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So is the general consensus that these two new OPs are going to be so completely unbalanced that gameplay is going to be ruined for the first month after release?

idk Every op always seems OP and then they get released and it's almost never as bad as we thought it'd be

maybe, people said the same about jackal and he wasnt that op

among silver surfers, yea

>playing siege with friends
>hear a loud cricket buzzing noise
>investigate house for source of noise, come back after it stops
>2nd round
>cricket starts buzzing again, this time significantly louder
>it drops on keyboard
>accidentally toss a grenade at my teammates while screaming "FUCK YOU"

no it'll be fine and here's why

both ops require strong communication and teamwork to work well. otherwise? finka boosts popped at useless times, and lion is only strong against utter morons or when synergized with abilities like jackal, or other cases where an enemy HAS to move.

but most pub teams won't pull that off. it'll be fine

Will we ever receive a god-tier like gadget in terms of design and simplicity like Mira again?
I feel like Siege is hitting a wall with the operator design because the base operators covered most of the fundamentals so well. Almost every operator now is tailored for combat or intel, rather than affecting the levels.

>this is probably the best i've done so far

Not until they let someone deploy ladders onto hatches/let someone reinforce roof hatches. Valkyrie and Mira were the best operators to be added into this game because they changed the game up in a healthy way.


I wonder if they're going to keep pushing the game for a 4th year of updates. Adding another 8 ops next year would seem like a hard task just in that they gotta figure out gimmicks for them.

>Will we ever
Yes, obviously. The fact they're planning 50-100 operators says it all.

That seems like such a stupidly huge amount
I would much rather have a smaller set of operators that are well balanced

Ranked makes me nervous, I've almost finished placements though. I even did this earlier which is probably only impressive to me

>No Snowboard esque headgear for Frost with goggles

you go IQ

work it girl

Is it possible to do neutralize cell situation in under 5 minutes? Nitros are freaking me out.

>Assault ladders
I can dig it!

>last year they said they had plans for upwards of a hundred ops
oh boy

I think you drastically under estimate how much moving is necessary for survival.

>oh look we are right next to the bomb site
>let me just press this button to lock everyone in place or make them visible to every single attacker

As for finny. Even if she just uses it for herself it's still hella fucked. Not to mention she can just use it whenever a teammate goes down and roll with it. They gave the attackers what could essentially be called a better doc.

What if...

We're all recruits playing the simulation, being able to pick unique operator roles, training to be like them

what if you pick recruit then

You would be... playing as yourself

I would expect more alternate versions of existing gadgets. For example, an alternate Valkyrie or Jager in the same vein as Bandit/Mute, Sledge/Buck, Thermite/Hibana.

I wish Finka weapon wasn't some "not made past concept" trash.

Ubi put too much of their resources in to coming up with so many counters for her gadget that they forgot to make new guns.

I peaked out a window earlier and held mouse one on one guy and killed a guy I flicked to like a mile away

Yeah, pretty much.
Temporary wall hax can be ignored if you don't move but those fucking nanites are bullshit. Pick smoke/lesion or be prepared to waste your fucking round.

counters are nice, but mandatory picks are bullshit

A game mode where only the base operators are available for pick
yes or no?

Ash will exist no matter what you do.

>30 second teaser trailer
>ubi logo flashes on top of a black screen
>static washes it away
>black screen slowly fades to white as you hear the subtle sounds of waves
>a deep voice dwarfs the falling waters
>"fishing was always too easy..."
>the white on the screen gets brighter and brighter
>a slight hum starts overtaking the voice
>"when all you needed was a big net..."
>the white explodes as a flash bang hits the screen
>a man ducks behind a control panel with a large gadget in hand
>camera pans out
>the man is in the conning tower of a navel ship that is being breached by redguards
>a steel reinforced chunk of wall is flying past him overhead
>angry redgaurds with guns are about to charge through a now open wall
>"Ha! Let me patch that up for yah!"
>man stands
>aims gadget at the breached walled
>fires it
>the camera follows a giant metal net as it flies out and slams into the opening
>edges of the net get fused into the metal
>the metal strands slowly fuse together because lol nanomachines
>camera pans back out to the man racking the slide on his glock 18
>camera pans back out further to show the hole in the wall perfectly patched back up
>screen turns to black as the sound of waves start crashing again
>the deep voice rumbles out again
>"but you have to catch them before you can kill them..."


oh the gadget can be used to patch up holes breached in the walls or even mira windows that have been popped open and can be used to reenfece hatches from below so you don't have to go above to do that.

I may be ok with the map wide revive, thought I think it would be better to make it have a certain radius. But the speed and recoil boosts are too much desu.

There is no speed buff.

I really liked that Metal Bar idea someone had for a Operator. Would play that cheeky cunt in a heartbeat.

>glock 18

No, sweetie. You gather up 9 other people and a do custom match for that. The devs said it themselves during the Chimera operator reveal, the meta is always going to change, it's never going to stay the same for long

So I have this yellow blinking light under operators. What is it trying to say? Is it just another mark of ubisoft quality bugs?

Are you ready for your first black fem operator? Or perhaps two and they are a couple.

Doesn't matter to me desu, I get to use Fuze LMG on a 2/2 with reduced recoil

>P12+Compensator has 0 Recoil
>keep being asked why I use it over my primary

newfriend here thinking of saving up for this game.

which edition should I buy? I'm on PC.

How about a defense op that can reinforce from below

Technically every OP when it comes to hatches, but before Lion, only IQ really took advantage of shots from below, so maybe one day.

op that can place castle-like walls on the floor, when

Fuck yeah my last pack contained a RARE.


>tell team im going to kill the hostage
>they say no balls I won't
>now I have to
>get banned for 7 days

wtf ubi this is bullshit

>killing a hostage

phuck it.

dokkaebi died in the shortest time
even she was not good pick

>>get banned for 7 days

going to need some proof on that one there

huh oh
every game is filled with spic garbage that vote kick me
it's always 4 of them
free weekend was a mistake

what changes do we know about so far?
kapkan has impacts
doc has impacts
ela is getting nerfed

>teamkilling and fucking things up so often that you get a seven (7) day ban


im just having fun getting to copper
im going to take a break with other MP games

what if...

All the shit in-game happened in the past and all of the operators are dead. The simulation is training you to replace them.

>constantly team killing and acting like a faggot where you had multiple bans before this and still act retarded

It's your own fault

advanced I think its called now

Ela is getting """""nerfed"""""

im just trolling in low ranks
calm down buddy

Friendship ended with IQ. Now FINKA is my best friend

>people that suck and maybe want to get better
>ruin their game


nope bcuz outbreak

> be silver
> bad but still trying
> some guy on my team keeps destroying our gadgets and randomly team damaging
> gets on mic and it's some nasally squeaky teen
> mfw

why is she so angry?
do you think she'll get extra points for killing Kapkan?


According to everyone on /r6g/ all they have to do to get better is constantly play against people that are such much better than themselves.

its not that they are OP but that their gadgets are uninspired and add nothing positive to the flow of the gameplay.
both their gadgets are straight out of the division with finka being an arguably better doc that gives you speed and anti recoil macro (bucks C8 actually had UMP tier recoil when tested with the buff) to encourage brainless rushing and to top it all off they gave it resistance to ela mines because "haha we hear the community fuck ela xd' despite the fact that ela mines were the best counter to brainless rushes.
lion comes packing a 44 damage 850rpm rifle with a 50 round magazine, you thought the F2 was good? wait til this hits PTR and see how a gun with almost F2 tier DPS with an ACOG and 50 round mag becomes the next skorpion, looking at the gadget you find yet another anti roam ability but this time it doesnt give you a ping on the target or a sound cue just straight up wallhacks and to "counter it" you need to stand still and die because the absolute retards in charge of these new operator have no clue on how online games work on a technical level and assume online play is lan and peekers advantage isnt a thing.

the worse part is the balance panel where they proudly announced they made an official balancing team and mentioned ela/castle because thats the hottest topic on reddit all while completely ignoring the ying/glaz/blitz problem that was obviously obvious at said fucking event, nevermind other undertuned operators that exist and will never have changes made to them.
oh i almost forget that they are finally nerfing hibana by nerfing echo.


>terry hunt disarm bomb
>everything is a thick yellow fog

for what purpose ubishit?

I have been toying with this idea for a couple weeks now.
You make me smile and assure me that i'm tno a fool.
Mute signal disruptors or Jäger ADS would be great on the ceiling.
Fuze clusters bombs might be OP

>they proudly announced they made an official balancing team
you mean there wasn't one before? it's a miracle we even got this far.

I actually believe this

play the scenarios and you'll see
also what did terry do to you?

What changes? Ubi already released the patchnotes for Chimera?

Who /defuzing hostage/ here?

usually I don't troll like that
I just play shitty operators with shitty attachments then leave if we are about to win

>nerfing hibana by nerfing echo

bearing 9 is getting nerfed

We need a Men In Black edit where its fuze shooting the little girl and explaining why.

You're fuckin' right I am. Gimme that black French-speaking waifu.

he might be talking about the bearing, which hibana has no business having to begin with

Anyone got the image of the total cost of all the chimera packs contents?

>in cechnya, everyone a hostile

good golly miss molly...

Imagine the hitbox on dat ass.

>*spawnkills you from shield vault exploit window*
pssh nothin personnel incel...

cant wait for the P2W week

>F2 part deux, now with 50 round magazine

Tell me Lion, why does he wear the backpack?

>mfw they are giving e*a a shield in year 3


It's where he keeps his edgy rock cds and pictures of his son.

Is this something new? Like did they outright state it took them 2 years to think having people whose job it is to balance the game might be a good idea?

hey dont forget you can counter Finka buff with Pulse and you can even choose between his full garbage shitgun and the full garbage UMP ;)

It bothers me a little that I see too much porn too often that I can't jerk off to pics like this and instead have to play hentai RPG monster rape games

What kind of skin is that?
Outbreak exclusive?