Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previous: >New/returning player?

>Last big update
R9 class info/vids:

>Upcoming changes
NA/SEA merge:
New raid/lv360 legend gear:
QoL stuff:
Wiz+Swordie rework:
Nak Muay:
Colony Wars:

>Latest Patch Notes

>Current events
and ingame 'News' button

TOS Info:
Detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links

>Addon Manager

>Database, skill planner and other stuff

>Card Effects

>Weapon info
New lvl 350 weapons:

>Extra Stat Points

>Servers (choose what's the closest to your location for better ping)
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
cute (Merigolds/Majiene)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica/Mia)

Kotatsu (Colyo)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi/Pokart)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ahh okay

Let's spend the image limit wisely this time!

>log in
>do saalus
>log out

how badly am I fucking up?


Still not sure about the rank 6 class, miko seems like a good alternative to diev but last time I did a hidden quest I wanted to kill myself.

Diev1 is good for you and all party everywhere.


Diev is fine and the only problem there is IMC hates bokors and you can only have a limited number of zombies.

Get 1 in mackangdal so you can trick party members into dying. It's fun to have 1 in bwa kamiyan but IMC nerfed it into the ground, so fuck.

>no tokens in the market
so we dead now?more

what are you talking about? there are like 9 tokens in the market right now

I LOVE YOU TOSG >////< ;W;

stop the fake newsing doom poster

but girl can't love girl

love this!


did anything interesting happen on ktest this week?




I am in charge now!
This game and general are shit
>can't break 2k players on weekend
>1000 players on 6 soon to be 4 servers
>servers shutdown=dead game confirmed by IMC
>buy more gatcha please
>70% of the left playerbase is made by South America jungle monkeys
Could go on but i am busy playing better games

Nice forummemes, but now fuck off back to the forum because we are full, Furfag


Full of images because these threads are just a shitty image dump now.



I miss class-locked costumes. Instead, everyone looks the same when a new gacha is released.

From left to right: wiz, archer, cleric and swordie.

See you in a month guys, if game is still not dead by then.

>quitting just before the big update is released

>"big update"
What content will this big update add?

They will add new boxes, plus maybe the kunf fu class that everyone will want to make so the quest will take at least two weeks to do anyway.
And nerfs.


Fedimian gem merchant, more CM stages (the really hard ones with elite mobs spawning) and, hopefully, the guild events rework (in the "AND MORE" part, it was the following update after the Nak Muay update on kTOS). After the guild rework, gooks also got new bracelets, gimmicks and collections.

Those would be all updates before Monarch bosses and the Wiz/Sword rework being released and it would somewhat justify not bringing anything new until April or May.

You really believe that? For last two weeks they were not even able to deliver scheduled events properly...

Back up, back up
Tell me what you're gonna do now

>and still not tokens
nice lies tostards but if theres not tokens then it means nobody gives a fuck anymore.

I believe we'll get the guild events rework at least, but I have a little ounce of hope that they'll bring the new bracelets, gimmicks and collections too. Not that it matters too much, since the average tostard doesn't give a single fuck about gimmicks and collections and the new bracelets aren't that good and need too many materials to craft them. Tbh, new bracelets were part of the guild events rework iirc, since some of the new rewards include materials for the new bracelets.

>gem merchant


>you will be able to farm HGs slightly more efficiently
>you will be able to farm ~8 minutes more in challenge mode

You live under a rock, user? There'll be a merchant in Fedi that appears at specific times to sell random lvl 1~6 gems. The price in silver increases for each time you buy a gem and it resets to the base value the next day.

Oh, I also forgot they're giving some massive buffs to all Sorcerer summons except Marnox (but his attacks are becoming Strike-type, so it's already a massive buff for him anyway). If you want to count this as content, we're also getting new white gems and cards (Froster Lord, Armaos, SUCCubus, Gorkas and some irrelevant cards).

strike amplification from lethargy will be removed anyway

>Buffing one of the most botted classes/cirlces
The devs truly are fucking clueless

>this happens

Not removed, but moved to Wiz3. Marnox whales will probably reset to Wiz3Thaum1Sorc2Necro3.

>and still not tokens
ded game.

More like ded server. There are plenty of tokens in the market here.

Just wait for the merge my man. There's some level 200 guy who buys literally like 30 tokens a month and puts them on the market here on Orsha. There's at least 10 on the market right now and they're all him.

How many on Klai? There were none yesterday. Two days ago there were 3 at 10m.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if IMC actually seeded tokens on the market themselves to make the game look less dead and more playable for new players.

>still playing this ssg

What server? and yes klaipeda is as fuck.


0 tokens in klaipeda truly the worst server of all.

Anyone else feels bad for subhuman feditards for who the situation will only get worse and they'll end up with less than 50 peak players before summer?

what guild do I join for GvG

I play on Silute. There are less tokens than yesterday, but at least there are some in the market. I only buy tokens when they release new Letitia cubes, since it's when tokens are cheaper.

>I play on Silute

>I play on a ded server

>I play a ded game


Oh look, the junkies are back.

While i am in charge you stop playing this shit

>me playing other games looking down at tostards

How much do the 350 red armor recipes go for on Klai? People try to sell non-leather for 30mil here.

is this okay for rodel3?

Oh look at the whales and laugh.

So Silute > klaipeda?

I got my boots for 28 or 29 and then some faggots undercut each other to half that, and there were none up last I checked. People don't seem to care about the armor much.

Of course!

wel it's true

Found your token in the market yet?

>she still has this game installed

Don't delete my posts moesaki !


>not playing ToS on a phone

>tfw having GREAT FUN lvling a new character
I don't understand why people bother so much with dungeon queues if it's a lot better and less stressing to do field grinding. I just went to lvl 12x to 17x by doing party grinding in Demon Prison.

>still not tokens
klaipedo was a mistake

pay up goyim
selling tokens isn't worth it when there's no letitia cubes

>when the game is dead but the BRs keep sucking

>when the junkie can't stop talking about a game they don't play anymore
just move on already

Post them

>Still playing this semen slurping game

>tos in current year


>19 IPs
Don't die!

>still not tokens

did you try shouting?

>she doesnt have 100's of token saved up from FREE TP

>CM5 solo with A2Sapper2Fletcher3Mergen2

So even this shitty build is capable of that with enough investment, huh?

>not stage 7
who care

Only the chap inqui meme build is capable of soloing CM7. Some builds are able to clear CM6 solo, but CM7 is impossible.

Yeah and who cares about stage 5?
You might as well show stage 4 or stage 3

Being able to solo CM5 means you're worthy as a DPS for a CM7 party. Even an unfunded character can do CM3 solo, it doesn't count as being good DPS.

There's only 5 stages. Are you aware of the current year, current month, current day, and current region?

That's a vid from ktos though. There are 7 stages. It'll be the same for us after tuesday.

nobody does stage 6-7 it's a waste of time. stage 7 mobs have 1m hp and insane damage reduction.

12 hours!


what happens in 12 hours?????

You'll see! Be patient.


>what happens in 12 hours

Dear saviors we regret to inform you that the tree of savior service shall be terminated on March the 11th
Until that time we will having a 50% off TP sale!
So buy now while you can.
We want to thank you for the love and support.
See you on Wolf Knights saviors!