Ask a catholic Italian from Monaco whose ancestors were knights templars and freemasons

Ask a catholic Italian from Monaco whose ancestors were knights templars and freemasons.

I will answer your questions with what i know.

muh heritage

muh heritage

Why would i have something to ask to someone leeching off his rich parents

What makes you think i am leeching off my parents?

T. 5th generation Irish American with a mum's dad's uncle's dog's veterinarian's mistresses's hairdresser's grandfather's grandfather clock manufacturer's friend's friend was a catholic Italian from Monaco

Do you support the Doge of Venice in his Glorious effort to free New Rome from the Orthodox heretics?

>mfw this is probably true about me

Are you a Grimaldi?

Actually, yes i do.

I think it was the right move. The byzantine greeks deserved every single thing that happened to them for abandoning the catholics of western europe when the pagan hordes came.


Long story short, my family were carpenters and masons, not the powerful elite.

Templars were jew faggots and had it coming

Being a templar does not mean you are a crusader.

The knights templar live on today, they just have different names.

??? your ancestors were the templars, you're just some faggot Veeky Forums loser that saves memes made in their image

>the templars

My ancestors were part of the Knight Templars, that doesn't mean they owned the order, they were carpenters and masons from the caste of the order.

What is it like being a 35-generation Meme?

Pretty proud of my ancestry.

How rich are you? And why are you on a bolivian basket weaving board where people fling shit at each other over WW1?

does monaco ever taking serious diplomatic stances, or is it just meme diplomacy?

do monicans view themselves closer to the french, or to the italians? assuming they had to choose of course.

They view themselves as rich. Fuck nationalism when you own a yacht.

how much capital do you have today?
how much revenue do you have today?