/haniho/ - Alicesoft/Rance General

Alicesoft/Rance General #737
Last Thread:5Days Left Edition

FAQ: pastebin.com/jNCW9f7E
Previous Version of FAQ: pastebin.com/fQsNafrk
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.
Suggested Changes: piratepad.net/YwogqyaUro

>Useful Links
Wiki: alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alicesoft Image Booru: haniho.booru.org/
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes (Translated): mega.nz/#!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints

>Recently Released
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2332124
Steve[Monster] SR Mod - mega.nz/#!JEwnzLZK!8k3-9LiPXVwG2znwHRLtTOCUaour_fXhQfqUit0IP8g
DARKNESSHERO SR Rance Mod - mega.nz/#F!VloWzD6B!trEkYLMKASDXIYsGdLa8jw

>Upcoming Games
Evenicle (English) - Likely Early 2018
Sengoku Rance (English) - After Evenicle
Rance Quest Magnum (English) - Likely 2019

Rance X - 23rd February 2018
Teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=CpMoCuxFIIY
youtube.com/watch?v=XyMYFBrBxLw (Untranslated)

Gameplay Explanation:
Rance X Character Roster:
Rance X Gallery:

RPG 3- by the Evenicle team (New IP)
Dohna Dohna - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP)
Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team
'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer

Haniwa Development Studio:

Other urls found in this thread:


Why didn't you invest in Zeth?

Hype up the motherfuckin' beat.


Looking back on the stream, not only did they skip an H-scene but also a fight an event and the dungeon continued after that.

I thought the saying was supposed to be "What will you say that you did during the great war" or something around those lines.

>leaves for a week
what happened? no demo or evenicle?


They skipped the whole rest of the dungeon, yeah. They also likely skipped other things. For example we probably get an war situation report on the end of turn 0 showing all the damage the demon army did to humanity on that first turn. but they already jump to the world summit on turn 1.

There was a stream of what people have told me is the beginning of Rance X. Supposedly someone will be putting subtitles on a recording of the stream, but it's not one of us, so I don't know how reliable that information is.

I wonder if this is the last time we'll see her with that smile.