>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>SoV Links
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
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Trailer tonight?
SoV's OST is so fucking good. I hope they get the same guy for FE Switch.
Imagine if there was a place where they told us what content we're getting.
Xander, thundercock, Lilina and what should I run as last cavalry?
I wanna roll so bad.
Is -Def shit on LA Lyn?
Do I still go owl or full on offensive blade?
Roll if you want to so badly, then post results so we can laugh at your shit luck.
>calendar only shows when banner comes out but not when the trailer does
>"wanna know when the trailer comes out? check the calendar xD"
>"All that Repo fodder"
Uh, user...
it is for CC Owl Lyn. Any other builds are just fine if she is +spd
-1 special cooldown
Owl vs Blade depends on your team comp. Blade only works on full armor teams, while Owl is more flexible. -Def is unfortunate because it's a superbane, but it's hardly the worst thing for her (it just means CC is less viable on her).
Trailers have always come out the day before the banner does, dumbass.
>armor defence
Nothing personal kiddo
>even needs dates spoonfed to him
t. Brainlet
or Elise
That's one of the most boring Nowi builds, congrats.
Flying to Egypt tomorrow; 6 hour flight, so I'm finally going to play Sacred Stones to pass the time.
Is there anything I should know prior to starting? I know that Ephraim and Eirika have their separate routes, but which one should I pick?
What else? I was a retard and didn’t got her.
*muffled comfort and joy in the distance*
Those fucking titties how much do they fucking weigh ?
Ephraim is the better route. Plus, you aren't burdened by an awful lord unit
Felicia is the cutest! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! Keeping her safe and making sure she has no worries or troubles! Being there for her always! Holding her soft hand and giving her little kisses on her cheek! She means everything to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!
Fifteen years old
>a full 4 days before the next banner
how do you people even function
*double Black Luna's you with a Brave sword*
Eirika has the better storyline, and you don't have to deal with the stupid ship map.
Oh wow I live in Egypt bro what are you going to do here ?
Where are you visiting ?
I can literally smell your butthurt.
The Nowi chad and the armor virgin.
>Eirika has the better storyline
>literally hands the sacred stone to Lyon
Just because she is a girl does not make her retardation cute.
Priscilla or Clarine?
/feg/ is full of retards from Reddit, don't be too harsh on them.
>Eirika has the better storyline
I didn't even say that, don't trigger yourself dude.
Heading over to Marsa Alam for a week with my family (because I didn't have anything better to do)
It's about 30 hours until the end of the season. How are your defenses looking /feg/?
>I didn't even say that
Was it autism?
>>>>demon king
Why are you talking about yourself now?
I stopped giving a fuck after one week where I didn't get a single win even though I tried everything that gave me wins in the past, together with new ideas. Fuck everything about arena.
Ride the bike!
Okay but are they going to show the new units soon
kinda sad that julia and dierdre can't reliably counter nowi and fae anymore due to lightning breath+'s defense targeting passive
Reminder that Wrath got nerfed
Fuck the bonus units this week.
I was saving for Vero but Lyn and Hector fucking baited me and still don't have them
one defense
i don't really care about arena anymore, i'm about to drop into t17 and feel absolutely nothing
>running out of healers to grind HM on in TT
>never summoned a Lissa beyond the free reward ones
>all my other healers are decent 5-stars; Bride Lyn, Elise, Priscilla, Sakura, 40+4 Maria..
>this 2-star wonder ends up saving my butt
I love Lissa!
Holy fucking shit that's too far away from the capital where I live
I hope you have a good time with family there, never been there myself but it's an alright place
Now to think about I am probably the only Egyptian browsing this shit hole of a site
I've got 7 right now. My main 3+bonus unit always get me some
Umerged they kill them +10 on defense tiles so long as they aren't +res
Why did that need to be a thing anyways?
God I love blue hair
When the FUCK are we getting a new advance wars IS
This looks familiar
How did you build Deirdre and Seliph? Mind sharing?
>get 3 vectors in 105 free orbs
>all 3 -atk or -def
>spend 100 orbs, all paid, still no 5* at all
isis you fuckers tricked me again
How is Egypt after the revolution?
That's not true? My Dierdre routinely fails to one shot Nowis even without defense tiles. And it has to be a one shot because Dierdre isn't exactly a speed demon. Those Nowi run DD seal usually though.
Did you really need to point that out?
That is +10.
Could've hacked something good, dumb hackerman.
christ this map is boring
They'd have to go down the FE path to stay profitable
Post-modern wartime dating sim with mature themes when
What's best IV for LA lilina? I've got $100 I'm about to throw down for this cute little slut.
Seliph's still waiting on a spare steady breath but his build is pic related. Deirdre's got resistance+3 and fortress res seal with the rest being default. Infantry pulse means that deirdre/lukas have charged specials on being attacked
In my Dierdre experience Fae and especially Nowi aren't too much of a problem. It's the Tikis that will fuck you up, especially the loli.
>supposedly +10
>only +2 in each stat compared to unmerged
It's +5 merged
The Odin I mean wrong pic.
>that atk stat
God, it genuinely depresses me.
She only has 2 extra stats over an unmerged one, that's not +10
>37 atk
>attack stat doesn't matter on blade tome user-
I wouldn't even be mad if the eventual Owain wasn't power crept to shit because Owain/Odinfags practically deserve it by now
>37 Atk
>All 3 allies adjacent to him
>43 Atk
posted in dead thread. pls help, lights brand is running out of uses
What exactly do you need help with?
Wouldn't it be a shame if the brave lance existed in this game?
Greatest/safest place on earth if you are native and have money.
Same if you are a tourist as they are treated better than natives here.
But for a poorfag like me I hate this place.
Revolution didn't make much difference except for more security and tight gov/military control which fucking sucks for us.
sorry if i wasnt clear. When can I repair my shit, I dont think I have enough weapons to kill everyone
I want this chapter to be over
Ah, Well the only way to repair weapons comes a couple chapters later, Your best bet is to steal weapons where you can.
is mama in na yet
>Odin's Infantry Pulse
>Ogma's Shield Pulse
>Miracle at 1 charge at the start of the map
Capture shit from enemies. You can repair the light brand when Safy returns, if you want.
The only way to repair stuff is with the repair staff that has 5 uses, one of which should not be for the light brand.
I'm planning on running a team consisting of:
+SPD/-HP Lucius
+ATK/-Def Eirika
+SPD/-Def Nino
Eirika being there for buffs, Lucius being there to heal them after Fury and do chip damage, and Nino for blade memes. Are there any units I should watch out for that would synergize well with them? They're not the best team, but I'm trying to make the best out of what I have.
>lights brand is running out of uses
Just use safy's hammerne (lol, just wait 2 more chapters and don't overuse it like an idiot
>that chapter
just put Nanna next to the exit and eyvel under her, she can handle the promotes with Nanna's charm, just make your way towards the door to get Nanna to safety
>When can I repair my shit
See above
Capture as much enemies as you can and take their shit, you can capture the clerics for free staves
There are "people" in this shithole of a world that don't love Conrad.
I know, it's disgusting.
What weapon refine should I give Valentine's Eliwood?
You get Safy back in Ch7 but I wouldn't repair the Light Brand, I'm in Ch10. The whole escape arc is where you need the LB the most, it's not that amazing afterwards. Use the repair staff on better stuff. Capture more enemies to get more weapons.