/blaz/ - BlazBlue General

Previous Timeloop: Console Lobby password is always vidya
PC Lobby Naming Convention: /Blaz/ (Region) (East/West)

- BBCF 2.0 now out in arcades, consoles and PC featuring Jubei and a large amount of balance changes.
- BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (feat. P4A, UNIB and RWBY) coming on the 5th of June to PS4, Switch and PC.
- XBlaze Code Embryo, XBlaze Lost Memories, Calamity Trigger, Continuum Shift Extend, and Chronophantasma Extend are also available on Steam.
- Third volume of Blazblue Variable Heart is being released on the 9th of March.
- Preregistrations open for the Blazblue Dark War gacha game: blazblue.jp/bbdw/

- BlazBlue Character Selector
- BBCF Character info
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- News, Guides, Combo Listings
- Story Stuff
- Other Media (Remix Heart, Variable Heart, Soundtracks, Bururaji, etc)
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-Frame data/hitbox viewer
-Blazblue Central Fiction Beginner's Tutorial: Beginner Characters and Where to Start

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maifags btfo

I want to whale for Mai. I hope that BBDW will have a number of versions of her such as adult, schoolgirl and swimsuit Mai.


play the rube

Play Weiss

I'm still curious how BBDW will play, and additionally how many versions of each character there will end up being.

gameplay is guaranteed to be shit, and it's gacha so no limit to how many versions they'll put out for characters. It's gonna be the same as usual, with limited time halloween/christmas/whatever units

NGL, I'm down with that lol

I'm sure we'll get the arcsys twist on it though, but I haven't actually played any other gachas yet so I'm not really sure what to expect.

Now that TAG is kill, where do we go from here /blaz/? Do we embrace DW and become a gachashit general?


TAG is love
TAG is life

Did they ever explain why she wears hostlers for her guns post Continuum Shift if she can summon them from hammer space?


Why? They say Bolverk broke but there's no gamplay indication it's not as powerful as it was nor does it look any different from how it always did and it's still a nox because Nine wanted to take it from Noel in the story instead of being an artificial one like Lamdba's murakumo, so why the holsters?

In fact, why the hair decs? Kokonoe said she can never take those off again because they are limiters for her power but I don't think that matters anymore because they were gone here and in the epilogue.

Huh, now that i see it in detail...
What are your opinion in the art style of BBADW?

Why is TAG kill? From what I can see a decent amount of people seem to be accepting of the pricing somehow. I’m not saying it hasn’t turned some people away, because it has, but it doesn’t seem to be as damaging as I thought it would be. Also stuff like the dub coming back seems to have generated some goodwill.

It's too stream lined, I want an artist who can breath life into the characters, not the CF or the CS artists, they look less like characters and more like line work for a concept.

And what about TAG?
I personally like the style of those artworks, in comparison with CF, wich i saw it as hit or miss (With misses as big as Bullet and teigah), but TAg is eally giving me high hopes, with some artworks like Hazama, Nu, Orie, and others

Those look arlight, They really captured the RWBY character's poses well, but I don't like how big Ruby's tits suddenly are, she's meant to be the petite one, being loli big boobs messes with that, oh and Blake's showing off her ass, she has the biggest hips of the four and the most curvy body second to Yang but that's not her usual pose in combat.

She actually allways had some bust, just not enough to be remarcable. I saw some image comparisons and she just has them a little bigger, accentuated by her pose.
The biggest agresor in that regard is actually Yang, having a bust almost the size of Litchi's

Yang has always been big, her tits are on par with Tifa's or if we're comparing to Blazblue characters she's between Makoto and Mai but not Litchi,Bullet or Nine. She's gonna make Noel cry when the meet in story mode.

Yes, she's big, but not THAT big. compared to the show she has them notoriously larger.
there's also her hair, wich is fine, but i have the impresion that it looks more dense that it should

The illustrations are supposedly done by different people for many of the arts, so I'm not sure how to go about judging the style. But based off of what I've seen, its nice, but not particularly exciting.

Tag's artwork is so good, easily better than CF and CP arts, and obviously better than CT art, so it is at or exceeding the CS level of portrait quality in my book.

CS art is really great, but i allways had a distaste for the Line style it had

I don't think that you can say that Makoto's and Mai's breasts are on a different level compared to those of Litchi, Bullet and Nine.

If only Nine wasn't such a bitch
That body is walking sex



it's not "the art style of BBADW"

like many gachas out there, they bring lots of guest artists to do different characters. So it's kind of a lottery, your character may get a good one or a shit one

Naoto in TAG when?

Bullet's art looks the worst from the characters on the BBDW page. Her neck looks too long and crooked and her hips and legs look kind of weird.

I hope that they'll have Sumeragi draw Mai and Kajun for this game; I really like her art.

I feel like Naoto has at least a chance of getting in, but I'm honestly clueless on who will get in on BB's side at this point.

My expectations are Hakumen, Tsubaki or Izayoi, and honestly after that I start drawing blanks.

>Tsubaki AND Izayoi
We will have only Izayoi, and that will give an extra character slot, maybe Bang and Tao will be instead of 2 times Tsubaki

I said or, as in one or the other



They’re laughing at us

You have to go back.

Guesses on the final five reps from BB, UNIEL, and Persona?

>Watashi wa Ruby Rose
>Watakushi wa Weiss Schee
>Ora wa Yang Xiao Long
>Watashi wa Blake Belladonna


How strange is this? Also, Weiss user, be prepared, there's some god awful weiss gameplay here

Man they’re kinda right though, I haven’t made a lobby in like a week. Sorry. I got distracted by UNIST’s release and been a bit busy this week. I have to prepare for next weekend so I think I’ll make a lobby tonight when I get home. So in about 2-3 hours I’ll have one up.

>Ruby and Goredeu's reach
I'm the angriest user in the world!

I can’t tell if people think she’s supposed to a zoner or what, it’s crazy watching this stuff. What possesses someone to not try any other inputs?

They're playing her like how I see scrubs playing Jin, in fact, they were playing Jin the same way there, just standing back and spaming ice swords, I guess with no meter cost here people are going to do that more often now.

As for Ruby, she's a pure harasser. I'm not sure how annoying she's going to be to fight but her assists will be very annoying if you're fighting a big dude and don't see her in time

Do you guys even play in here anymore?

the UNIB sprites look so out of place. I guess Mori was just full of shit when he said they would be retouched to fit better

Can anybody explain to me what Lambda's appeal is meant to be? Design wise she is just copy pasted from Nu so she doesn't have anything special in that field. In terms of personality, Celica already claimed the ditzy precious snowflake personality, on top of Celica having a lot more characterization and screen time, so she doesn't have anything there either.

Are people just in love with the idea of her being this perfect obediant waifu that does everything she is told to? But wait, Tsubaki did that better as well and had an entire character arc based on why that was a bad thing.

Other than Lambda's fascination with Arakune's leftovers she doesn't even have anything else going for her so I really don't get it. She doesn't even do anything in the one game she showed up in as her own character other than die holding open a portal.

I play yeah. Like I said above I’ve just been a bit distracted the past week. I’m going to winter brawl next weekend so I have to stop slacking. Play with us tonight user!!

Yeah. You on PSN? Are you NA?


I can play a few PC games for a half hour if you want. I only play Terumi, Es, Bullet though. Name a lobby and I'll jump in.
Most of us are on PSN though, I have both copies.

How about NA1 New England #2?

Are you in here with me or is it someone else?

No, I'm coming though
Be there in 2 minutes, my controller was giving me problems


Good games man. Nice Tager, the magnetism is real.
Sorry the connection got weird, I got a bunch of wins I didn't deserve. I'm a filthy Canuck, so it happens.

Damn that tiny sword wielding gorilla

Alright I'm home, but it looks like I won't be able to make a console lobby atm. Anyone want to play on PC?

There will be no rest
There will be no love
There will be no hero in the end who rise above

>no one will ever see me on PC except that one time like a month ago

I mean, I could see you on PC.
But we play all the time on PSN already, so yeah.

>tfw console peasant
at least at BBCF because fuck buying the same game AND dlc twice

There's a lot more players for BB on console than steam, though. What do you mean peasant?
Unless you care about sprite palette mods

just parroting old console war memes for a weak attempt at humor.

start with continuum shift extend y/n?

If you want to follow the story then yeah, you can.


more like kondom shift haha

If you're so poor you can't afford Calamity Trigger, then yes.



new snek


Good figure, hopefuly now we'll get figures for Ragna, Jin, Nu, Hakumen, and Tsubaki

Oh right, I saw that one when it was first announced

That's really good.

I'm hoping resonance blaze ends up being basically OD and making everybody have some super cool extra mode once the game is finished. I noticed that a lot of the characters didn't have completed Resonance Blazes as of yet, some of them do, but some definitely did not.

>Jin figure never

More like Bin figure

What will BBTAG's gallery mode be like if it gets one?

Are you talking about EA? dodge me with that shit. at least if it's going to be in function just like in CF
like a normal gallery mode i guess? What DOES interest me about it is the new commentaries we're going to get from featured artists

No, EA sucks. EA is a CF exclusive mechanic and isn't something I consider part of Overdrive. But Resonance Blaze is a mode that enhances your character once your partner gets knocked out, and functions similar to overdrive. For instance, supers get stronger, and specials get more interesting. For Ragna, in Resonance Blaze, Deadspike becomes enormous as an example, but for some characters they obviously haven't altered them at all yet. And I'm curious how it ends up for everybody in the final release.

I just hope you can't do a guard cancel resonance blaze like you can OD cause that shit is dumb af


Jin is best boy.

t. kagura player

jin barely qualifies as a boy to begin with


Seems made in poor taste

got a laugh outta me

based gorilla

Who is supposed to be on the bottom?

Going by the hair, Winter

Just call him Kurogane. We're gonna have him and Shirogane from P4 as DLC eventually.

So how long until BBDW is released and /blaz/ suffers the same fate as /feg/

TAG will save us


Pretty late I know but I have a console lobby up. Pass is vidya.
