Lulu skin when edition
Lulu skin when edition
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Look at this Nep.
First for healslut supports!
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
the syndra shitter is not only super delusional but also pretty bad at his """wife""". Kinda sad.
Duskblade needs to work more intelligently. Free damage for not being seen for a few seconds? Ridiculous. Needs a longer timer until the unseen bonus kicks in.
FYI: If you main champions like Janna, Nami, Sona, Soraka then you like cock.
Butts when?
Why is it in promos you get the most retarded people possible? Up till then it's fine but when you're in promos you get paired with the worst bronze players
First for trolling in your ranked games.
xth for my wife Syndra
What if I main Taric?
>Niggas getting uppity about what champs should and should not support
This. I love cock
It's time for the Chad marksman
Ignore all the "healslut" perverts!
>play Swain
>tell enemy team they shouldn't take their mid laners cs
>they start flaming me
>they say I probably voted for Trump
>I did
>tfw no qt petite gf
>make it like 3 minutes
>”uh is our talon afk”
that would be comedy
repdill me on skarner
should i get his skin on sale right now?
what if lewlew gave you a cuddling out of nowhere
Who's the weakest/least impactful cute support champion?
I want to be as useless as possible, please help me find a support champion such that even if they play well and don't feed, struggles to affect the game in any meaningful way and ends up just standing around looking pretty or giving marginal aid to their allies
>pick brand support
>always lose
>enemy picks brand support
>they always win
support MF
Politics are irrelevant aslong the jews are still in charge.
git gud
It needs to cost more. It is travesty that it costs as much as Ghostblade and does so much better. Honestly it feels like the itemization updates the last few years were given to interns/'dicksuckers because they blow a lot. Just look at the new Luden's. You are supposed to move a lot to charge but it lost its movespeed bonus.
is twisted treeline mode fun
what is the idea behind that mode
Quality champion
>tfw no Vifu
>top lane
t. low skill coward who has to take Lux's generous hitboxes to a lane with two targets and one ally to draw attention from herself to do anything meaningful
>only actually ends up winning in the sense of making victory annoying for the enemy bot
Is Quas the most based League streamer out there?
>Calm voice
>No autistic screaming
>Pretty educational
>Doesn't bitch about his lane being in a bad spot
>No obnoxious text-to-speech
>Barely a sell-out (Ad for his e-book and donation button are pretty far down his page)
Why aren't YOU watching him right now?
>I want to be as useless as possible
ha ha you want to do this because of slut ERP
support ashe with font of life and ardent censer/hurricane/black cleaver
You don't place your spells where they currently are, but where they will go.
Its all about mind games since your spells are delayed.
because i'm watching heimerdinger
>That time riot tried to address MS creep and fixed it a bit
I think they need to look at it again.
It would be amusing but-
>3 minutes
even I'm not that crazy
>Ever playing Lux as a support
She is far too gold dependent to serve as an effective support
>Acting as if most supports don't have "generous hitboxes"
Nigga please
Alright /lolg/ let's settle it once and for all
Nope Hash is our guy.
Because I'm a BAJ
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
>Miss Fortune and Brand lane
This used to work before, but you didn't count on me taking fleet footwork and my support picking Nami, did you?
Being more dependent on my adc is a bad
thing?? i just wanted it to be more like the stories...
Alpha: Mid and Jungle
Beta: ADC and Support
Retarded but brave: Top
yeah I mean I’m not exactly sure why everyone forgot that after the yommuu’s nerf it became like the duskblade meta and literally everyone was buying that stupid item, I remember like duskblade toplane graves and other pure cancer shit. I don’t remember why people then like forgot that duskblade was stupid as fuck and started buying other stuff.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Which Star Guardians are dominant or submissive in bed?
Does this include Futaraka?
get one?
>Retarded but brave: Top
How did you know?
>tfw no micro for AD
>Not lame enough for support
>Can barely handle some mid champs.
how do we fix the effeminate man of many blinks and skillshots
You keep wanting to swim with Lulu.
But do you ever ask her about her feelings?
>the flaws of another somehow nullify the flaws of the thing in question
I'll admit that I noticed Leona's Zenith suddenly became way larger than the model once new runes hit, but I don't play her as long as her oversynergy with aftershock exists to be abused.
Thresh, well, I'll keep dusting his damned skins and avoid the temptation that will inevitable lead to getting hooks that shouldn't have landed.
This. The character that's more obsolete than him is maybe Volibear.
Stricly Dom: Poppy, Syndra
Switch: Ahri, Jinx, Miss Fortune
Strictly Sub: Lux, Soraka, Janna
Finally give him the trap skin.
Well he's better.
Item changes might see him top 48%. Tank build is actually fun to play and rewards controlled play which I love.
post source
>Lulufags caring about their own waifus feelings
>Yes, the gun is ironic
I don't get it
Is Nautilus good in any role now?
I hate Ezreal as much as the next person but that dude is not effeminate at all
ADC is more of a common sense role than micro.
>Healslut score with Zyra
>Get honored like a good Healslut
I didn't knew this was possible. Also, on my way to gold!
Doesn't Futaraka want to give the dick instead?
easier said than done
Complaining afkfarmer: Top
Facerolling turrethugger: Mid
Alpha, the danger itself: ADC
PvE: Jungler
Slut or fatalist: Support
I guess because you’d expect him to use a sword...I guess? I don’t know.
>When the enemy bans 4 adc's because they respect the Chad ADC
>Tits or ass of any kind
How does the inventory of a six slotted Varus look like?
>Switch: Ahri, Jinx, Miss Fortune
This is the interesting one. My take is that Jinx would prefer to be sub, but if she isn't getting the wild sex she wants, she'll take charge to get it.
What's your take?
The gun's name is Whisper and it's very loud and flashy.
>mfw thresh was practically AFK standing behind the team using abilities into empty air towards nobody
dont try to weasel out of it by saying he was trying to hit sex king
>tfw fatalist slut that gets tilted at the firs thing that goes wrong
Can you at least give him a better passive please
A r63 skin for Ez is a fucking insta buy
That entity is only accepted in the head of demented people who enact sexual mutations in their heads, the sickos. Thankfully guys with lady parts isn't nearly as prominent. Better just one than both.
excuse me this is a no bully zone
All females want the dick. No exceptions.
Give him an actual ability on W in exchange for some power off of his Q. Also just as a QOL change can we make Ez's passive stacks fall off one at a time like Jax or Ashe.
Let's be honest, one of the perks of a Vi gf would be her getting cutely embarrassed when wearing/doing normally girly things that she isn't particularly experienced at doing.
melee alpha: top lane
alpha jr: jungle
ranged squishy betas: mid and ADC
slut: support
Who never tries will never have success
How do we fix people who think Ezreal is effeminate and only likable for self-inserting?
That said, Riot could do with making better use of his explorer theme.
I just want to eat ass
you mean mexican faggot who should kill itself
>ranged squishy betas: mid and ADC
What about assassin mids?
>thinking score tells the whole story
Come on now lad, sometimes taking one (or a few) for the team is more impactful than taking out some of the enemy team (especially as support so those kills can go to other champs)
>whining about a FREE Gargoyle's stoneplate
That's kind of how I feel about all 3 of them. Jinx is definitely the type of girl to like it rough and if you're not making her squeal and leaving marks then she's going to ride you dry.
Ahri would be weird as JUST a dom or JUST a sub. And MF would gladly sub to a guy if he was up to the task.