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Is lovers the best way to get Lucius?

She's a cute in her source material

I still can't believe she made it


If the next banner is genealogy part 2 i will shit on a plate

>Try for Tana
>Only two blue orbs
>Effie and Oboro
Wow thanks for the useless sluts

>robin is standing on a chair cause he's a manlet

>Silver Lance and Seal DEF fodder
What's the problem here?

>rolling for hector
>second lilina comes out
Fuck, I honestly don't know which one to use. +SPD if I'm using her only in cav teams?

snacki in the sacki


>silver Lance

Is this still a meme? Slaying weapons exist now so silver is shit.

+def/-hp LA Lyn is usable, right? I finally broke my 5% pity rate

Seal Def is also dogshit so it's clear he was just joking

What Weapon and B skill do I give her? Here she is with Armor buffs. When Atk/Spd Bond and support are active she gets 56 atk and 46 spd

I'd go +ATK because she's just such a fucking paperthin unit she dies if anything manages to counter her. Go for 1-shots

Problem is neither is Tana, fucking whores, sent them home the moment I closed the summon session


Crossover when

Basically neutral, why wouldn't it be alright?

snacks snacking on a snack

>people are rolling for Lyn and Lilina on this banner
Is this general retarded?

I ended up buying a 10-pack of orbs because I just wanted a 5* already and now I feel like shit

Who here hasn't spent a single orb on the Valentine's banner AND doesn't plan to?

>Valentine's event
>entirely based around pre established couples, and Eliwood by himself but he gets paired with Ninian in the TT
>because Ninian, the only decent character besides JP Lilina, is fucking absent
Top 10 Anime Ways To Not Get Any Attention Or Money


I was trying to get lady lel but got lyns instead

No it's just you.

>decent character

>rolling for blue mages at all

what booru is better for FE porn?
or where do you guys look it?

Reporting in. I just don't like armor units and Armor Emblem in general

hector is nice but i already have the original
also i've never been a fan of armored units except bk

I hope this post isn't a Lyncuck............... that would be sad.......................................


I'd like Hector, Lilina or Lyn, but I already have a regular Hector and I'm saving for Hinoka's upcoming banner.

2 banners worth of new heroes we don't know about yet is spooky too.

>no moonbow or fury? TRAAAAASSHHH dude!

when does the suffering end

I haven't.

Lilina nearly broke my but I already caved to LIke and I really want to save for CyL Celica/Hector.

It says a lot if you have to deflect to another character to make an argument for your waifu.

Blarblade is a pretty obvious choice. Blarowl also works since armors tend to stick together anyway and it's refinable unlike Blarblade

I always go for unique seasonals like Lyn and tharja. You never know when theres Armor quests and stuff.

I spent 15 orbs and colorless for fodder and I regret it
Such a shit banner and I hate armors
OG Hector ftw

me but i spent all my orbs trying and failing to get azura instead


A total shot in the dark, and I was right............................... how pathetic.............................. leave it to a Lyncuck... to start screeching about waifus when someone says a character is the only decent one.

can someone post the lute smut where she makes you her bitch

Why is this question being asked so often for this focus in particular? Where are all you anti-seasonalfags during the endless waves of Fateswakening seasonals?

not me

>pity-broken by two Tana's within two weeks of each other
They weren't even from her banner


She is superior after all.

or she is on her knees


>Got LA!Lyn
>Just realized I don't have any Maes

Go to bed, Artur

anal queen

The only reason you'd defend Ninian is if she was your waifu, because she has zero character otherwise beyond being Eliwood's love interest. She only exists for the sake of another character and to be a plot device.
Flail around and deny it all you like, but it's true.


>Rolling hundreds of orbs for quests that give 2 orbs
Yes this general is absolutely retarded

>finally roll VLyn, after over 250 orbs
>really happy
>heart sinks when looking at her stats, without even knowing her IVs
I knew it would end this way. I knew it this whole time. Over 250 orbs for a +hp/-spd blue mage, just like before.

At least I can finally start saving again. I'm so damn sick of the blue pool.



I spent and got two Lilinas when I wanted Hector. Sitting at 90 orbs now and seeing what comes out before I decide what to do. As much as I wanted Hector having a 40% TT unit at all is nice, and the Attack Tactic fodder will go to good use when I finally build Sanaki up

Shhh :^)

everywhere? when were people not complaining about non-stop fateswakening seasonals or gloating about saving orbs?

>Lyncuck is so defensive it thinks any part of that was "defending" Ninian
Sad! Funny thing that someone like you would mention having zero character, though.

>never even had a Mae until a few days ago
>got one while rolling for VLyn
>got VLyn right after
Based Mae with the Lyn hook up

Well I got everything in under 40 orbs so it worked out


why can't we contact the mods to ban all lyncucks from Veeky Forums

Hector and Lyn are popular, and judging by how many seem to be on AA and such they got plenty of attention and money.

Ryoma is so quick to jump on the Michalis defense force just because he’s an older brother.

>Where are all you anti-seasonalfags during the endless waves of Fateswakening seasonals?
Where the fuck were you?

If you don't have any arguments beyond shitposting and memes you can just leave, you know. You clearly can't prove that Ninian is a decent character in any shape or form.

I once watched one of those FE youtubers and it was the fucking worst, never again.

>the DS and 3DS games are so shitty, the GBA games are the best, FEH needs more GBA characters
>who the fuck is Valter?

when's thracia

+ATK -DEF Azura any good?

Minerva is cute! CUTE!

This, in fact they should only let Chadeliachads post, so get the Hinocucks and Tanacucks out of here too

How the fuck do you not know who Valter is
He's like the first baddie you meet in Sacred Stones

Perfectly fine

>Where are all you anti-seasonalfags during the endless waves of Fateswakening seasonals?

Consistently bitching, how on Earth did you miss all the bitching?

Based Lobster
Michalis did nothing wrong

in 776

Who /gamblingaddictluckshitter/ here? I can’t help to roll even after having all the units I need and keep getting 5* at 3.25% or less

Goddamn holy fucking shit why does Minerva looks so fucking beautiful

>red hair
Red haired girls can't be cute. Blue and black hair master race.

we have to go back

Oi Poira,we gotto go
Why can't she be this cute in feh

>seething Lyncuck is desperate for the last word even though it has no argument and nothing to say
Watch, it will reply again, saying nothing. All autistic Lyncucks do this.

Since you're going berserk over Ninian I will give you a parting gift too. Don't hit your monitor too hard.

Yea but he's even better. He complains about free 5* summons and non +atk and +spd shitters.

Who'd you hope is going to be on the 4-5 star banner?

People like to say "Oh, Deirdre was fucking Arvis for a decade after Sigurd's death", but honestly? I have my doubts about that.

Who is the reinhardt/scary tome check for dragon emblem?

Exactly my point.

Back where? To the island?

My luck is so shit, but kind of good enough to let me +10 Snack. Do I +spd or +atk Snack?