2hug/ - Touhou general - #113

Burning down the house yet again edition

Previous thread: >What is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN where cute girls shooting other cute girls.

>I have questions!
pastebin.com/PMpRnhmb (Includes FAQ, netplay guide, 1cc charts and more)

>Where can I get the games?
moriyashrine.org/ (For separate game downloading)
nyaa.si/view/979648 (All in one pack)

>Touhou 16 and 15.5 on steam! Please don't support the official release.

>Introduction and tips for new players~

>Download and apply Vpatch for reduced lag, MoF MarisaB glitch fix, extremely high FPS fix and Windowed screen adjustment (Search ‘vpatch tutorial’ on youtube if you have problems installing it)

>Fangames pastebin (Contains a fixed version for game breaking bug in FMW2)

>/2hug/ Highscore Spreadsheet! (If you want to submit score, use the term 'score' somewhere in your post)

Touhou is fighting fire with fire and we don't wanna hurt nobody.

Talk about fast

Shhh, Youmu is sleeping

Xth for mouse!


Girls don't poop, silly user.

>don't support

Post sprites

What went wrong in Flan's childhood? Her sister is almost the same age and not mentally challenged like her.

She's been kept in a basement for 500 years? Also I'm pretty sure brain development stops when you stop ageing

>She's been kept in a basement for 500 years?

Her being locked in the basement is not actually canon and based on an old inaccurate translation though, isn't it? She never talks about being locked in the updated EoSD translation and Akyuu speculates that she's just a shut-in in PMiSS. Flan also says that she spectated the battle between Reimu and Remilia if I remember correctly. You can't spectate a battle on the roof from the basement.

>You can't spectate a battle on the roof from the basement.
Well, Sakuya used to have time and space powers before it was changed to being sanic, Flan could be locked but then retcon simply because ZUN thought it was too dark.

Even so staying in the same building for 500 years can't be healthy, also she sort of got vampired in her childhood so there's that

The point is that ZUN never wrote about her being locked in the basement though, so there was nothing to retcon.

This is actually a good explanation. Assuming they were both turned at the same time, Flan was quite a bit younger than Remi and it would obviously have a bigger effect on her state of mind.

Please do not disturb Youmu Konpaku, gardener of the Hakugyoukurou, wielder of the Hakurouken and the Roukanken, servant to Yuyuko Saigyouji of the Hakugyoukurou that houses the Saigyou Ayakashi.

What happens if I want to touch (You)mu's sperm?

>The point is that ZUN never wrote about her being locked in the basement though, so there was nothing to retcon.
So, who wrote it then?

Don't spook me like that user, there's already enough ghosts itt


The current EoSD translation mentions nothing about Flandre being locked in the basement. It only mentions her not being let out of the mansion very often and her being fine with it because she doesn't even want to go out.
It's probably a case of a translator making a mistake in an older translation or fans going wild with their imagination.

one ghost is too many

All of Flan's appearances after EoSD are outside of the basement too. She was in the garden when she destroyed the shooting star, Tewi and Reisen met her on the first floor in the Inaba manga and she was in the library with Remi and Tupai in FS.

replying =/= quoting

>she was in the library with Remi and Tupai in FS.
You mean that small cameo on which half a wing was visible?

I'm pretty sure there's a panel somewhere in FS with Remi and Flan both fully visible, looking at Tupai in a cage with bookshelves in the background.

>tfw read 'Tupai' as 'Tulpa'

Depending on where you touch it, you may get her bed wet, then you'll get cut.

This is the page I was talking about. It looks a bit different than I remember and on closer inspection I don't think Remi and Flan are in the library here, but the general point still stands.

These doujins have gotten weird.

I fall in love again every time.

Why do i have the feeling this didn't turn out how tewi and Kaguya? planned it to?

>wikipedia links on porn

Because it didn't.

Funny enough, it's not porn. I don't believe it even had nudity.

>blocks your path
What do you do? Keep in mind she demands you make at least 6 human babies with her as repentance for being a youkai apologist.

I wonder; is that just a sectioned out panel, though?
They look like they're on a bed and that just tells me that Remi brought it to flan or something.

Youkai Apologist?
Oh no, you've got me all wrong, I'm too busy getting wrung dry by those damn Fairies to have enough semen to spare for my fellow man to a point where not even the Youkai can get anything out of me.

either wait for her to die, or shove all 6 in her right then and there.

Well darn, I guess I'll just have to accept this punishment and cum inside her enough to make 10 kids. Then, to prove I'm not a Youkai apologist, I'll cum inside all of the youkai too.

well ya gonna give sauce or not?

Blessing this thread

Not if you're not going to use the tools at hand provided to you by this very website.

i'm gonna be honest, i don't even try it with black and white images like that. It never comes up with anything.

well, given that I got that image off ExHentai and given that it's the FULL image, iqdq/saucenao should have no problems finding it.
Even more-so given that I just did it myself and it found it instantly.

Oh no, does Youmu have a nocturnal emission problem!?

user, i hate to say this but the miraculous 1/100 times IQDB or saucenao actually work for a manga panel isn't enough for me to actually give it an attempt because 99/100 still don't come up with shit.

Yeah, i get it, this time it actually did work properly. Woo. But pretending i'm going to try a tool that has never once given me what i was looking for before just on the off chance it will is poor logic at best.

The point is you should try before you ask, kouhai.

The point is that i'm not going to use something that has repeatedly failed me.

I suppose that is your choice then. Enjoy the doujin, though.

Can't contain it, every new pic is like a new favorite.

Goodnight, /2hug/!

Damn, I was just about to ask /jp/ to post their scores in the spreadsheet since they act all high and mighty, the thread got deleted when I was just about to make my post. Oh well.

Perhaps it's for the best.

Obviously i'm going to use it now that you've said it supposedly works, but what i meant was that expecting me to use it out of the gate despite it almost never working is pretty asinine. Its insane, even, to expect me to use a tool that is faulty at best when the primary source is right in front of me.

But I want their score. I guess it’s my fault for not taking advantage of the opportunity sooner.

Goodnight user

>he's posting about /jp/ again

Which 2hu would /2hug/ fug if /2hug/ had to fug a 2hu?

Why not? I like /jp/ when it’s not cancerous.

I think a large majority would either say their 2hu, but i could see a large amount of arguments for sakuya.

She's a very fuckable 2hu, design wise.

Obviously Ivysaur

You've already make it clear that you like /jp/. You fucking love /jp/, you want to marry /jp/, you want /jp/ to fuck both of your sisters while you watch and masturbate.
That's not a good reason to keep bringing them up here instead of staying on topic. This is 2hu general, not /jp/ general, and let's keep it that way.

I only mentioned /jp/, that’s all. I didn’t say anything provocative like “/jp/ is better than /2hug” or anything. Don’t get your pantsu in a twist everytime you see someone mention /jp/.

Nah, I find Meiling more fuckable than Sakuya.

I agree, i'm just saying sakuya hits a lot more niches much more readily than meiling does.

It's one thing for someone to mention /jp/ in the middle of a conversation, but every single day, there's some stupid phoneposter talking about /jp/ here when it's completely irrelevant.
Try to control your maniacal /jp/ obsession dude, it's all I'm asking for.

Assuming I really have to do it, and there's no way for me to go into Gensokyo, there's only one option available.

All astronauts deserve death!

No bunny can stop Neil Armstrong

best 2hu

I love Yuyuko.

If Yuyuko was real, she would pick me instead of you.

I like the slug.

The weak should fear the strong.

Don't you mean the strong should fear the weak?

She is tho, you don't know because she already picked me instead.

Goodnight, /2hug/

Goodnight user


I thought she was having sex with an invisible man at first lol

That's how Futo has sex!?






wake up!

>not asking a Ditto to transform into every Touhou

Okina's cute! Pic unrelated.


How can Yuuka even compete?

What's this from, anyway?

Shove her out of the way. She's not very big or dangerous. Or just tell her i'm not a youkai apologist. Because im genuinely not.

But then who are we going to send to clean out the lunarians once its time to colonize the moon?

By threatening to break you in two if you pick Raiko over her.

That doesn't make it okay though. And Mystia later switched jobs to con artist/rock star anyway. So clearly it's not a requirement to keep living.

This post was meant for

No wait. It's actually for This is why i shouldn't post when i'm tired...

Russian Okina is best Okina.

Yeah, I do think Raiko is better. She’s more relevant than Yuuka will ever be.

Yuuka was never supposed to be relevant though. At least in the windows era. She's just some random ridiculously powerful Youkai with a flower obsession.