OT - Supports are certified sluts edition
League of Legends - /lolg/
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>playing against malphite
>he just q's me over and over
>ults me under turret
>I die
How do I counter this?
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!
the "healslut" meme needs to die!
xth for my wife Syndra
Works fine when I sometimes use it on Jinx.
>tfw no qt petite gf
Reminder: strawpoll.me
if you die to yasuo, you got outplayed
it means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to his specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").
Indeed, to be defeated by yasuo is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the yasuo player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as he secures first blood and you anxiously await the surrender vote, his mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.
I'll be taking my LP now, make sure you do your bans correctly next time.
I just got project yi from revel orb so I'm gonna main Mid Yi in flex now
wish me luck
>When your team refuses to let you win so you have to drag them kicking and screaming across the finish line
All I fucking want is a positive winrate Riot stop making me break my fucking back trying to get there.
>27 assists
>lose because mid still fed the enemy Zed like crazy
Remove yourself!
>no "All heal/shield support mains are useless assholes who think they're smarter and better than everyone else" option
xth for NTR.
What do you do when two or more champs are flaming each other and it's enough to cause one of them to not group?
>ywn cuddlefugg Jinx and nut 6 or 7 times inside her in the process
I want to NTR (You)
Jinx exists to get cuckqueaned by dairy duchesses like like Vi and SG Miss Fortune
>carrying team
>our jgler decides to 1v5 every time he respawns
>only constant
That's not how this works kid.
most accurate description of support mains they choose to play the bitch role and type “SIGH” in all chat when things go the slightest bit south
can't really do anyhting about it unless you are someone that is doing really well so you have some respect in the game but not much you can do in most cases, if people wanna act like faggots then they're gonna.
Would Jinx be a good mom?
I doubt it
So how do the first 10 placements work? Does LP matter in them? Should I dodge like a madman to try to win all 10 games and hopefully get placed on high Gold already?
Just a reminder that we have a lewd thread up here if you want to dump porn or excessively lewd posts or whatever.
did I already miss the early sales for the latest Project skins?
ekko buffs when
does jinx like dogs?
nvr :(
No next early sales are for the Star Guardians. Then the Chinese skins. After that I think is PROJECT.
Which chinese skins? I can't remember what came after Star Guardian but before Project
why life gotta be so shit lolg
trash threads are usually far less active which makes people participate less
Veeky Forums is very much a "I want to [lewd thing] with X" type of general.
Do not outsource lewdposting to another board. /lolg/ lewdposting should stay in lolg!
no ty
Sona will help her be a good mom to their daughter.
Pls respond. If LP matters in them I guess I'll just accept the forced 50 and get placed in silver on my smurf.
garbage game garbage playerbase garbage everything
Sacred Sword Janna, Eternal Sword Yi, and Soaring Sword Fiora. Also Eternum Cass and Arclight Yorick are with them for March. May will actually probably be the PROJECT one since that's about 6 months.
sort of like life
Viktor is cool.
It will never die. You will eventually surrender and admit to being a healslut. It's the path all support mains take. You just need a little more encouraging
I never said take the lewd out of /lolg/ but sometimes it helps to just lewdpost without boundaries every once in a while.
You can dodge all you want, doesn't effect elo, lp or anything
However unless you go 9-1 or 10-0 you're going to be placed in silver
I placed in the exact same elo I did from last year on my smurf, not even a tier up and I had golds on my teams.
oh yeah, alright, thanks user
>open link
>bad nude edits and 3DPD webms
>close link
No thanks. I'll take my chances getting b& when I push it too much.
Yeah, I need to see what's the highest bracket you can get placed at if you manage win all 10. Guess I'll watch some of those "unranked to diamond" streams to know.
There is NOTHING more painful than having a trash Blitz support.
Watching him miss 8 hooks in a row.
Watching the enemy botlane slowly realize that they can just ignore him and 2v1 you.
Have you worshipped kek today /lolg/?
Since meme magic is confirmed real what League meme can we bring into reality? Hard mode: No waifus
>There is NOTHING more painful than having a trash Blitz support.
A vi support
Your move.
watching him pulling a galio on your face when teamfights begin
Boundaries are what keeps us honest. They keep us from going too far and destroying ourselves. We must be a united lolg not a divided one.
>unironic lee sin support
>not enjoying the /a/ shitstorm
C'mon man
>protect her
No, if this happens if I don't.
which ones the real one and which one is fake?
>Queue mid for primary and top for secondary
>Get top 7 games in a row
Why even ask me if they are not going to fucking mid?
>leveling up
>having to unlock champions
>i'm first pick
>pick ww
>my team proceeds pick squishy champs
>im the only front line
>"uhhh we're gonna be squishy as shit and they have 3 tanks"
>proceed to lose cause theyre made of paper and enemy team has so much front line and poke
fuckin a man
>brand supp btw so no heals or shields
Mid's the most queued role in the game by a long shot. Of course you'll get your secondary a lot more.
that feel when playing normals with a raging cunt and his less ragey cunt friend and don't know how to get away from them without making them angery
What would Vi be like as a girlfriend?
>TFW 17/3 win/loss match history in upper plat
I'm not even a smurf, this is my actual elo
Bite the sheets, cupcake, I'm going for elbow-deep tonight.
>Pick Urgot support into their Blitz
>E out of his hook just to fuck with him
>Blitz just goes off on his adc postgame, even after his own shit roams, and overall horrible performance
I live for this
>bugsplat while loading game
>can't reconnect despite restarting my client like 3 times
I stand by my hate for this new role select. outside of ranked and anything below diamond 2, since they already have high enough queue times and they're such a small group that most will give up the roles to someone else if they know the person is that roles main they need to bring back old team select. I'd rather wait 5- 10 extra minutes to know I'll get mid than pick mid and top or mid and fill with 2-3 minute queues not knowing what bullshit i may get filled to. hell ive been filled jg and even top with supp primary before, the new queue is so shit, fuck riot man
how do so many manchildren end up working for riot
they give fucks like sanjuro and danielzklein professional positions and have a whole team dedicated to winning good pr on reddit what other company does this
I hate melee characters, I never feel fast enough to justify having to get in close. Shoes don't seem to fix it.
Why does Jax have like 5 unavailable skins for fuck sake
I want Angler Jax on my smurf, this shit is aids
Mighty Jax isn't available.
Where are you seeing that it is?
yeah melee is just suffering outside of a good matchup in lane
riot thinks it’s a good idea to give the longest range champ in the game also a knockback and long range pseudo-cleanse resetting jump and let crit be the best scaling damage option while being relatively cheap and making any pure damage option only viable on ranged characters and cheese assassins
>Star Guardian Ezreal
>the lewdpost thread has over double the unique posters of this thread
The HotS team, but we actually have a good balancing team. Look at all those Chads.
>lives in a house with a bunch of 10/10 girls
>has another teenage slut drooling over his dick
Jealousy is pretty ugly user
Makes sense
Same reason Veeky Forums will always be a better board than /v/ although they have separate functions.
You have that backwards
Jesus christ how did I reverse that when I typed it out.
Fuck my life it's way too late.
>Sona walks in a straight line at me for harass
They NEVER pay attention to the Feathers.
>17 is a bigger number than 39
half the people i know that play hots are also into weightlifting truly the chad option for some reason
Explain chests to me
I want to eat delicious tacos with Kled!
They aren't worth grinding for, just get them as you go along.
>fat guys showing their fatceps
Hello, I am a healer and I am not a slut.
Ask me questions.
Wow, what the fuck. You weren't joking, that's a lot of Chads and alphas.
Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.
If you get honor, every few days you get a third of a key.
Three thirds give you a key.
Key opens a chest.
You get a chest once per week if you (or sometimes a teammate) gets an S in a game.
So on average, you'll get a chest per week and a key if you're not a jerk.
Inside, probably a worthless skin. So about once a month you'll reroll your three lowest value skins from chests for a skin that you can activate or dusk for OE toward a different skin that isn't dumb.