>Interested in
>Upcoming possibilities
EVE; plausibly WoW with some free gametime.
[Getting dialogue with Disney on] SWG.
WoW Classic.
>Interested in
>Upcoming possibilities
EVE; plausibly WoW with some free gametime.
[Getting dialogue with Disney on] SWG.
WoW Classic.
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb CIS male can't even guess his digit
Does the cartridge have some weird defect that damages consoles or something?
all I wanted was your
>I hate having to play through all the easy levels I've beaten just to get to the hard ones to practice them.
the easy levels are pretty fun to speedrun through though, you can do some wild tricks that makes it pretty technical
Brave New World is so great. Relm is a murder machine.
>self heals
Staminga NB has those?
I love hellfire fights.
fuck u
Fuck, you're right.
Then don't use them like that, retard.
wake up
>waiting for content
tfw Andy's mom is a /diy/ slut
I wont let you die alone, user.
I've been tols that it's from Daiteikoku, but I haven't played it myself, so I can't confirm the rumours.
>cant shoot through corrugated iron
Another cheesy lesson to learn before i can earn a chicken dinner
What a cute fish wife
Do you drink your coffee black
That's stupid, but the movement is why Dark Souls 2 is the worst.
Marine games stopped looking like cheap garbage so Im actually excited
Fucking Nintendo, when will they stop putting memes in their games?
no to mention that Toppo has a glorious moustache
What does Jiren have? fuck all, he's just a buff gray alien. Fucking Coquette was more interesting and she just trapped people in ki-prisons
Post pics of her feet and I might masturbate to them.
you like 3D instead of 2D. that's what you do wrong
Marine games stopped looking like cheap garbage so Im actually excited
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
Interesting. The closest I've come to this is using my Genesis to watch simulated Hockey seasons. I doubt I'd left my console on for more than a couple days though.
What games would make good visual background entertainment?
maybe you need to live in a better country where banks don't look up what you buy with your money.
Ayakashibito is better than Apo.
This is big plus
I think because it's the most accessible version with VS that doesn't have the ability to hold a piece in reserve or let you move pieces after they land or any other extra features other versions added
>Am I the only one
This is my wife, Ruby Kurosawa.
Say something nice about her.
i put 30 bucks into this game so far, that's a better deal than what i got with other full price titles
>Dodge him the whole fight
>Gets one hit in
>Steals my Ancient Potion
Use the money to send 'em a nice fruit basket. That's what I do.
This, what the fuck? FE7 is far easier than FE8 and I don't see people bitching about it. You keep getting OP units all game long
to THIS?
I own this game. Still have not beaten it. The concept of the Trimorphs gave me nightmares. I liked the gimmick of switching out characters like RE0. Combat was a bit sluggish. The MOOD computer was my favorite personality
>machines shupe
post deck?
I don't know but I made this if it helps at all
May want to give me 15-20 min, AW have been known to give me fits. i'll hit you up when I beat them
60+6 is just perfect for post-Pontiff and even lots of pre-Pontiff area (I enjoy Irythill Dungeon at that level). You're just getting unlucky.
It's just Cee, don't blame Wipeout for that (this is coming from someone that prefers F-Zero)
I do not utilize the side step because I've only PvE and haven't PvP yet
Blue board, you retard
Not the same kind of game, this game is linear, not SotN style
Scores were still relevant in the 16bit era.
>Let's make part of what makes Ela a problem an ability
I played Anno 1602 over lan with my brother no problem. I think it should work with hamachi, never had problems with it.
One thing to remember, we made a rule to not build towers next to units in combat, it was too cheassy.
Only one protocol remains: THE HUNT.
>Get back to playing Unlimited
>30 hour file with entire team at end-game power level
>completely forgot how to play that team or what I was doing with any of the characters
man it's gonna take me like an hour to puzzle this out
not really
>There are many anons who died between KH 2 and KH 3
>They will never get to see how the Xehanort Saga ends
Why did you take so long Nomura?
Good taste user
Does the Grail induced Week of the Imp actually swamp them on the map too?
*checking for autosaging*
Buds I can no longer get an erection to real women
What's going on?
Cool. Link?
I wouldn't really call Grisaia a nakige either though.
MD3 is superior but i like the challenge mode in MD2
Post a better version then.
Month day year is the worst.
DMY is better for reading.
YMD is better for organizing digital files. (can be mixed with YMDHS)
do you do anything else? I've literally see you in every thread on this board for 2 years. fuck off
Secret Agent.
I've got this
US government funded. No privacy, no encryption. Marketing companies want to know what people are talking about.
Fuck this stage. It's harder than the whole rest of the game combined.
It's fun but I get too frustrated playing it. I hate having to play through all the easy levels I've beaten just to get to the hard ones to practice them.
....this cant be.....
maybe something with drawbridges?
This is disgusting guys. she could be your mother
I have a JP one for the same reason. It's shitty that avatars are locked to the account that downloads them though.
He wants to be involved in everything that happens on the Continent, rather than be the idyll observer that Ludo is. Whether that's a good thing is up to your interpretation, but he seems like a pretty benevolent guy.
Spider is better!
The IDs are specific for most games especially when modded.
He just needs to reload a previous save, click on Lydia to get her ID then reload his current save and teleport her in.
I would have just preferred the original in color desu
The photographer is annoying af and the color dungeon just seems hastily thrown together
NG has best waifus.
>His woods aren't Chalky
That's up for debate.
Like how at least 1/3rd of the campaign are side activities?
It's not worth it, the NES is better. If you want to play 2600 games just get a 2600 for less.
they became corporate whores who are only in it for money
Come to Lumbertown ch5
hey I just got one of those too
is aquarius a timed quest
Literally not your blog and no one cares.
Whats an active cooled and passive cooled super matter engine?
Was it on DOS or on Windows?
Good, fuck everyone who afks in ranked queue.
It's just not the same...
no games, i finished xeno 2 and im selling this shit
Why not just put a ROM loader and SD slot in it?
You'd eliminate the huge game sticking out plus having to carry around several large cartridges if you want to play other things is hardly my definition of portable.
>on-disk content
How do we fix /wowg/?
My favorite hot sauce contains mostly scotch bonnet peppers and my white ancestors were in america before the reviolution. Checkmate, Latrell Gonzalez
since it's their efforts that make games good, I can't see why I should listen to some random guy who bought the rights instead of them.