/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV General

Fat cat thread only
>Eureka 4.25

>4.2 Patch Notes

>Feb 19th patch, locked servers re-opening and new housing districts unrestricted.

>Job Guide

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

On the last episode of /xivg/

Other urls found in this thread:


Post highlander females.


Senri is the worst auspice in the temple and she's lucky Square won't allow me to fight her

what’s the mood for today
whatre you hopin drops..!!!!

Do miqote have beans?


tfw I realized because I'm a guy some people will never talk to me or think less of me without interacting with me

what is the "cool" face paint


Welcome to life, where people will judge you within half a second of seeing/hearing about you

Chocobo hatchling.


See you later tonight amigos ;)

I said females.

what a perfect c@

why would they think less of you? rumours?

Which ebin has the best feet?

I'm powerful and this job sucks

i hate crafting so so much

I'm the perfect cat with the perfect feet


renko or spidercat

Face stripe.

>you'll never get a face full of Ada
y live

Enjoy the weekend

do I have to wait till monday to buy a house even if it's ward 1?


I just tried and it doesn't work, rip

welcome to the club

Cause it's Tuesday. Not Monday.



That's a good thing you know. Like a weirdo-detector.

that early is still monday for me ok...
post more imgurs of your micro dick in panties faggot

How grindy is the HW Relic after the sand phase?

that's way too much effort for me, go back to misreading patch notes

you deserve it

make a new album pls, dear lord

I like how that's an even sided slant for you to say.

One day I'll pst whilst you aren't afk...

Clusters are dirt cheap 50 poetics and you can get 18 from weekly quest and 1 a day from 50/60 roulette
and you only need 50

itll take you like 2-3 hours to light farm depending on bonus and you need 15 pneumite for soul stone

then its just trials and the 500 poetics item

>you get to claim an ebin c@girl to fall in love with you and be your wife in a series of dialogue choices
Who would you choose?

Where is the old one?

Either Yysara or Mott

are we posting our roe ebs?

im pretty sure thats this middie no?

delete this gif its cursed


is hark still alive

nah you deserve it for being a compulsive liar and a bitter piece of shit

pst for some saturday chilling then suicide pact tomorrow

Yay, I fixed it

Also dang that size limit making me use jpg like some sort of ANIMAL

Wow, did you just call me an animal?

Any 1 wan b friend

keep posting it someone might eventually believe you

Idk what you fixed but it looks just as bad


send me a tell


me on the left

Sure thing dude because you didn't make alts to harrass people and you haven't anonymously shitposted people you don't like for years on end and the reason everyone you've interacted with for more than a day can't stand your guts is because you're just misunderstood.

me on the right

There's like what maybe one other poster besides us with a roe EB so not really . .

I Have no url friend
I have no irl friend

this is just laughable


>and you haven't anonymously shitposted people you don't like for years on end

looks like the writer is here

You're anonymously shitposting someone you don't like right now, and you have been for a long time.

Lettuce be a liaison

does he still tell his tragic love story of momo, lei, mumu, and cg to get pity? does he still talk about how he wants to die all the time? does he still demand attention 24/7 resulting in a hissy fit if not fulfilled?


This is the spinach inquisition

when is eureka? ive seen people say march 6th but is that just speculation or is it known

ok where do we meet up

How does one manage to kill an Ebin?

2 take life first u have 2 give life

Oh thank goodness. I've been on a diet of redbull, coffee, and cigarettes ever since I started getting serious about leveling crafters and I think I'm anemic now.

its like a hydra

you cut one head off and two more take its place

I don't think it's been announced yet, which is good because I need more time to figure out which class I want to grind first.

Sleep. Dreaming of missiles.
They are a pretty awful person, take my word for it. I have countless logs of them blowing up on me on their main and on what I believe to be their alts.

aw okay, thanks
i hope its still in february

If it lives, you can kill it.


>put on friendly facade
>befriend them
>get them to say embarrassing stuff
>leak it to the thread

False flag, don't reply.

Summoning chemo

Pot, kettle.

Patch 4.1->4.15 took about 6 weeks, so expect the same here.

How do I end game gatherer?

Redpill me on balmung

Elk is already here.

best advice

I prefer " If it bleed's, it can die "
Sounds more cold

>implying anyone here has any dignity left to protect. And besides, who'd ever mistake THIS as a friendly face?

wtf rude

>queue up
>instantly pops
>someone doesn't accept
>10m later it hasn't popped again yet

Hello boy.
> Anonymous
> In charge of anything other than being wrong
As expected.
I am genuinely a decent person. Defending yourself is your personal right.

Tfw breathies are hard

Get your folklore books by doing M'Naago, Zhloe, and grinding collectibles for scrips. Get your scrip tools then augment them if you're too poor to outright buy Ala Mhigan.

Red scrip rotation
Single Mind
Utmost Caution
Methodical Appraisal
Single Mind
Methodical Appraisal
Methodical Appraisal
Methodical Appraisal

ephemeral nodes and m'naago
Impulsive Appraisal 2
if proc, Single Mind + Utmost Caution + Methodical Appraisal
if no proc, Instinctual Appraisal + Instinctual Appraisal and respawn node
Impulsive Appraisal 2
if proc, Single Mind + Methodical Appraisal
if no proc, Discerning Eye + Methodical Appraisal

Senri is CUTE

You deserve to suffer for the shit you've pulled in all honesty. No sane person is buying that innocence crap.
