"Fuck your balance." edition
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
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xth for i'm cumming!!
Super important poll for those who haven't voted yet:
sauce when???
I wanna meowrry Taliyah's eyebrows!
xth for my wife Syndra
xth for fear not
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw no qt petite gf
I hope she gets picked again soon!
>When your job is having to deal with this bullshit everyday from a single co-worker.
Zoefags you have 5 seconds to defend this.
Post your're favourite healslut.
I never saw a please
post yfw tsm
How dare Sneaky ruin Bjerg's perfect KDA
i want to main a champion who has big breasts, but also deals damage
that means no supports
Not a Slut!
FACT: vastayans make the best sex slaves.
>Taric building tear
Wait, what? When did this become a thing?
why twitchtv instead of twitch.tv?
Only tight waifus are allowed in this thread
On my team or enemy team if you see me pick Jinx/Ahri/Poppy and I see you pick another Star Guardian and you don't have their skins? You are the problem and should uninstall
and if you are a Lux main and have every skin except Star Guardian kill yourself
it wouldn't let me post.
Miss Fortune, Ahri, Elise, Evelynn, Illaoi, Katarina, Tryndamere, Leblanc, Riven, Vi
ekko buffs when
Taric's rework was reverted.
You want to play as a Fox Slut
I'm not even going to wait for this game to end.
I want to go to the Eu lcs finals but i have no friends that want to go. Why do people pretend they hate this game?
Post ADCs
suqling on tumblr
Reminder that Morgana's sexual skill is literally supernatural
Kindred buffs are coming any second now!
>queue up for adc
>gp AND panth AND sona AND wukong jungle on my team
>against nami trist bot nunu jungle
Is there any way this could have been worse? Rammus maybe?
I dont get why TSM has so much fans, they are good in NA sure but always fails at international events where C9 has done better??
here's two tight waifus
Reminder that TSM is literally every 4channers favorite esports team and only non-whites want them to lose.
MikeYeung is the problem
if TSM had a jungler like Svenskeren they'd be 8-0
imagine not only being so dumb and gay that you play league of losers
but actually being so dumb gay and retarded that you watch other people play league of losers
>w-w-what you mean Shitezer can only play g-g-gp
>3 waifus
>2 tight waifus
which one isn't tight?
what do i buy, /lolg/?
>tsm loses again
Clever girl!
zven is actually so bad hmm
League is fine but Overwatch is objectively superior.
They are in the same boat as Jhin, Caitlyn and Lucian. The live design team doesn't want them in competitive so they are left underpowered on purpose.
>lamb but not thicc
>bot lane feed sivir 18 kills in 15 minutes
>literally do not know how to play
>forced 50
Xayah is probably virginally tight since she's had nothing bigger than Rakan's twig.
ward skins
Mike Yeung was a mistake.
>stun and mana pool buffed
>his two biggest counters, nidalee and elise, are no longer in every game
>can use like half of the keystones well
>can duel basically fucking everyone
>can lock down a target for 4.75 seconds
>also outclears everyone because fuck you
I love abusing this champion
dunno if he's broken in pro play but he is disgusting in solo queue atm
>svenskeren was the problem
So.... why is skarner S tier jg again?
TSM's entire offseason was a mistake, but I'm not complaining. Fuck Regi.
how many times will they swap junglers before they finally realize that maybe bjerg isnt the best team player
i think bjerg will leave before he gets kicked, and it wont happen this split
I dont know why but everytime TSM loses i have a good day
Can you imagine TSM with a jungler like Svenskeren? That would be a dream team.
>Regi literally, unironically fell for the Mike Yeung meme
>Bjergsen is barely breaking 10 vision score
This KDA shitter wouldn't be in the pro scene in season 3 league.
Remember when Zven and Mithy were considered the best in the west?
What's the over/under on MikeYeung getting the Gleeb treatment?
but i already have a shit ton
didn't know u posted here Sven
Holy fuck Bjergsen has 75% of his team's kills what a god
>TSM engages someone
>Taric ults
>TSM loses teamfight
Rinse and repeat, this whole damn game.
Daily reminder she is so CUTE! I want to serve the empress as her loyal servant
What Elo? What's your farm? How long was the match
>They don't know how to play around Taric
Like I legitimately don't understand.
>yfw TSM fans
>tfw currently abusing Taric for freelo
N-no he's not OP please don't nerf him
which ones do i replace
>Sven leaves TSM
>suddenly no longer garbage
>Bjerg will retire this year finally
Thank god, so sick of that beta nerd.
why did the fag team win?
toned and firm != sticc
>Turd Shit Manure
Chad9 vs Team Soy Mid
is sneaky a boy (female)?
Hope Zven and Mithy were worth it regi kek
>Sven BTFO'ing TSM after they kick him
Wtf why did Bjergsen go in so hard that last fight? the game was over he should have just protected his KDA
he only died twice too!
>TSM fans
I have no idea how TSM still has fans.
Was this the whitest matchup in NA LCS?
the blitz one is lame
Turd Shut Manure
Cuckold Loser Geeks
>Empress Lux will never make you cum inside her 5 more times than you thought you could even produce