Pranking Riven at work! edition
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Xth for cumming inside your support!
Riven stinks
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw I just want to play Riven
This is really cute
Did I make it to "High Elo" yet?
Oops, fixed.
Xth for support mains helping anons cum
Ain't it? According to the artist it's a part of something called a 'Mid-Autumn Festival'.
Sadly I don't think that they ever did a piece of them together in their Dragonblade attire.
xth for interactive lanes
Help me choose skins lolg, I got 2464 orange essence right now.
dead game
>tfw the first game you win learning a new champ was one where you got carried even slightly
I guess I was due some good fortune for the 4 games prior where reckless feeding of another caused the loss, but no one wants to just be carried.
That Taric skin is really good
That literally has nothing to do with anime you fucking moron.
Rate me by my favorite 5 champions.
Darius, Jhin, Volibear, Diana, Amumu
Delete this fucking piece of shit ruining my top lane. I swear to god tanks are the biggest cancer on this earth
>retarded retard
Looking at this makes me wish I hadn't touched any of my shards up to now, just to have a record of how good the system's been to me.
I recommend Omega Squad Veigar if you're still in an elo where he works. But not because it's Omega Squad - let's not get started on the lackluster ult either. It does, however, have amazing Jurassic Park vibes to me with his mercenary-esque look and portable electric fence.
I already have battle boss Veigar which is very nice one I think. Thanks for opinion about that skin, will look into it.
Yeah, I think I will get it, still that Udyr is tempting but god damn 2.9k for skin is a bit much.
remove the support role from the game
Suck my dick, I love supports and support players
id be fine with 2 junglers honestly. makes the game much more easy to control and doesnt make bot lane so fucking easy to feed in holy shit
3 solo lanes, 2 solo jungles
fucking make it happen already
What is this, 2013?
Final Boss is a good catch, I would know despite having dusted it. Ah, it'd be nice if we got a Prehistoric Rift map.
>2 junglers
>3v1 top all game
No thanks, one retarded jungler is plenty
> Bro, the only thing you're better than me at, is fucking EATING, that's it.
Is that a good insult
no you suck MY dick. support players don't know how to play the fucking game 8/10 times and it allows healsluts to climb to a rank they don't belong in.
then when the beta orbiters like you stop playing with them they solo queue and ruin the fucking game for everyone
>Oh shut the fuck up Sona's in game model looks like a flying pizza disc. DB Riven actually has in game booty, Sona just looks like a floating blue candle
How can one Rivenfag be so wrong?
all I'm doing is helping them not die and feeding them kills you pervert.
If they can get carried by their duo why can't you carry them, user? Are you a complete shitter?
>this is what passes for war
>set power management to maximum performance
I already went into my power options and the global settings in Nvidia control panel, and set pretty much everything to maximum performance when I first got the computer a little over a week ago.
Ignore the spite.
Dom is one of the most insecure people I have ever seen. I don't see how he gets so many views. He has no personality outside of being a prick and there are better junglers to watch.
because i'm not in discord with them feeding them instructions and micromanaging them the entire game
t. beta orbiter
>implying i'm not an autistically shy person that's capable of voice chatting
good one, user.
If anyone deserves it its that whore slut lux.
God what a fucking abomination of a champ. If she was made today people would be howling nerfs much the same way they are for zoe.
what animal is that?
>Imagine being this butthurt about Luxy that you gotta laugh at any shitty guy that plays her.
Enjoy your battery draining extremely fast then.
> he has no personality outside of being a prick
> insecure
that's why he's fun to watch and play with!
Mountain lion.
I think.
yeah, being a little bitch spamming one ability from a safe distance and running a faggot ass comet keystone
>Only trash teams "Chase"
HAHAHAHAHAH nice one user
That's a Mountain Lion
that's not how you use greentext nigger
Why are riven players taking comet now? Is it actually op?
You never make mistakes?
You must really hate having fun
I've never seen this.
>does this upset you, you little slut?
Last 3 rivens I've been with/against have taken it
>implying slut is an offense
wish me luck lolg!
Are you the guy who carried wingsofshit some days ago?
I didn't know you are still posting, mongrel.
Sounds dumb.
TFW no irl sona gf
>lux's minion score
I never left, kiddo
Make him proud you slut...
>tfw hate what the game has become
>old comics still fill me with joy and nostalgia
Cringing hard, did you move to live with the other mongrel shitposting around?
>Play normals
>Do consistently well in all roles besides ADC
>Seriously fuck ADC
>Get reported any time I pick non-meta, even if I do well, unless I absolutely carry and go 15/0 or some shit
>Eventually chat banned and lose all honor
>It's been months
>Still honor 1
>Now I just play arams because nobody reports you in arams
I miss when you could play non-meta and not get reported for "trolling" by both teams.
no, I like having fun. I just don't think it's my job to make everyone cum. I'm here to raise spirits and protect people.
you are hanging out on the rift and this guy appears
CSing is not a big deal user.
>implying I was trying to insult you and not just stating the obvious
>get champ shards for 2 chanps you already have m7 for
thanks a lot faggot
So you still are this butthurt, aren't ya?
>yi build from literally 8 months ago
>the champ shards were from hextech chests
>for a 1350 champion
I know this feel to well user
You are pretty delusional if you think anybody was butthurt at you. People got tired of you flaming faggotry and nothing else.
You can do both, double the fun
>you flaming faggotry
You are mistaking me with someone else.
As I haven't flamed anyone here, yet.
I always leave it plugged in anyways. I don't care much about portability since I use it like a mini desktop anyways.
Where will you be when nuLiandrys makes caster characters hell to deal with?
Champ related
> Highest winrates top
> Singed and Sion
> No Gnar and Jayce
what the fuck
>nu-Liandry will make it past PBE
>mfw Mordekaiser, Zyra, Malzahar and Singed
Oh well, time to learn to play Zyra
Xth for perfect ahri feets
>try to improve cs and farm more
>gold elo so every game turns into an aram at 10 minutes
>if i don't group with team i get flamed and reported
>if i group i lose a shitload of cs
wtf is a nigga supposed to do out in these streets
does this mean I can play plantlady mid again when lulu is banned
Thanks to the people who replied to me about the best top laners in the last thread.
One last question, is Shen still good and would it be okay to spam in him soloq?
yeah probably for like a week until it gets nerfed lmao
Uh oh guys, the Syndrafag wishes to cuck his waifu for swifts cock again.
Is there a way that I can spend more than a single revel token on blue essence at a time?
If not, is there atleast a way for me to speed up the shitty unlocking animation?
>LL Stylish uses Inspiration secondary (Magical Footwear, Future's Market), uses Sudden Impact instead of Taste for Blood
I don't get it. Why would you pick +10 ms over Coup de Grace?
No, I had to fukken waste my time in doing them one by one.
Run spellbook and buy TP when splitting. As soon as someone move in to start a fight, tp in with your overleveled-ass and win the fight.
Fuck these ARAM niggas...
this is what those mouse/click recorders were made for
I'm just trying to see if it's him, haven't heard from him in a long time.
Welp sorry then
Eh, you're basically the same person.
You seem so jealous dude
It's almost like you want to do the same thing but you're repressing it for some strange reason??
>Welp sorry then
No worries syndraposter
>First game of comp in my life
>Feeling all cocky when I see its a draven/scion duo (that I just fucked on in norms 2 games before)
>Match starts, get chunked to a quarter health in 2 AAs and some bullshit from scion
>5 deaths before 15 minutes, 2 of them were to kat
>We don't get a SINGLE objective except for 1 baron (i think we got a drake, don't remember).
>We barely scrape a win out
The game was exciting, but I definitely don't have what it takes to land anywhere outside of wood-tier.