Is this true?
Is this true?
You tell me
>the Ankh Life Society
When will mods finally decide to ban We WUZ troll posts?
Sega'd and hidden, BTW ;^)
so they wuz chiefs n sheit?
They are that AND Egyptian. Really makes you think...
>The Ankh Life Society
How come 99% of the time it's either Anglos or blacks doing this?
Hebrew Israelites, Moorish Indians and other groups duke it out just like Aryanists, Soultreanists and others do nonfat each other.
Tbh they are annoying just like white suremacist indianists
What about the 2%? Wuz they Egyptian Moorish astronaut Indians too senpai?
100% scientifically proven.
This is as retarded as black egypt. Can we stop with this "blacks did this or achieved that and now you owe them" shit? we don't charge blacks for everything white people invented or owned, and besides who gives a fuck?
thats just a meme
They were Chinese too. Honestly this shit's almost as funny as Koreans (sorry, Coreans) and their WE WUZ WANGZ bullshit.
>some grouping of tribes in africa are slant eyed so the Chinese are too and therefore we, on the opposite side of the continent, are Chinese
This is really racist and offensive.
This WE WUZ shit is getting too far.
this picture is well made because it implies crazy bullshit but doesn't actually claim it as true if you look closely
This. Idpol is cancerous. Move on. No one gives a shit who invented who unless you're some stormfag or SJW
>we wuz Egyptian pharaohs and we enslaved white people so now white people must pay us reparations for slavery
This is your brain on melanin
Really made me think
Sup melanin warrior
I love how all of these WEWUZ images just say "look it up" as if there were actually anything at all to look up.
>blacks want to steal my casino money
There are hundreds of insane blogs that host drivel of this sort that they can indeed look up, unfortunately.
Of course if you're truly #woke you'll ignore all the white devil scholarship that counters this hokum.
this is like WE WUZ KANGS on steriods
Are there any people who WEREN'T secretly Black?
If they wuz kangz, cheefs, chinks, emprahs, jesus, n shieet, then how did they lose so much power? If they wuz errythang, where does whitey come in?
The sort of scary thing is that it actually kinda works. More insane claims like the Minoans and Olmecs being black are soundly rejected but if you were to ask any random selection of laymen in America I'm willing to bet they would agree to the "Egyptians were black" notion. I mean fuck, most TV shows and movies portray Cleopatra of all fucking people as black. Decades of kangdom have slowly seeped into the public view.
Afrocentrism is not a recent thing. It's been around since the 60's at least and while it isn't influential in academia the rise of social media makes it very easy for absolute fucking bullshit to spread.
It's not like most people are historically educated in the first place but it could get bad, just sayin'.
This truely shows how buttfucking retarded black americans are, the only fucking humans that ever existed in the New World are the natives, the blacks are all the way in the way in fucking Africa far far far away from the Bering Strait and yet these idiots think there could have been black natives.
>and are owed millions
erry time
It's conspiracy theory design 101 really.
Make outrageous claim
Show incredibly tenuous or flat our fictional evidence for claim, hosted entirely on blogs or self published books
When asked for evidence from a more reputable source, insist all other sources are biased or part of the conspiracy.
It's absolves you of all blame and requirements of academic scrutiny, buy you still get to rake in ad revenue and book sales.
Forgot to add "or insist that all primary sources and proof has been destroyed or hidden by the conspirators".