How can we eliminate the systematic eurocentric bias prevalent on Veeky Forums?
How can we eliminate the systematic eurocentric bias prevalent on Veeky Forums?
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t. urkposter
we canĀ“t
can we eliminate the systemic partisan shitposting prevalent on Veeky Forums?
It's just a product of discussing history with a 90% white male group. It has nothing to do with racism, just relevance. Now fuck off.
Build a time machine and build more interesting shit in places like Africa. There is a europcentric bias on Veeky Forums because its a HISTORY board and the majority of legitimate record keeping comes from either the middle east, china, or europe.
Shitposting is a core part of Veeky Forums culture (at least on the bigger boards). You're asking to eliminate part of this websites identity.
Also your image made me cringe so hard my spine has fractured. How the fuck does supporting LAW and JUSTICE = white supremacy.
>Literally supporting the meme that black people are lawless therefor to support the criminal justice system is inherently against black interests.
You do know that justice doesn't just mean that you get to put people in prison for murder if there isnt any evidence right? And that riots and political violence is unacceptable in the united states?
I didn't say get rid of shitposting, I said partisan shitposting. we need Veeky Forums appropriate shitposting. we need to make Veeky Forums HRE again.
>Taking the bait this hard
Isn't the KKK an extension of the FBI these days?
We ban everyone from brown-people countries.
Veeky Forums is easily one of the dumbest and least educated boards on Veeky Forums. Even /pol/ is smarter.
This. Instead of shitposting about medieval armor we get bombarded by constant MARX CANNOT BE REFUTED and HOW COME AFRICANS ARE RETARDS threads.
>Even /pol/ is smarter.
Be careful.
Indeed and this is because a bulk of Veeky Forums posters are from /int/ which is by every standard the dumbest board on Veeky Forums if not the entire internet.
Easy. Start making threads about non western people. But to do that I recommend you read up some, or your thread will get derailed by /pol/ shitposters. Being more read up on those subjects also gives you an opportunity to share your knowledge with everyone and people may find an interest in those subjects themselves.
>implying blacks protesting against police slaughtering them like animals in the street is the same as cowardly whites covering their faces and terrorizing black communities.
>Instead of shitposting about medieval armor
These threads are better off on Veeky Forums or /k/. Even /v/ has better threads about anything actually historically related than Veeky Forums.
>How the fuck does supporting LAW and JUSTICE = white supremacy.
"Law" and "justice" are dog-whistle codewords for cis-caucasoidal heteropatriarchal hegemony you ignorant shitlord. Educate yourself before spewing your ignorance on this board you disgusting Nazi.
Your post is totally backwards by the way. It's pretty moronic to think that BLM protestors are anywhere near as awful as the KKK.
fuck off /his love learning
/pol/ circlejerks information almost strictly through memes and the occasional news story. The information they feed is eachother is always the same and its almost always full of fallacies. At least Veeky Forums posters can, more often than not, cite their fucking information from a credible source, rather than just memeing away all day. The majority of retarded posters on Veeky Forums are either turkposters, shitposters, shitposting turkposters, stirnerfags, or just your average /pol/ack.
It would be better if Veeky Forums was more into "knowing" than into "learning", because it's filled with "learners" spouting their uneducated opinions.
>not being a slave to white guilt
leftypol "logic"
>At least Veeky Forums posters can, more often than not, cite their fucking information from a credible source
That's a nice euphemism for Wikipedia.
Didn't even see this but I posted a thread about Africa. I think in the token Ethiopian on here and likely the only African so I can't blame the lack of not knowing.
BUT for those who want discourse away from the west if you have the knowledge and sources make as many thread until one sticks and becomes a reoccurring post!
Tell me why you think protesting police murdering unarmed blacks is the same as burning down and hanging blacks. Ah wait you can't.
>m-muh white guilt
I first read this as "We ban everyone from white countries" and got all excited... but I guess thats okay too...
genetically engineer blacks and various third worlders for the cognitive capacity to create, write, and preserve records.
No, Veeky Forums is that dumb.
Uhh i never said anything about the KKK? I was making the point that political violence and rioting is just wrong based on principal. I swear tumblr infects peoples minds and makes them see deep racial narratives where there is none.
as apposed to learners spouting their uneducated meme driven opinions with unshakeable conviction amirite
Shut the fuck up that has nothing to do with OP's question how did you get all that from a random image unrelated to the OP fags like you are the reason threads keep getting derailed
Anyone want to post white "revellers" destroying cities?
Veeky Forums should be a safe space for people of color where cumskins can't post
Not an argument.
You are a hypocrite for thinking that BLM is unjust while simultaneously thinking that the KKK is just.
Just go kiddo.
/his is populated almost entirely by shitposters from /into and retards from /pol
Maybe... MAYBE 5% of the people on this board have any business posting about historical topics.
Having a BA should be the cutoff for posting on /his
>"random image unrelated to the op"
yeah ohkay.
>have gun
>don't pull it
>get executed
Of course you don't carry, do you? Limp waisted cumskin.
When the fuck did I say "the kkk is just"
This habit of injecting opinions into peoples mouths who never even implied anything close to that is the reason people dont want to deal with the left side of politics anymore.
>Lies about being reading a book
> Lies about not pulling gun
> Lies about "innocence"
"cumskin" seriously faggot? being a dick to the few white people who put up with the BLM is a bad idea.
No when white people destroy things the media tends to be straight up and call them rioters which is what they are.
When individuals of African-American descent engage in similar antics the media tends to characterize it as youthful demonstrations.
No it's not. /pol/ honestly buys into any bullshit people peddle around often.
>be unarmed
>be poor
>sell individual cigarettes by the road
>get choked to death
*sips tea*
No it isn't. /pol/ could not even accidentally have an intelligent discussion.
Almost got me
ummm excuse me but not supporting black lives matter is LITERALLY the same thing as being in the klan go back to if you want to be such a racist
>Police slaughtering them like animals
There is no way this is real it has to be b8
There's nothing to "get", philandro Castile was butchered like a pig over something a white would get a fine over.
lol at the mad whites
>On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was fatally shot by Jeronimo Yanez
>shot by Jeronimo Yanez
Ah so that's why it wasn't front page news...
>It's pretty moronic to think that BLM protestors are anywhere near as awful as the KKK.
>shooting cops
>starting fires
>destroying cities
When's the last time the KKK did anywhere near anything as bad?
BLM is FAR WORSE than the KKK.
>lone shooters, openly shooting corrupt and bloodthirsty police in broad daylight with no mask, prepared to face the consequences
>hooded gangs roll around at night in secret to kill blacks
Cumskins are such cowards.
are those protestors ok? i wonder what that racist was doing to provoke them to defend themselves like that? i'll bet he called them the n-word.
hilarious satire
KKK literally didn't do shit since the 60s. In fact modern KKK pretty much doesn't even exist, it's just a bunch of morons the Democrats always wheel out when there's something controversial going on.
Is a bait? please this need be a bait
You have to go back!
What is your point?
>nazism was fine because modern neo nazis don't gas Jews
t. Tyrone Oooba Booga
The difference is that pretty much nobody considers KKK to be good even though they haven't been active for decades, yet plenty of people consider BLM to be good and they're doing criminal shit right now.
Nice lack of reading comprehension.
Why the fuck are her ears red? Why doesn't she have a nose? Why did he draw the crease between her eyebrows like the Harry Potter scar?
Why do otherwise-talented cartoonists think shitty little quirks (like cherry tomato ears and noses) are cute?
So yeah in the modern day KKK is literally harmless while BLM could be considered a terrorist group.
did someone say a hooded gang? ;)
> Monty Python quality bantz
>Cumskins are such cowards.
>mfw I want to be a history revisionist but cant because circumstances
>african culture still revolves around mud huts and complaining
>music is literally banging on things
>students actively trying to "decolonize science"
> They cant accept my lesbian life mate Gretel and keep chanting "EETA DA POOPOO" D:
> I want to import them into my country because It would enrich our white patriarchal culture but if I do that I would probably get less gibs which are owed to me because of the historic systemic oppression of women
>Will never get to write my cultural social racial studies thesis on how the word "Kangs" is not only historically relivent but more advanced than my own white "cumskin" language :(
tldr: Its hard being a democrat these days :c
Fixed that for you bub
>African culture still revolves around Mud huts and complaining
Botswana may dispute you on that.
i want /pol/ and /leftypol/ off of Veeky Forums
Literally just did a google of "Botswana Culture"
Did you look up their city as well?
You were arguing their culture wasn't about mud huts, just because they own a city or two doesn't refute or change the culture. I just googled to see if you were right and at least on this front google seems to agree with me.
>Saying this shit when /tv/ and /mlp/ exist
t. swede
How did American race relations become relevant globally and start to poison racial discourse on an international level? Outrage at the authorities for their treatment of negros is fine in the USA where everyone shoots each other and acts like subhuman animals but elsewhere in the west colored people are treated just fine
Fucking Americans.
Because "people of color" feel left out of the persecution olympics elsewhere and try to create a global solidarity movement even though American society is fundamentally different to their local environment. There were BLM protests in Australia recently even though 0.8% of the population are black Africans that are mostly refugees from Sudan and Ethiopia, so they tried to tie in Australian Aborigines to their movement which is frankly grasping at straws.
Blame LAPD.
Abos probably have more of a case than actual niggers ever will
Big Bang Little Bang,
Big Bro Little Bro,
Big Back Little Back.
>I want international flights to Guantanamo.
>And free heliflights to Hotel Alcatraz with unlimited minibar. Alone.
checkd and kekd
>German culture revolves around wearing lederhosen and drinking
>google agrees with me!
t. bavarian
When will true Afrohis be accepted?
Australoids were wiped from SouthEast Asia Thanks to the eternal mongoloid.
Why do we never hear about that?
Veeky Forums is so easily baited by /pol/fags pretending to be black.
Anyway, i want more threads about Asia, because i want to know more about China and Korea.
Really sad where we've gotten to the point where retarded shit like this might actually come out of someone's mouth.
There's an Ethiopian restaurant in my town with a poster that says something like, "Want to live to 150? The Ethiopian diet will see you there!" There's some clip art too, dancing waffles and shit, you know.
The guy who runs the place is a total bro.
by posting sources for other histories
Only through knowledge can one dispel ignorance. gib sauce.
Please don't even satirize retards that think like this. If we ignore them they'll try something else and ANYTHING else is better
I agree with that pic
Black people riot over injustice, white people riot over """""""sports""""""" teams
If they could see hear and smell an enemy 3.5 km away why did they get captured by white me in the first place.