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WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
Old thread
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What does Alexstrasza smell like?
how do I make gold as a casual
What did the alliance do with him in the stockades?
Human supremacy!
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
uwu what's this?
I just did everything in the past two weeks other than rated pvp
emissary, daily heroic, daily bg win, daily brawl win, then LFR
Stale mommy farts and homemade muffins
>1 day, 23 hours, 49 minutes, 23 seconds
>level 93 monk
>all the exp heirlooms
>two hours of the monk 50% xp buff on top of it
really, nigger? blizzard can suck my fucking c*ck
Most efficient routes of leveling to 60, Horde and Alliance?
and there is nothing we can do about it
I spent several hours farming herbs in Tanaan for this shitty sickle weapon but at least it looks pretty sweet
OFFICIAL list of things being removed in BFA:
>The Chosen title from Trial of Valor, possibly the associated transmog set as well
>Keystone Master (M+15) artifact tone
>Mage tower artifact skin, but not the tones for it
>Argus Ahead of the Curve mount
>Brawler's Guild (Season 3) achievements will go legacy
>First Aid achievements will go legacy
OFFICIAL list of things that will be harder to get after Legion:
>Fisherfriends (faster with a raid group)
>Talon's Vengeance reputation up until Honored (requires pvp in pvp world quest areas)
>Legion Communication Orb toy (requires 2 other players to summon)
>Destruction warlock hidden artifact (requires 2 other warlocks to summon)
>Gul'dan and Argus mythic mounts will be 1% drop rate
>Long-Forgotten Hippogryph will be harder because of cross realm zoning
Breed human females with him
>>The Chosen title from Trial of Valor, possibly the associated transmog set as well
I suppose Gold Missions are going away too.
like garrison gold missions, probably. they'll all turn into resources.
ten thousand braps
they don't want you to cheese it. of course it's much easier with antorus gear than it was at the time.
go back to redditor
the other day I went to the museum and saw all these artifacts from ancient cultures featuring thicc ladies on them
the more things change the more they stay the same
There is none.
Do old LFR raids also have separate lockouts from regular difficulties like legion raids?
Using an xp pot then having a 110 run you through stockade got you to lvl 60 in about 15 mins before blizzard nerfed it a few days ago
Yes as far as I know.
Reminder that a good, quality transmog can give you up to a 10% buff to damage done.
I wonder if the wPvP WQs will be gone too so players won't feel the need to farm honor there daily.
Is one of those two rly you khubbo?
Those two naked worgen.who are they?
>Durak wants you to use the Tainted Blood of the Kaldorei on the Forest Heart.
So this... is the power... of the Horde being good guys...
>Unused level 100 bosts will expire untill the end of February.
wait what
I went to bloodhoof and the NPCs refuse to load no matter what I do.
MW monk or resto druid?
It's sunday dude, it's their day off
>All Demon Hunter-related content will no longer be accessible.
>Existing Demon Hunters will be reverted to just Hunters.
Hypnotized gnomes never take a day off!
i need name for my lightforged draenei mage
please give me creative suggestions
Why are you posing in front of the dwarf capital; Ironforge?
>Hypgnometizer the Gnome Hypnotizer
Do you think the Trogs invaded Gnomeregan to impregnate female gnomes?
what the hell are these forced gay memes for men??
Blini (some kind of Russian pancake)
resto for ez performance and more versatile choices in case you want to respec
mw for fun while still doing good
those don't work for a RP realm
now i want a "the hypnotizer" title
Question mark
sometimes I wonder if a gnome would fit in a blender
But blin is like "heck" instead of saying blyat or "fuck"
I am the gnome who hypnotises
>RP realm
Mw if you like fun and have a very high iq
Resto if your benis is cute and feminine
...hypnotizes other gnomes... for your master?
Thanks. MW it is then.
>afflic challenge with no ring
what the fuck do i do
really makes you think
I'm my own master now.
1. open google or any other search engine
2. enter "affliction mage tower without ring"
3. read and evaluate the information
4. ????
5. possibly profit
A bit strange for a gnome to hypnotize herself but as long as you're hypnotized!
I will boost a gnome with my BFA preorder ""free""" boost if you make art of it
source me up
>EU has a competitive pvp scene where both sides do well even if alliance gets a bit better at high end gameplay, also healthy faction rivalry without getting autistic
>on NA everyone hops on one faction to play elves and try to get carried and all faction rivalry is turned poltical and words like racism is thrown around a lot
Explain this
Yeah? What's she look like?
la creatura mentality
I don't know yet, Idon't even know which class...
I was thinking:
>monk, all in serenity and with a strong mentality like monks are expected to have
>still falls to hypnosis
because gnome warriors make cute sounds
>US gets dominated by hordebulls
same except unironicaly
Cry more you lazy user. Blizzard fixed leveling, it was completely broken.
Freakin niggers.
>boring tundra
>not patrician fjord
well I can add another one to my hunter's shit luck
also name my pet
theres nothing funnier than seeing a 2ft creature wielding a fucking huge sword while sounding like a squeaky toy
She'll be naked anyway so her class and armor doesn't matter. What will she look like is more important.
If I buy a store mount does it give a redeemable code or is it just added to the account?
Why are Night Elves so fucking stupid that they're allowing themselves to be genocided to extinction by a bunch of smelly green aliens?
EVEN WITH the Alliance assisting them. Maybe they don't deserve to exist anymore.
Would they go this far
Horde's early northrend is just boring in general. It's either AIDS AIDS AIDS or COW COW COW
ill be heading to the kino zone soon after this shithole is done
Even better when she's squeaking about how hypnotized she is and how good it is to fight for her master.
Is 1-60 the worst part of leveling now?
Rate my barbarian DH slutmog fampais
Is she worthy of being HUNTED?
I want to change the chest for a similar one without the red band above the waist, suggestions appreciated
US is more of a twitch culture were a lot of people just follow around popular players/guilds
so is grizzly hills, we get to watch two boring hoes on their periods kill each other while alliance go on adventures with the westfall brigade
No 60-80 is
shut the fuck up you cock sucking shill i dont have time for your trash leveling