X Dictator is bad because 20 000 000 000 000 bilion people died under his rule

>X Dictator is bad because 20 000 000 000 000 bilion people died under his rule

Why is it even an argument? X dictator won, that is only thing that matters.

Well, in the long term, most dictators lose, in the sense that their countries follow paths divergent with their desires.

Modern Russia is very different from what Stalin intended, and the same is true for Chile and Pinochet, Franco and Spain etc.

What dictator has actually won in the sense that his country is still following the rules that he would have desired? I can't think of none right now.

Napoleon, more or less.



>X leader is responsible for Y deaths
>Z leader is responsible for 100,000*Y deaths
>Somehow leader X is considered acceptable whilst leader Z is considered evil
Makes no sense

Depends, was leader Z successful in his goals and improving his country?

Stalin killed mostly slavs, Mao killed mostly chinks. No one cares about those.

>What dictator has actually won in the sense that his country is still following the rules that he would have desired?

Qin Shi and China?

>Well, in the long term, most dictators lose, in the sense that their countries follow paths divergent with their desires.
Seems like this is true for every single leader though, not just dictators.

Most of those he killed werent Slavs, if we count only ´´his own people´´, most of them were Germans, Turkic peoples or Jews, 99% of those deported were Turkic. (i dont claim that everyone who was purged-kicked from NKVD was killed)

Dictatirs are one who care most so they lose and other doesn't even gamble.

Dumbifying slavs through gulags might as well count as killing them.

>Qin Shi of China
>not literally "First Emperor of Qin"
Absolutely disgusting
Why can't you just say Si Huandi like every other faggy whitey

And what makes you think that a leader cares less about "winning" in the long run than a dictator?

>Dumbifying slavs
Like if that's possible.

Actualy quite small number of people died in GULAGs, between 2-3 milions while over half of them were AXIS POWs.


Ever hurt of stupifying you stupiderman

Kys continental trash

>History board
>"Only one thing matters"

its a strawman where you blame everything bad on a thing you dont like

you would be very shocked and saddened to realize this is very very effective for controlling small minds

>everyone is brainwashed except me

Castro. Cuba's managing to do pretty well compared to the other Carribian nations under western influence

>Stalin's People
Even Today Gerogians are seen as "Churka"

What about Mao then?

>fucking machiavelli


When did I say that?