about?
Imagine you tried to balance that thing on your fingertips. The spot where you'd put your hand for it to stay vertical and on your finger is the center of gravity.

Now explain to me exactly what the fuck kind of compressed lead is in the tip of that blade for the center of gravity to be anywhere near the tip.

tkre or snapdragon

rip in peace


really? I don't recognize any of this, wonder if it got changed since I played it last (I probably missed something)

I meant to type horizontal*

Heiko likes this cute little sword therefore it's good.

keep it in your babby zone pls

Ruby for gameplay
TKRE for screenshots/ a heavy spec pc

Stop yourself.

Of course I know what it the center of gravity is, it's just that I was sick of "Read what I said" and "That's not what I said" and I was looking for some way that you could say literally anything other than "You don't understand" and then not attempt to convey an actual point. I'm saying stupid things just to get you to make an actual statement besides "yeah I didn't specify a critical point of my argument." You could tell that I myself didn't believe that bullshit in my post; "I can't be proven wrong until you make an actual response."

I can't argue if you don't make points. It'd be talking to a wall. It's tiring.

more like

...do you mean rudy?

>Of course I know what it the center of gravity is, it's just that
Ok I didn't read your post because it's some esoterical bullshit about why you are a subversive kike

Now, what makes you think that the center of gravity on that is near the tip?

It's definitely Vigilant, with the english translation/voice pack-- which overall isn't too bad

I lied because I wanted you to make an actual argument instead of tell me that I'm a "subversive kike" like you've been doing for the past ten minutes

it's actually pretty good if you don't have a good computer pic related

>And no, the creator won't tell us what the ENB name actually means.
The power of true autism

>I'm not actually retarded, I told an intentional falsehood for elaborate reasons
wow, I am bamboozled

yeah I like it as a performance enb but
seriously it's called ruDy

>tfw graphics card is too shit to handle ENB
Yeah, well, it's not like I wanted my game to look good anyway.

I just wanted to talk to someone other than a brick wall today

just use sweetFX with the best weather mod you can handle, your game will still look pretty good desu.


oops, well whatever. You get the jizz

>not playing with 400 mods to turn it into a Korean mmo with 3 unquie followers each with their different strengths/weakness

step up senpai

You get the gist*

I tried VIGILANT but when it told me to ask Altono about the temple, the dialogue option wasn't selectable. Pressing E did nothing. Found nothing about it online either (except for ONE other person having the trouble, he was ignored)

>TFW don't like the current sperg-ordinator patch because it cuts out a lot of cool perks from both.

how hard is it to use automation tools to borrow perks from trees?

Just use Ordinator. Sperg-Ordinator is outdated anyway.

>get the jizz
S-she's a futa??

No. But Plue is.

that's unfortunate, I haven't had any issue like that. the mod page says the temple is supposed to have a debug room, I wonder if it could be fixed in there

Plue? That snowman creature from Fairy Tail?

Yeah, that one

Actually the debug room allows you to skip quests.
Think of it like this
A 70 part quest is bugged and I can't progress past the THIRD FUCKING PART so I go to the debug room to skip past all 67 other parts to get to the second quest.
fucking japs

Sheeit, but I like the automatic damage scaling from SPERG. Guess I will survive without it then.

I think that might be one of the coolest hagravens I've ever seen - do you know which mod put that there?

>install xp32 and dual sheaths redux
>character draws swords from where the sword is
>draws axe from the opposite side
Alright, where did I fuck up

don't ask me, I've never been able to figure that stupid thing out - frustrates me to no end

>tesgeneral site hasn't had a news update/follower update since december

Nobody sends in suggested mods, I've added maybe two or three mods to the site since December. Also, nobody is making followers anymore, or updating them.

nothing's happened since december?
you're several years too late to expect a robust and active modding community

The Fatso is roaming. Lurking. Nobody dares let their waifus play outside of their HDDs anymore. The times are dark. Our neighborhood compromised.

Nobody is scared of that one trick pony.

Well I am.

what are you a pansy elf


I don't see why, it was obvious that he only did it to spite Snake and Yarti. He never followed through with his promise of lewding others.

imagine being this autistic that you talk about the same person all day long