/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Chest event is currently on. Grants Luna sleeves and emblem. Lasts until the 19th Japan time.

Latest expansion pack is Chronogenesis
Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General

What's new?

>February nerfs/restrictions - No cards
>January nerfs/restrictions - Bahamut, Magic Illusionist, Thane, Blood Wolf, Aria, Mysterian Knowledge
>Rotation, formats, new class

Official Website

Official deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links


Minty is so cute.

What's a good neutral sword deck for rotation?

Pretty sure it's not touhou.

I have been trying to climb with Blood all day and I have an exact 50-50 win/lose rate where I gain nothing or lose 5 points.

reminder to rope and BM every rune subhumans

+Neutral Blood
-Cat, Claw and Baphomet
+Maisy, Albert and CoCK

I don't know how many puppets I summoned, but they were a lot

how do you bm in this game you cant emote more than a few times

Why is Noah a only a silver for how good he is?

Turn 9 is kind of a long time to wait in this game

Chaining those 3 emotes in a quick succession makes your leader look retarded. Some people think that counts BM.

Rarity isn't always the same as quality.

They wanted Puppets to be cheap probably.

Khawy would have better stats if he were legendary.

if khawy were a legendary he'd be a 4pp with enhance 7

which class do you dislike the most?

Fuck off salty poster

my wife

Best blood girl.

she is a little slut

Get banned.

The class I lose to the most



A littel help with a win here?


Thank you vampy user

Are there really retards in this thread who think nobody plays Ceres anymore?

literally who

post your iq and your most played craft


1/2x Lucifer + 2x Brambles

You mean the 46% win rate reanimator?
The horror.

Daria has a 49% winrate, guess she's trash tier and unplayed too.

>335 packs
Fuck you KMR

what did i miss?????


Vocal netdecks hate losing or getting countered opposed of getting free wins. So the most hated craft or card are always the one chemoing them. However, it's futile to determine which one is cancer since each group will crash into each other. As long as you know the real cancer, it's fine.

Need a concede 59512

Thank you man of puppet

why is pure annihilation so retarded

>go up against BnB
>don't get fall from grace

nice game shadowbabs

dead gaem

Star demon forced to orgasm

>put up a ward to protect my hp
>lol removed
>lol bane
>lol rush
>lol random destruction
when is cygames going to revalue wards

>not having board presence to fuck BnB with trade

doing gods work

Make wards inherently only die by damage from spells and effects when it is exactly the same as their hp, if it overflows they heal by 1

>having board against neutral elf when ETA exists

The original slot machine deck.

>no nerfs

Pretty sure their card designers don't talk to each other at all. You get cards like Hector and Dramatic Dragonblader in the same set.

this game is pretty good if only hs was just a bit better with dust and packs it would be better as a game but the weeb shit is really making me think twice

this game is fucking trash, quit while you still can

36078 play a game with me pretty new and only have 1 deck

You need the 20 PM mission?

HS is far worse gameplay wise and has been for years. HS players are just used to garbage gameplay now, team 5 conditioned them to accept the shit job they do.

just want to play a game

This. Whatever complaints people have about Shadowverse, HS has it 10 times worse and the game isn't even generous like SV is.

Who the fuck cares about the weeb shit? Do you play it in front of your mom?

So how long until chest event is over?

what if you have to play it in public

Today is the last day

Today is the last day it seems

Then you're probably being paid to play Shadowverse and in that case, who cares, get that money.

Are you playing on a billboard?
If someone picks over at your screen and starts autistically shouting "LOOK AT THIS PEDO WEEB" you just ask them why are they spying on you.
passerbys will side with you because being spied on is a universal nerve

It's okay bro, they censored Cerberus bikini for people like you

HS doesn't have you playing at 10 HP against half the classes and isn't full of wacky "otk combos" that require 1 card on the field and 2 in hand.

gg sword user thank you for game

Muh meme

I just crafted 3x snow white, and i have to say, she is underwhelming

My mom thinks Luna is cute.

Why are moms so cool?

she's good for attrition but the 2 most popular decks run haven over most of the time. she's good against shadow at least.

gg, you need to be careful dropping owls that early. If I had drawn anything better than Lux as a 2-drop you could have ended up with none left to evo. Dropping one is fine if you drew multiples and you have absolutely nothing else to play, but don't commit them all.

>people still think a 10/11 drain is bad

Fuck 0.03%

I can't even tell what the fuck that is

Benis 4arm man

Diabolus manlet

Diabolus Smegma I think

Poor guy gets no fucking respect.

Daria, Dimensioal Witch
Cost: 6
Stats: 5/5
Effect: Fanfare: Banish all cards in your hand. Draw a card for each card you banished and then Spellboost the cards in your hand 0 times.
Spellboost: Spellboost the cards in your hand 1 more time.

>sibyl + Aiela evo in the same turn
>this turn being turn 5
I feel like cygames overlooked this, or are just retarded I don't know
Can they at LEAST make it so it's one (1) ramp per turn?

I have it in my deck and I actually won a match thanks to him

tfw dont even play this game and still know most of the charaters becuase of the loli porn

He won me a T2 match so I guess theres that

i love seeing the same neutral cards every game regardless of class

god bless you cygames

>0 cards in hand
Looks awesome user.

>3 0 cost Flame destroyers and a Chimera for 45 pp worth of cards in one turn
KMR wants you in his office, something about a promotion

>topdecks Fervor
Thank you

Just Chronos, bro.

Nice try, but there is barely any porn of this game.

Daria just needs a stat nerf. 4 / 3 is fine enough tbqh.

lol ru new
sadpanda is filled with it

Hand refill and cost reduction are easily the worst things about this card.

I have 4 of those fucks and 6 Spinaria. I'd like to believe he'll be more than a meme some day, but the whole milling thing will be probably be dropped just like every other gimmick deck theme Cygames starts.

Why do these packs never come with gold or leggos?

Literally less than 10 doujins.

I've had that happen twice I have been playing on and off since Steam launch. Once was like your pack there, the other time I got an animated Gawain in it.

I've gotten golds in all animated packs before, but I'm too much of a lucklet for a leggo.