Name a better god then Ganesha
>>protip: you can't
pic related: It's Ganesha (also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka)
Name a better god then Ganesha
>>protip: you can't
pic related: It's Ganesha (also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka)
The Amazing Dildoni.
Ganesha was my nigga in Persona 3
Why is he so great?
eh intercedes and doesn't afraid of anything
lucifer appears
Can you give me a non meme answer, I'd like to learn something.
He is thought to intercede when called upon and is a splendidly doughty sort.
I prayed to Ganesha for good grades and muscle gains
He gave me both
>Mfw OP's "Protip" was right and I can think of a more superior god than "Ganesha"
aztec lord of punishment shows up
poo in the loo doesnt count as a reason why Ganesha isnt best god
Ganesha seems to be nice, but Enki is also one of the broest of gods and rivals zeus in the creativity he uses to knock up gods.
>arrow through head gag
fuggin white people stealing ideas from ancient cultures
You miss understand I was agreeing with you user
>Elephant is god
>Elephant make poopoo in street
>Worship Elephant
>I make poopoo in street
>Ganesha manifests - looks into my eyes
>Holds my hands as he leans in and whispers >gently into my ear
>"Super-power by 2030"
but that's Baphomet
Safety cone hat, why are his legs a pillar... why do those fish look so sexually frustrated? So many questions..
>p o o
ITT: unabashed idolatry.
He said God not second tier created being who pretends he is a God.
He is the remover of obstacles, a happy foodie and rides a skaven.
>muh God is better than your God
Really interesting design.
Pretty cool I guess
Odin our Allfather
Gave fire to people cause they were cold
The theme of one god being nicer to humans then rest of gods can stomach seems to be a recurring one.
I think the other gods were bit of dicks, if i recall correctly they said it was meant for humans to suffer in their lives and Prometheus felt bad for them and gave them fire for comfort, other gods then decided to fuck Prometheus over for his act of pity
so in a nutshell fuck other gods, Prometheus has my vote
You're just jealous because you've never fucked so much you had to drink someone else's semen
>mfw I have a Ganesha stature that I got when I was 4 from my dad who brought it home as a souvenir
feels good man