Did white Europeans really invent all those things?
Did white Europeans really invent all those things?
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maybe not invent
but whites pretty damm well perfected all of that shit
Mostly false but Europeans did improve all those things.
Yes, of course they did. Clearly factually correct, the sources check out.
> one autists who didn't even pass its genes invented something
What a triumph of the white race! XD
Mathematics wasn't serious until Euclid
previous civilizations like the Babylonians and Egyptians had mathematics before Greece
but the unique achievement of Greece was introducing an axiomatic, deductive system...essentially launching formal mathematics
why Arabs had science during their so-called Golden Age...science didn't reach the modern era until Kepler/Galileo and then culminating with Newton
For sure the Norwegians didn't
i mean Newton alone had more influence on science than all of Golden Age Islamic science to be honest....
Architecture - Brown, Mesopotamia
Construction - Brown, Mesopotamia
Literature - Brown, Mesopotamia
Mathematics - Brown, Mesopotamia
Universities - White, Western Europe
Iron working - Brown, Mesopotamia
Metal casting - Brown, Mesopotamia
Machinery - Vague definition
Printing Press - White, Germany
Gunpower - Yellow, China
Physics - Brown, Mesopotamia
Astronomy - Brown, Mesopotamia
Chemistry - Brown, Egypt/Mesopotamia
Currency - Brown, Mesopotamia
Sailing - Unclear
"Science" has only been around for 500 years, from western Europe.
Physics could be considered European though.
I think that's a joke post because Europeans invented almost none of those things. Europeans did definitively invent the printing press, and arguably invented universities and chemistry. The rest is pure nonsense.
>Not realizing all human societies have advanced in different ways due to differing climates and environments and trying to take credit for anything your """""race""""" did is probably a psychological shortcoming and based on chance anyway
>printing press
Did this guy even had a basic education?
1. europeans as in individuals from europe invented thousands of things
2. that guy had no part of it
Yeah, formalized science was invented by western Europeans very recently but the subjects themselves have been known for millenia.
>I think that's a joke post
You do realize that the vast majority of /pol/ users believe things like Europeans founded Chinese and Egyptian civilization, or would instantly believe it if they heard it?
Whitey discovered most mathematics and made most electromagnetic based tech but the pajeets, sand people and chinks pretty much invented the fundamentals of human civilization.
>the vast majority of /pol/ users believe things like Europeans founded Chinese and Egyptian civilization
t. retard
>implying an alien race 1 billion years ago didn't invent all that shit
>human beings
Feel free to go ask them about that
>inventions from 1400-1950
yes it's well known
what did YOU invent, you can't take credit
>The Enlightenment happened
It there some quality measure unstead of quantitive one? Who cares if Britain came up with gazzilion ways to bulid staeam engine.
>what did YOU invent, you can't take credit
But I am not.
I coud easily we wuz as Muslims with their Golden Age meme do.
>this argument again
Oh I guess since he didn't invent anything personally, the statement that europeans contributed overwhelmingly to science is wrong?
Is this "hood logic"?
To make an analogy
>men of western african descent win the overwhelming majority of short distance sprints
europeans still made the advancements you dindu
>Norwegian accomplishments
Russian contributions seem rather low.
I'm sure China and the fertile crescent civilizations were first to most of those things, bar: industrial machinery and the printing press.
You could argue that ancient Europeans had the first urban planing (interesting trapezoid city structure and building layout) and proto writing, Vinca culture. Tho Vinca script is about as old as the oldest writing found in China.
Chemistry is a super vague statement, so is physics to a degree.
However many of those things were improved by Europeans.
>However many of those things were improved by Europeans.
Advanced, rather.
>some smart individuals from europe contribute
>i can take credit because i'm european too
No, I'm afraid not. Saying you can't take credit, doesn't discredit the inventors - quite the opposite.
>To make an analogy
analogies are bad argumentation
Well maybe not invented per se but made them into formal disciplines.
Despite what butthurt dindus will say, it is true that the scientific method is a purely european invention, and that modern science was birthed by europeans.
So to say that europeans invented astronomy is not really true, because ever since the first civilizations people made up charts of the sky. But most of it was descriptive, with no attempt to understand the underlying mechanisms, and mixed with a lot of pseudoscientific astrology.
Modern astronomy, which is the study of the movement of astral bodies, is purely european, being developed by Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, etc.
Funny. I am so glad I started coming to Veeky Forums so I don't sound like a complete retard in real life by spouting things like that.
Where exactly did I take credit?
You're arguing against a strawman fueled by your low self-esteem.
Just because the Vinca culture was in the place of Serbia doesn't mean that i'm a Serb, or that Serbs we wuz it in general, also shit edit senpai.
Vinca culture existed 8 thousand years ago, and many others came and went in the geographical location.
>Oh I guess since he didn't invent anything personally, the statement that europeans contributed overwhelmingly to science is wrong?
>europeans still made the advancements you dindu
And I never said advancements weren't European, you started arguing with a straw man first, but I thought you were arguing in good faith - so I decided the only other reason you would respond to me is to try and justify your leeching off of others.
I guess we advanced the post counter for nothing.
Physics wasn't even an established field until this came out
so yes Europeans invented modern physics
The Greatest Physicist of all time= Newton
The Greatest chemist of all time= Lavoiser or Pauling WHITE MEN
The Greatst biologist of all time= Darwin WHITE MAN
the greatest mathematician of all time= GAUSS WHITE MAN
But science by its nature has no "greatest" person in its field. It will continue to change with new ideas and people. A more accurate statement would be to describe someone like newton as the "currently most influential physicist"
How is posting a chart "a strawman"?
You seem to have underdevelopped logic capabilities. I wonder what race you might be...
that maybe true, but if you were to pretty much ask a general consensus on who the greatest physicist of all time, hell who the greatest scientist of all time
it would most likely come down to Newton or Einstein
The Greatest Slut of all time= Your mom WHITE MAN
>Varg is /pol/
You never visited /pol/, right?
Niels Bohr deserves a mention at least
Modern physics is Jewish
Does Einstein count as white?
Aren't east Africans the runny kind?
No, he was a proud african man.
the two modern pillars of physics
General Relativity= Jewish
but Quantum Mechanics is a mix of Jewish and white european physicists...mostly german i.e Heisenberg
East africans are good at long distance running.
>Newton or Einstein
That's more because they have entered pop-culture than their scientific achievement.
Not according to /pol/
Varg is /pol/ 3 years ago.
We all know who was the greatest scientist, user.
Are jews white?
Well they are actually but "NO HE A JEW RAT, White pride Trumpbhumpdump"
> Gauss
> not Euler
>Pasteur after Freud
This list is shit
Tfw we sailed to america 400-500 years before colombus
Genetically there's a continuum from "Nordic White" to Middle Eastern.
/pol/ and Stormfronters use the cultural construct of European Christian to solve this problem.
>people are still being baited by the "hurr I don't know anything about non-European non-ancient history but you don't either, thus nigs = inferior" guy
Report, hide, and sage.
a thousand year old man
what's your secret
nordicuck get out
Ad hominem for days.
sub saharan africa at 0%
remind me why we are letting them into our continent again?
>remind me
could use a doctor if we need more doctors urgently, a sub saharan african applies, he fulfills requirements, so he arrives with his family
No it was the black african who invented most of the modern inventions today, the white devil just stole it from our ancestors
post skin color with time stamp, black person, otherwise i have to assume you are just an ironic pol poster
LMAO he's just listing technologies from Civ V.
I dont gotta prove anything to you whitey, its bad enough you killed and enslaved my people i wont fall for this shit again
Anything of any value ever was prophesied in myth by an Egyptian and then reasoned out and written down by a Greek 2500 years ago. It's all been downhill since the Peloponnesian War.
Reminder that Greeks thought Asians and Africans were indolent and Europeans were vulgar, violent barbarians.
niggers are the worst.
>sub saharan african doctor
>a real thing that exists
China was the first to use paper currency was it not? No idea who invented currency initially though but probably some people in the middle east
>Invent universally and independent concepts that were much earlier developed by other civilizations
Also I noticed how every technology he named is a civ4 one
Why do you white guilt faggots always white knight for niggers?
We don't white knight, we just think you're full of shit.
I don't think it's a joke at all. Many /pol/ users really believe that whites discovered metal working and gunpowder.
So your admitting to being a white guilt faggot, why do you hate your own race?
Because he's a genetic dead end. He lacks all forms of self preservation because there's nothing in him worth continuing.
>invented architecture
>invented construction
>invented maths
>invented literture
Most of these things aren't even inventions, but why do these people obsess over inventions? It seems like they think the only metric one can judge a society is by how much shit it invented.
I think being proud of something you didn't personally accomplish or help accomplish indirectly is some sort of mental illness. Or collectivist thought in general
>or help accomplish indirectly
not even that, pol shits did
IQ, inventions, and popular scientists are concrete metrics for a race's quality, to most race realists.
>white Europeans INVENTED architecture, construction, literature, mathematics, iron working, metal casting, machinery, printing press(sure Gutenberg perfected it but the Chinks still did it earlier), gunpowder, physics, astronomy, chemistry, currency or sailing.
Get over yourself pol, I'm right wing as fuck but seriously get a grip over history.
Chinks and I think Indians too had more primitive printing methods long before the printing revolution though but yes Gutenberg perfected the concept independently.
Collectivism is natural to humans, we're social animals.
It's an enlightement meme that started pushing their meritocratic horseshit into evaluation of everything.
I mean technically, Russia contributed way fucking more inventions, literature and classical music than the entirety of Scandinavia combined, but where would you rather live?
>sub saharan african doctor
>"ooga booga drink poopoo cures AIDS and cancer!"
Trying to feel important over others' achievements is just sad, though.
It's completely natural.
>your brother wins a competition
>oh big bro I'm so proud right now!
>no, you aren't allowed to be proud because I did it and not you
There's a reason why the pronoun "we" exists.
No it's raping baby that cure AIDS.
>being social = being some hivemind
You have probably been an influence in the life of your brother, and might have helped in his achievements.
Being social = group think and group identity exists. Individiaulism is not natural.
It's more like
>some guy from the neighboring town wins a competition
>wow, I'm so proud for being in the same state as him!
>other states can go fuck off!