Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Remember to take a break every now and then
Reminder that Capcom has to die if the FGC is to survive
squigly is cute
I'm always taking a break
>"Wow, Infinite's roster is shit, look at all these reused assets and dull characters."
Reminder that ASW has to die if fighting games are to improve
>who could be behind this post
dbfz is so shit
>Fantasy Strike is legitimately a bad game
t. capcuck
its not fair bros
what is even the point of this one
He was given a lot of freedom with HDR.
Rmunder that hating on a company is stupid and you should respect other people's tastes so we can all enjoy fighting games together.
Except NRS, fuck them
based roar
It's a reference to the "we want games that people actually play" statement, and they have no excuses for that fuckup since they also have 2 Smash games there
Why aren't you playing Skullgirls right now?
who's the best at dooberz right now? did leffen BTFO the gay furry?
Is Brawlhalla fun?
>we are living in the era that will be known as "The War of Davids"
Did you know that proximity guard in SG is so bad it cancels your jump startup?
I'm sure that's just an improvement on the genre.
But Base Vegeta will be able to go Great Ape which automatically makes dbzf’s roster better.
Reminder that Tekken 7 is low key more popular fighting game than SFV but Capcom fans still claim it's not relevant.
>who's the best at dooberz right now?
Probably still SonicFox since dooberz is the same brand of bullshit that Skullgirls is without going into the reset meme like people did with MvCI.
It's more fun than Smash but Smash isn't very fun to begin with so your mileage may vary
wake up neutral jump tatsu
it is until you start encountering passive players (the type of people who just wait to dodge your attacks), but even then, it can still be fun to play
t. 500h and 20€ pumped in
There would be no reason to not chicken block at all times otherwise baka
Wow, (X franchise) fans don't approve of (Y franchise) game. Wow..
Why don't they just get rid of Proximity Guard then?
Smash is fun though.
>Smash is fun
if youre autistic
Au contraire, smash is fun if you're not an autist claiming it's a fighting game.
its not
Autism spectrum:
speedrun>fighting games>playing games for fun
how is it possible that every fighting game fanbase was able to develop their own persecution complex
pretty much every person who says "haha i just play for fun bro" are huge autists who rage when they lose
SFV has the biggest PC playerbase here because it has crossplay adding around 7-10k from PS4
DBZ failed
By being a copy/paste genre and an irrelevant one since the arcades died after the 90s.
I blame reddit and discord circlejerk bubbles
hello vappa
Why do you want fighting games to fail?
the mentality has existed long before either of those platforms
I meant playing games that are not "competitive", retard.
Because they are shit honestly.
>"actually i meant this thing that i didn't even remotely imply"
another sign of autism
just because you have a complex doesn't mean you aren't being persecuted
There are two separate elements: figthing games and, on the other hand, games you play for fun. I think you failing to see that distinction is a clearer sign you are an actual autist.
Year of the dog!
Anyone wanna play EU PC DooberZ?
it's all in your head, man. you can take medicine to help with your problems, go see a doctor.
>not playing fighting games for fun
Why are you here?
Bros wtf...Susanoo is too cheap bros!
t. drunktard snake
Take a break from what, shitposting?
anyone jive eu?
>tfw no symphogear fg
>tfw no Maria gf
Why live bros...
>I'm just rooting for my team so it's ok for me to be dumb
how do I use goku's tatsu
what's it for
Some people in this general act very childish and I'm really disappointed in you.
I'm on it right now, no fighting games until Blanka comes out. I was playing like shit before.
I don't believe it has inv frames so pretty much just combo extension.
dank dunk, dank
what did he mean by this
That's how a lot of people think, sadly. Take a look at Real Madrid fans, for example.
who said it's ok?
I don't think anyone defends mvci here
what makes bardock unique in his fighting style
Thoughts on moe anime?
It means that today they'll close the servers for maintenance and for the update. It's pretty self-explanatory, really.
>no more recipe
sfv really fucked this channel over i heard gootecks say hes going to shift content from youtube to short clips on instagram and snapchat lmao thats what you get for being a capcuk i guess
always my son
>It has been over a month since Cross Counter has uploaded anything on YouTube
We'll have to see the game's character, but before that there's absolutely nothing unique about him.
puhrease rook forward to it
thoughts on broski's reddit post history?
I have fun playing fighting games
what are the chances the arcsoys create a brand new fighting series like they did with blazblue before
Brick does, badly though.
>popteamshit retard hates moe
why is brick's wife such a slut
tfw kinda want to watch the mike ross sfv episodes but don't want to watch shitty sfv gameplay
reeeeeee why don't they just release more podcasts or stream playing goober or doober
Recipe was really fun and I liked that they touched all kinds of fighting games while teaching each other. Shame it's gone, hope they can do something similar just not on Cross Counter in the future.
Depends on what you count as "moe anime"
Some people count Haruhi and Higurashi as "moe anime" and both of those are good animes.
You also got complete garbage people call "moe anime".
It's about as poorly defined as "anime fighting game"
Big fat cocks for Ciel to snack on!
>bad guy calls goober/boober airdashers but implies marvel is not an airdasher
these terms are so dumb lmao
Because Mike had a mental breakdown, is extremely depressed, and plays DotA nonstop. He rarely plays fighting games and when he does it's only anime games. I wonder how he even supports himself, honestly.
Gootecks is on the ESPN dole and from how he's acting he might be on coke again.
>Haruhi and Higurashi
>both of those are good animes
I wish they took the good visual designs of characters like baiken and litchi and gave them fun and easy playstyles instead. and also made the boobs twice as big desu
They are though.
They are okay.
>and also made the boobs twice as big desu
I like the way you think.
They really aren't.
>and both of those are good animes.
geez dude
i genuinely hope you're a teenager, but i dont think many teens nowadays even know what haruhi or higurashi are.